
  • 网络Product Quality Assurance;Product Warranty;pqa
  1. 本公司严格执行ISO-9001国际质量体系认证,产品质量保证,专注于本行业20年!

    The Company strictly enforce ISO-9001 international quality system certification , product quality assurance , focused on the industry for20 years !

  2. 产品质量保证应用技术研究与系统开发

    Research and development of system for product quality assurance

  3. 挖掘企业现有资源,充分利用CL语言的灵活性,设计了产品质量保证分系统,开发出一套配方管理方案,不但可以灵活的选择配方进行生产,还保证了产品质量的一致性;

    By using of plant resources and the flexibility of CL language the branch system of product quality guarantee , a recipe management plan , is developed , which not only can flexibly select appropriate recipe but also can ensure the consistency of production quality .

  4. 化学计量在产品质量保证中的重要作用

    Important contribution of chemical metric to quality guarantee of the product

  5. 过程和产品质量保证实施要因分析

    Key Factors to the Implementation of Process and Production Quality Assurance Analysis

  6. 进货时供应商必须提供产品质量保证书。

    The supplier must provide quality certificate when we purchase seal material .

  7. 这些是宝钢提供的产品质量保证书,请参考!

    Please find the attached Material Quality Certificate from Baosteel for your reference .

  8. 计量是型号产品质量保证的重要技术基础。

    The metrology work is an important technical base to ensure product quality .

  9. 建立了ISO9001:2000产品质量保证体系,并通过了第三方认证。

    The establishment of the ISO9001:2000 quality assurance system and adopted a third-party certification .

  10. 涉外锅炉分包产品质量保证

    Quality Assurance of Foreign Subcontracted Boiler Products

  11. 敏捷化产品质量保证组织模型

    Agile Organization Model for Quality System

  12. 此类产品质量保证年限是多久?

    Third , how much is this kind of product to the scene of domestic prices ?

  13. 本音响公司专业生产激光音响设备,技术力量雄厚,产品质量保证。

    Our company , with a powerful technical force , exclusively produces laser audio-video equipment of quality guaranteed .

  14. 卖方供货范围内产品质量保证期为1年。

    1 year quality assurance period is guaranteed for products within the scope of supply of the seller .

  15. 产品质量保证物流问题探索

    On Product Warranty Logistics

  16. 产品质量保证不包括由于用户存储或操作不当引起的损坏。

    The destroy which be made by customers which storage or wrong handle are not follow our quality guarantee .

  17. 钢管质量证明书是企业为用户出具产品质量保证的重要文件。

    Pipe quality of certificate is an important document of enterpriser to issue product quality certification to end user .

  18. 板形控制技术是板带产品质量保证体系中一个非常重要的链节,是板形控制系统的核心和灵魂。

    As a key part of strip quality control system , the shape control technology-is the soul of the system .

  19. 讨论了数字化检测在设计、制造和产品质量保证等成形系统各个阶段中的应用,并以汽车头灯反射器为例表明了精确数字化检测的实用价值。

    Applications of digital inspection are analyzed in design , manufacturing and parts quality assurance , and demonstrated with headlamp reflector .

  20. 为保持优势,公司按国际标准健全了产品质量保证体系。

    In order to remain our superiority , product quality guarantee system has been completed in accordance with the international standards .

  21. 提升我国产品质量保证保险制度效率的关键在于控制该项制度本身的成本。

    Thus , to control the cost becomes the key to enhance the efficiency of China 's product quality bond insurance system .

  22. 通过构建产品质量保证保险的规制及完善相应的配套措施等途径,为推动我国产品质量保证保险的顺利开展寻找一条良性发展之路。

    Through the improvement of product quality assurance insurance regulation and corresponding supporting measures , to promote the product quality guarantee insurance develop smoothly .

  23. 根据国际标准要求建立了完善的面、辅料检测系统和完善的产品质量保证体系。

    In accordance with international standards called for the establishment of a sound surface , auxiliary materials detection system and improve product quality guarantee system .

  24. 分析了绿色产品质量保证的特点;论述了绿色产品设计质量控制的策略;

    The characteristics of green product quality assurance are discussed , and the strategies for the design quality control of green product are elaborated on .

  25. 通过具体的检测实例,分析了三坐标检测几何公差的一些技巧及正确的检测方法对产品质量保证的意义。

    Based on measuring examples , the importance of key technology and correct measuring method of three-coordinate measuring geometric tolerance on product quality assurance was analyzed .

  26. 对汾西矿业集团选煤厂产品质量保证体系的建立及确保产品质量的手段过程控制、质量监督检查、售后服务以及相关理念等作了介绍。

    The quality system establishment , product quality control method , quality inspection and supervision , service after sale and concerned concepts were introduced in this paper .

  27. 公司采用的国际管理方式和工程核算标准机制给予用户配套最优惠的价格及产品质量保证和到位的售后服务。

    We take international management mode and standard mechanism of engineering calculation to give consumers the most preferential prices , best quality and the most perfect after-sale services .

  28. 拥有自主知识产权,产品质量保证,交货及时,产品销往欧美,欧洲,澳洲等一些国家和地区。

    With autonomous intellectual property right , products are sold in North America , Europe , Australia some countries and area and enjoy a good reputation from users .

  29. 本文介绍了优质碳素结构钢SAE1008的生产工艺。指出控制钢水中全氧含量和夹杂物含量,是生产顺行和产品质量保证的关键。

    The present paper introduces the process route of superior quality structural carbon steel SAE1008.Control oxygen and inclusion content in steel , is the key of product quality guarantee .

  30. 然而相比较国外大型软件企业规范化的、成熟的软件工程制作的测试体系,目前国内软件产业在产品质量保证和功能测试领域都存在着严重不足。

    However , comparing to the standard and mature test system of large software companies abroad , domestic software industry has seriously deficient on product quality assurance and functional testing .