
rén yuán sù zhì
  • quality of personnel
  1. 考察普通话语音教学和PSC(重点在PSC辅导)的现状,提出有效对策:1提高人员素质;

    After examining the present situation of the pronunciation teaching of Standard Chinese and PSC ( taking PSC coaching as the key ), the author puts forward some effective measures : 1 Improving the quality of personnel concerned ;

  2. 总之营销业务流程再造符合公司和客户利益要求,有利于JTPS公司合理调配人力资源,提高人员素质,更好地为客户服务。

    Business Process Reengineering meet short marketing company and customer interests , is conducive to rational allocation of human resources JTPS companies to improve the quality of personnel , and provide better customer service .

  3. 关于加入WTO后我国的金融业面对着巨大的挑战问题,我们应从加快我国银行体制改革,提高管理水平、发展金融工具、提高人员素质等方面来应对。

    We can cope with the challenges facing China 's financial affairs after entering WTO in terms of speeding up the reform of banking system , raising management proficiency , developing financial tools and improving personnel qualities .

  4. 论述了国外对工程监理人员素质的要求,分析了我国监理工程师素质的现状,提出了加入WTO后提高监理工程师素质的对策。

    This article demonstrates the personal quality required for engineering supervision personnel working overseas after China entering into WTO , analyzes the present condition of personal quality of Chinese supervision engineers , and brings forth the countermeasures on improvement .

  5. 从组织机构、执业范围、人员素质等方面分析了加入WTO后国外工程咨询机构对我国工程造价咨询业的影响,在此基础上,提出了一些应对措施。

    From aspects of organizational system , business scope and personnel quality , this paper analyses the influence of WTO entry on construction cost consulting business of our country and , based on this , puts forward some corresponding countermeasures .

  6. 加入WTO后,外资金融机构的进入与国际金融资本的流入,丰富了我国金融服务工具和品种,提高了金融服务水平,同时有利于我国金融业整体管理水平提升和从业人员素质提高。

    After joining the WTO , foreign financial institutions and international financial capital will enrich our ' country 's financial service tools and species , enhance the standard of financial service and benefit the whole management level and faculties ability .

  7. 结果与结论:只有多方配合,进一步提高各类人员素质,明确各自职责,规范各项管理制度,GSP认证才能顺利实施。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Only through multi-sectional cooperation , further improving personnel quality of different kinds of people , clarifying each one 's duty and regulating different management sys-tem , can GSP be put into practice successfully .

  8. 本文就医疗体制改革中,医院制剂的前景从人员素质、GMP要求、微机管理、新药开发、中药制剂的优势、规模等方面加以阐述。

    This paper make an discussion on the management of pharmaceutical preparations dispensed in hospitals in the medical system reform , including the staff , GMP requests , computer control , new drug research and development , and the superiority and scale of Chinese medicine pharmaceutical preparations .

  9. 信息咨询人员素质的评价标准

    Criterion of evaluating the quality of the personnel for information consultation

  10. 提高流通人员素质,强化图书馆人文精神

    Improving Circulating Personnel 's Character and Intensifying Human Spirit of Library

  11. 新时期旅游与旅游管理人员素质研究

    Studying on the New Stage Tourism and the Management 's Quality

  12. 建筑业是我国社会主义现代化建设的支柱产业之一,其从业人员素质低、流动性大、作业条件恶劣。

    Construction industry is a mainstay industry during socialist construction .

  13. 并进一步提出了提高高校科研管理人员素质的具体方法。

    Specific methods on improving college research management staff qualifications are proposed .

  14. 提高实验技术人员素质的必要性及途径

    The Necessity and Way for Improving Laboratory Technician 's Quality

  15. 城市化对农村转移人员素质的挑战与教育应对

    Challenges from Urbanization to the Quality and Education Rural Transferors

  16. 商业银行的人员素质和管理水平相对较低。

    Staff quality and management level of commercial bank are comparatively low .

  17. 内勤人力资源配置方法粗放;外勤人员素质不高;

    The office work human resources disposition method is extensive ;

  18. 这些问题的产生涉及投资体制、法律、法规、人员素质等等方面的原因。

    The reasons relate to the system , law and human resource etc .

  19. 卫生人员素质差,结构不合理,服务功能有限;

    The unreasonable struction and the limted service functions .

  20. 提高石化企业安全从业人员素质的问题探讨

    On Problem of Safety Personnel Diathesis in Petrochemical Enterprise

  21. 三要提高档案人员素质;

    Third , to improve the quality of filers ;

  22. 论图书情报人员素质与远程教育

    A Discussion on the Stuff of Library and Information Professionals & Distance Education

  23. 3侦查模式和侦查人员素质的制约;

    Defects in investigation pattern and quality of staffs ;

  24. 信息时代提高高校档案管理人员素质研究

    How to Improve the Competence of University Archives Personnel in the Information Age

  25. 经验型管理对人员素质的影响;

    The effect of experiential management on staff qualities ;

  26. 提高农业技术推广人员素质。

    Increasing the agriculture technique extension personnel character .

  27. 浅谈知识经济时代图书馆人员素质及人员管理

    On the Quality of Librarians and Management of Library Personnel in Knowledge Economy Times

  28. 搞好继续医学教育提高医务人员素质

    Making a good job of CME and improving the quality of the medical staff

  29. 谈人员素质对回溯建库质量的影响

    Talking about the Influence of Librarians ' Quality on Database Creation with Backtracking Method

  30. 酒店经营话题之一:服务质量取决于人员素质

    Service Quality Comes from Staff Qualification : One of the Subjects on Hotel Operation