
qīn shǔ quán
  • right of kinship
  1. 身份权应当包括配偶权、亲权、亲属权和监护权四个方面的内容。

    The Right of status should include four aspects : consortium , parental power , right of kinship , and guardianship .

  2. 遗体捐赠与亲属权的保护

    The Protection of the Body Endowment and the Relatives Power

  3. 关于人的权利则包括人格权与亲属权。

    Rights Related to Person includes Rights of Personality and Rights of Relatives .

  4. 重点阐述了死刑犯的人格权、会见亲属权、结婚权和生育权等,对他们这些权利保护的合法性、合理性、必要性和解决方法进行了初步探讨。

    It focuses on the right to meet with relatives , marriage and reproductive rights and the legality 、 propriety 、 necessity of their protection of these rights were discussed .

  5. 会见亲属权是死刑犯在执行死刑之前最后会见自己亲属的权利,体现的是人道主义的关怀,应当予以明确立法化。

    The right of meeting relatives is the one that allows prisoners sentenced to death to meet their relatives before execution , which is the embodiment of humanitarianism and should be written clearly in the law .

  6. 被害人死亡的,其近亲属有权提起附带民事诉讼;

    Where the victim is dead , his close relative is entitled to file an incidental civil suit .

  7. 病人亲属要求有权拒绝使用机器维持生命。

    Families want the right to refuse life support .

  8. 亲属拒证权制度比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Right of Rejective Testify with Family Members System

  9. 论亲属作证特免权在我国的建立

    On Establishment of Special Immunity for Relatives ' Bearing Testimony in China

  10. 该部分主要阐述亲属作证特免权制度的实体规则、程序规则和主要特征。

    This part mainly expounds the substantive and procedural rules , main characteristics .

  11. 并指出了近亲属作证特免权制度存在的理论基础。

    And pointed out the close relatives testified Special Immunity system exists theoretical basis .

  12. 亲属拒证权是刑事诉讼中的一项重要证据规则。

    The right of rejective testify with family members is an important evidence rule .

  13. 二是阐述亲属作证特免权制度的内涵。

    Again , the author elaborates the connotation of the system of relatives witness privilege .

  14. 我国刑事诉讼中亲属拒证权制度的缺失与构建

    Default and Construction of the Right of Rejective Testify of Family Members System in Criminal Action

  15. 癌症患者及亲属对知情权需求的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Requirement of Cancer Patients and Their Relatives on the Rights of Knowing the Facts

  16. 亲属免证权制度在刑事诉讼中的确立事实将证实这项陈述。

    Establishing the System of the Right of Rejecting Relatives Testifying in Criminal Litigation ; Facts will bear out the statement .

  17. 一是阐述我国构建亲属作证特免权制度的必要性。

    First , the author elaborates the necessity of the construction of the system of relatives witness privilege in our country .

  18. 从而提出符合我国实际情况的亲属拒证权制度的具体构想。

    Thus proposed accord with the actual situation in our country of the relative to resist the card right system of the specific idea .

  19. 从亲属作证特免权制度的适用范围、权利主体、权利内容、例外规定、程序事项等方面提出了具体的建议。

    The author puts forward the concrete suggestion about the applicable scope , subject of right , the right content , exceptions and procedural matters .

  20. 从容隐传统走向亲属作证特免权制度容隐制在中国法律传统中有着深厚的社会基础和悠久的历史。

    The system of misprision of treason , which has a deep social base and a long history , is a typical system in our ancient society .

  21. 亲属作证特免权制度正是回应了这种需要,因而它在我国的构建具有切实的必要性和充分的可行性。

    The system of relatives witness privilege is in response to this need , and its construction in our country has the practical necessity and the full feasibility .

  22. 亲属作证特免权是指,在法定情形下具有特定亲属关系的公民享有的免于作证的权利或制止他人作证的权利。

    Relatives witness privilege means , under legal state with a specific family relationship of citizens , the right not to provide evidence or the right to stop others to testify .

  23. 从我国的现实国情出发,同时借鉴其他国家的经验,以期建立起符合我国现实国情的亲属拒证权制度。

    With the reality of our national condition and learning from the experience of other countries and regions , we hope to establish the system of privilege of relatives in China .

  24. 主要介绍了亲亲相隐制度在我国的发展过程,亲属作证特免权制度在我国的建立和抛弃的经过,并分析了抛弃的原因。

    This part mainly introduces the development process of the system of kin concealment , the establishment and abandonment of the system of relatives witness privilege in China , and analyzes the reasons for abandonment .

  25. 亲属拒绝作证权制度作为现代法治国家的一项重要证据制度。在世界许多国家的刑事证据立法中都有明确规定。

    As one of the most legal systems in modern rule-by-law countries , the relational right of refusing to be witnesses at court has been stipulated in legislation in most countries all over the world .

  26. 由于种种原因,亲属拒证权在我国现行的法律制度中并未体现,但该制度的缺失却在某种程度上阻碍了我国的法治进程。

    The system has greatest value but for some causes Immunity of relatives witness is not be realized in our law , but the absence of the system hinders course of rule of law in China .

  27. 刑事诉讼近亲属作证特免权作为刑事诉讼追究犯罪与其它重要的社会价值相权衡的结果,是现代法治国家赋予近亲属证人就特定情况下免予作证的一项重要权利。

    As the result of balancing the value between tracing crimes and others important social values , the privilege of the relatives in the criminal proceedings is a major right that is given by a legal state under the circumstances .

  28. 基于我国司法实践以及司法对社会的影响,以及我国建立和谐社会的要求,我国有必要确立亲属拒证权制度。

    Based on the judicial practice in China and judicial influence on the society , and the establishment of a harmonious society and requirements in China , it is necessary to establish the relative to resist the card right system .

  29. 亲属免证权含有丰富的法律价值,它不仅有悠久的历史渊源,还具有深刻的社会现实基础,但在我国现行的刑事诉讼制度中却是空白。

    The right of rejecting relatives testifying , which is of great legal value , not only has a long historical origin but also profound realistic foundation . But it has not been established in our country 's present system of criminal litigation .

  30. 本文通过对亲属拒证权制度在我国古代的建立、发展及其在我国近现代的式微,梳理了亲属拒证权制度的发展流变过程。

    This article through to the relative to resist the card right system in ancient China , the establishment of development in China and the decline in modern , combed the card power relative to resist the development of the system of rheological process .