
  • 网络Artificial Intelligence Applications;Applications of artificial intelligence
  1. 近些年来,最为热门的人工智能应用就是智能Agent。

    Newly , the hottest application is " Intelligent Agent " .

  2. 大型AI系统的知识表示方法是人工智能应用的难点。

    Knowledge representation for AI system of large scale is difficult in the application of AI .

  3. 比如将人工智能应用到基于Brew平台的手机上,目前这就是一个比较新的研究方向。

    Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) based Brew is a new research direction .

  4. 医疗诊断系统是一个复杂的应用系统,多Agent技术引入到医疗诊断是当前分布式人工智能应用研究的一个前沿领域。

    The medical diagnosis system is a complicated application system . Introduction of Agent and Multi-Agent System theory into the medical diagnosis system is one of the foreland of Distributed Artificial Intelligent .

  5. 我们在伦敦WhiteCity新建的科技中心(TechHub)刚刚启用,这儿如今是移动科技与人工智能应用于奢侈品行业的团队研发中心。

    We just inaugurated our new Tech Hub in London 's White City area , which is now home to a team pushing the boundaries of mobile technology and artificial intelligence in the luxury space .

  6. 然而,即便是目前存在的狭窄、针对特定领域的人工智能应用也在产生惊人的结果——大型科技公司(谷歌(Google)、微软(Microsoft)和IBM)正在该领域投入资金。

    Yet even the application of narrow , domain-specific AI that exists today is producing startling results as the big tech companies - Google , Microsoft and IBM - pour money into the field .

  7. LISP语言:功能强大的计算机程序语言,设计来处理资料或符号的目录,而不是处理数值资料,广泛为人工智能应用程序采用。

    LISP : Powerful computer programming language designed for manipulating lists of data or symbols rather than processing numerical data , used extensively in artificial-intelligence applications .

  8. 水下环境探测与目标特征提取是自主水下机器人(AUV)领域中的核心问题,也是机器人学中人工智能应用研究的重要方面。

    In the robotics , underwater environments detection and objects feature extraction are the kernels of the AUV research and the important parts of the artificial intelligence study .

  9. 《大型电力变压器故障诊专家系统(TFDES)》研制开发成功,是将计算机人工智能应用于故障诊断的一个实例。

    The success of studying and developing of LARGE POWER TRANSFORMER FAULT DIAGNOSIS EXPERT SYSTEM ( TFDES ) is a concrete example of applying computer artificial intelligence to fault diagnosis .

  10. 人工智能应用中基于区间代数的时态推理

    Temporal Reasoning Based on Interval Algebra in Artificial Intelligence

  11. 本文把人工智能应用到设备故障诊断中,具有非常积极的意义。

    It has important signification to apply Artificial Intelligence to Device Faults Diagnosis .

  12. 面向人工智能应用的计算机系统结构

    The Computers Architectures Oriented to Artificial Intelligence Application

  13. 机器人足球比赛目前已成为人工智能应用技术研究的重要实验平台。

    Robot soccer tournament now has been an important test-bed for application technology of AI theory .

  14. 专家系统是人工智能应用研究最活跃和最广泛的应用领域之一。

    Expert System is one of the most active and the widest fields of application research in Artificial Intelligence .

  15. 这里是许多人工智能应用的孕育基地,比如安保领域、声音识别领域以及深度学习领域等。

    The hub is home to various AI applications such as security and protection , voice recognition and deep learning .

  16. 二十年后,深蓝的胜利仍回荡在人们的脑海中,然而它对促进人工智能应用却没起到什么作用。

    Two decades later , the Deep Blue victory still reverberates but it did little to advance the uses of AI .

  17. 主要研究方向:自然语言处理、机器翻译、基于内容的网络信息处理、人工智能应用。

    His research fields include : natural language processing , machine translation , content-based web information processing , applied artificial intelligence .

  18. 智能管理信息系统的设计与实现是系统工程研究与人工智能应用研究的热门问题。

    The design and implementation of IMIS ( Intelligent Management Information System ) is the hotspot in the artifical intelligence and system engineering research now .

