
  • 网络Product reputation
  1. 广告辞格的翻译不仅同产品信誉、销售规模和经济效益息息相关,而且在一定程度上反映了国家和民族的文化素质。

    The translation of figures of speech in advertisements is not only closely related to the product reputation , sales scope and economic benefits , but reflects the cultural level of a country or a people .

  2. 产品信誉让用户放心,价格让您称心,售后服务让您安心。

    Good credit standing takes users easy ; reasonable price makes users gratified and excellent after-sales service reassures users .

  3. 冷藏、保温汽车的专项性能是关于到冷藏汽车的运输质量的大问题,因此严把质量关产品信誉的保证。

    The special function of refrigerated and insulated car is of vital importance to the quality of vans and the transport .

  4. 上述专家的论述让我们看到了产品信誉的本身是生产者的信誉、文化内蓄、企业人文的诠释。

    The above expert 's elaborations let us know the product credit itself is the producer 's credit , is the culture meaning and is the annotation of the enterprise humanities .

  5. 旅游广告要注重广告传播效果,力图改变旅游消费习惯,树立本企业的形象及产品信誉,使本企业在竞争中占据有利地位,从更高层次上促进整体营销活动的展开。

    Tourism ads should pay more attention to the promotion effects , try to change the purchase behavior of tourists , establish image and business credit of the enterprise , help the enterprise to earn competitive edge and implement promotion strategy in high quality .

  6. 因此及早发现漏洞并将其消除以增强Web应用自身的安全性能够防患于未然,极大减少后续软件维护的开销,提升软件产品的信誉。

    Therefore , early detection of vulnerability and its elimination can be effective preventive measures to enhance the security of Web application itself , it also can greatly reduce the back for the cost of software maintenance and enhance the credibility of the software products .

  7. 主要结论如下:①C2C网上商店的形象主要由商店环境(氛围)、价格、产品/信誉和服务四个维度构成。

    The main conclusion is as follows : ① C2C On-line store image mainly by the store environment ( atmosphere ), the price , the product / prestige , serves five dimension constitutions .

  8. 是的,它也会影响我们产品的信誉,买主总是很注意包装。-我们希望新包装会使我们的顾客满意。

    A : We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction .

  9. 庞大的客户群是我们产品与信誉的见证者。

    A large customer base of our products and the credibility of witnesses .

  10. 引入国际先进的质量管理系统,产品质量信誉卓著。

    Its products enjoy a high reputation due to its introduction of international advanced quality control system .

  11. 产品的信誉使厂家永久保值。那些小小的头衔并不能保持永久。

    The reputation of the products gives the factory an everlasting guarantee against devaluation . There 's no permanency about those little distinctions .

  12. 出口产品的信誉是出口企业信誉的核心,并成为出口企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分。

    The reputation of export products is the core of the reputation of export enterprises , and becomes an important component of the core competitiveness of export enterprises .

  13. 在竞争激烈的新闻市场,公信力成为大众媒介重要的无形资产和竞争资源,是媒介产品的信誉保证。

    In face of the fierce competition in the media market , the general trust has become an important invisible asset and resource for mass media to survive the competition .

  14. 我们坚信优良的产品及信誉是企业发展的重要保证,以灵活、随和及全力以赴的心态满足个性化的需求。

    We believe firmly that fine products and prestige are the important insurance of enterprise 's development , meet the individualized demand with the flexible , amiable and allout psychology .

  15. 注重产品品质与信誉。

    Attention to product quality and reputation .

  16. 逆向选择、产品质量和信誉机制&对我国竞争性市场中产品质量问题的经济分析

    Adverse Selection , Product Quality and Reputation

  17. 商标是企业的象征,是企业产品、企业信誉的传递工具。

    Trademark , which conveys the corporate products and corporate credit , stands for the enterprise .

  18. 公司具备完善的质量保证和售后服务体系,以保证广衡产品的良好信誉。

    The company has perfect quality assurance and after-sales service system to ensure wide scale of products in good standing .

  19. 公司以优质产品、优良信誉赢得客户,国内外知名度不断提高,发展前景广阔。

    HYJG constantly improve visibility both in china and abroad and has a wide horizon of development in the rising market .

  20. 我们将用先进的设备,完善的服务,高质量的产品和良好信誉为您呈现出最完美、最灿烂的色彩。

    Our advanced equipment , perfect service , quality products and good reputation will present you the most perfect and most brilliant products .

  21. 本公司主要生产酸度计、电导率仪等计量仪器,取得了生产许可证多年,产品卓越、信誉可靠。

    Tianda Company manufactures primarily pH indicator and conductivity meter , and gained the manufacture permit several years ago , with excellent quality and is worthy of trust .

  22. 我们与主要的品牌战略家谈论他们为本国一些最为人喜爱的畅销产品树立过硬信誉的技巧,作为创造个人品牌的借鉴。

    For some ideas , we talked with leading brand strategists about the techniques they 've employed to build sterling reputations for some of the country 's best selling , most beloved products .

  23. 广州市格兰富阀门有限公司坚持“质量为本,顾客至上”的宗旨,视产品质量和信誉为生命,愿竭诚为顾客提供优质的产品和热情周到的服务。

    Our company insists on " Quality is the root , customer is the tenet " . Regard quality and credit standing as life , supply the quality product and circumspect service wholeheartedly . quot ;

  24. 由于农产品质量安全信誉危机的出现,人们对当前市场上的生鲜农产品不敢轻易相信,他们更愿意直接从品牌企业获取生鲜绿色农产品。

    The credit crisis of the products safty quality coming out , people is scared when they face to all kinds of fresh products in the market . They prefer get the fresh green agricultural products directly from a good brand corporation .

  25. “华卫”愿以优质满意的产品和良好的信誉陪伴您!

    Huawei are willing to serve you with satisfactory products and good reputation .

  26. 商标有利于保证产品质量与企业信誉;

    The trade mark helps to guarantee product quality and enterprise 's prestige ;

  27. 合作建立在产品质量上,信誉建立于双方合作中。

    Cooperation is based on product quality and credit is established between both party 's cooperation process .

  28. 许多加盟商都必须考虑,尤其是在产品的是否质量信誉和是否有足够多的资金。

    The franchiser has to be reviewed , especially on the quality of its products and financial strength .

  29. 山西作为全国的产煤大省,产品的质量和信誉是非常重要的。

    Shanxi is a large coal-produced Province in China . The quality and prestige of coal products are specially important .

  30. 公司依赖过硬的产品质量、好信誉以及优越的交通条件,建立了面向全国和世界的营销网络。

    The company has established a nationwide and worldwide sales network by its first-class products , admirable reputation and favorable transportation .