  19. 专家系统是计算机在人工智能应用领域中的一个重要分支,专家系统的核心组成部分为一个基于规则的知识库系统。

    Expert system is an important branch of AI in computer application . The core part of expert system is a rule knowledge base system .

  20. 近年来,计算机技术和智能技术飞速发展,与此同时,人们更多地将人工智能应用于故障诊断领域,推动故障诊断技术进入了一个新的阶段。

    At the same time , artificial intelligence is applied to fault diagnosis field more and more , and fault diagnosis is pushed into a new stage .

  21. 扎克伯格20日发了一段视频,视频中扎克伯格调戏起他为自家设计的人工智能应用,而为其配音的正是摩根.弗里曼。

    The Facebook CEO and cofounder posted a video teasing an artificial intelligence application on Tuesday that he built for his home , voiced by none other than actor Morgan Freeman .

  22. 简述和分析了我国钢铁工业自动化技术的现状,阐述了钢铁工业自动化在系统技术、检测仪表、人工智能应用和电力电子技术等方面的发展趋势。

    To describe the status of metallurgical automation and development trend of metallurgical automation equipment in the aspects of system technology , measurement instrument , artificial intelligence application and power electronic technology .

  23. 但是我们要小心:如果我们开发出了更强大的人工智能应用程序,特别是那些和人类一样会利用常识的应用程序,那么我们就会给互联网安全带来危险。

    But we have to be careful : If we develop stronger AI applications , especially those that draw on general knowledge the same way humans do , we will endanger Internet security .

  24. 人工智能应用于工艺设计主要需要解决两个方面的问题,一方面是领域知识的表示和知识库的开发,另一方面是推理策略的智能化。

    It has two main problems to be solved in the process of applying artificial intelligence techniques into process design , the first is domanial knowledge expression , second is to intelligentize the reasoning tactics .

  25. 提出了将人工智能应用于电力仿真培训系统的思路,介绍了一个智能决策接口的组成和它的数据组织形式。

    It puts forward the idea that is applied the artificial intelligence to the imitated training system of the electric power , and introduces a compose of brainpower decision-making interface and its organizational form for data .

  26. 本文选取配电网智能优化规划平台中的智能优化算法作为研究目标,将人工智能应用到配电网研究中,探索智能配电领域的新课题,并将研究成果应用到实际配电网络中。

    The paper takes distribution network intelligent optimized planning as topic , applies AI theory to distribution network , researches for new problems in distribution network intelligent control field and applies the research to practical network .

  27. 可依据某一位或多位专家提供的某一领域的专门知识,模拟人脑就某一特殊复杂的问题进行处理并作出最终决策过程的一套人工智能应用技术。

    It based on one or more experts in a particular field of expertise , simulate the human brain to a particular deal with complex issues and make the final decision-making process of a set of AI technologies .

  28. 本文叙述了火灾报警系统的智能化趋势。并对人工智能应用于模拟量火警系统的信号处理方法及模糊技术和人工神经网络控制的火灾报警系统进行了较详细的分析。

    This paper describes the intelligent trend of ship fire alarm system , and analyzes the signal process modes with artificial intelligence , also analyzes fuzzy technology and artificial neural networks which apply to fire alarm system with analog signals in detail .

  29. 毫无疑问,最新的人工智能应用将会不断提升,但很多顾客并没有意识到人工智能已经广泛应用于广告中。运用人工智能最多的网站是脸书,其广告的目标用户都是人工智能机器通过算法程序计算出来的。

    This relatively new AI application will doubtless be quickly refined , but many consumers don 't realize that AI is already a major player in advertising - largely through Facebook , whose targeted ads are already driven by an artificially intelligent machine learning algorithm .

  30. 人工智能技术应用于矿山井巷支护始于80年代,近年来取得了一系列研究成果,但几乎没涉及到BP网络。

    AI tech applying in mine begins in 80s and some study fruit gained in recent years but not come down to BP network .