
  1. 在智能运输系统(ITS)中,交通流理论研究是基础研究内容之一。

    In the research of ITS , traffic flow theory is one of the basic .

  2. 交通流理论评述

    A review of traffic flow theory

  3. 以交通流理论为指导思想,提出采用OPNET网络仿真软件设计网络道路交通流仿真平台。

    The paper considers traffic stream theory as directive thinking and designs network road traffic stream simulating platform using OPNET network simulating software .

  4. 运用交通流理论确定保证交通安全的最短绿灯时间

    Using Theory of Traffic Flow to Induce Minimum Green Light Time

  5. 交通流理论研究就是针对这一问题发展而来。

    Traffic flow theory research is developed on this purpose .

  6. 交通流理论及其在高速公路中的应用研究

    Research on the Traffic Flow Theory and Its Application on the Freeways

  7. 基于交通流理论的短消息信息流研究

    The Research of Flow of Short Message Based on Traffic Flow Theory

  8. 最后应用交通流理论,对仿真结果进行分析。

    Finally on the traffic flow theory , the simulation results were analyzed .

  9. 交通流理论中几个概念的重新定义

    Redefinition of Some New Concepts in Traffic Flow Theory

  10. 交通流理论的研究进展

    Progress in the study of traffic flow theory

  11. 摘要:近年来,交通流理论取得了长足的发展。

    ABSTRACT : Recent years have witnessed a substantial development in traffic flow theory .

  12. 车头时距分布和到达分布是交通流理论中两个重要的分布。

    Headway distribution and arrival distribution are two important distribu-tions of traffic flow theory .

  13. 微观宏观方法相结合推进交通流理论新发展

    Combining Macroscopic Method with Microscopic Method and Promoting New Development of Traffic Flow Theory

  14. 交通流理论与服务水平

    Traffic Flow Theory and Level of Service

  15. 跟车理论是交通流理论的研究内容之一。在论述、分析与评价现有跟车模型的基础上.提出了新的跟车模型,并进行了检验。

    Based on the evaluating of Car-following Models , this paper puts forword a new Car-following model .

  16. 通过全面的分析和综述,最后预测了交通流理论的发展方向,认为应该以系统科学的新方法去推动交通流理论的新发展。

    It is predicted that the new development of the traffic flow theory should be promoted by the systematic method .

  17. 当前的交通流理论研究领域,存在两大主导性的交通流理论体系,即基本图方法和三相流理论。

    There are two dominant frameworks in traffic flow research area , which are fundamental diagram approach and three-phase theory .

  18. 依据交通流理论,结合均值变点模型,对变点搜索的最小二乘法和局部比较法进行了研究。

    Based on traffic flow theory , the least-square algorithm to search for change-points and the local comparison algorithm are discussed .

  19. 对已有交通流理论包括跟驰理论、流体动力学模拟理论等进行了重点分析和评述,强调指出现有交通流理论存在较大的缺陷和不足;

    In this paper , traffic flow theory including Car Following Theory and Hydrokinetics Simulation Theory have been reviewed and analyzed respectively .

  20. 客流到达分布规律也是交通流理论的基础,在交通仿真等领域有重要的作用。

    Meanwhile , passenger flow reaching regulation is the basis of traffic flow theory and plays an important role in traffic simulation .

  21. 交通流理论的研究目标是要建立能够描述实际交通一般特性的交通流模型,揭示交通流的基本规律。

    The aim of traffic flow research is to build traffic flow model which can describe the general properties of the real traffic .

  22. 因此,在过去的五十年里,出现了大量的交通流理论和模型。

    For this purpose , during the past fifty years , a wide range of traffic flow theories and models has been developed .

  23. 其中,元胞自动机模型是交通流理论模型中应用比较广泛的模型,具有操作方式简单和易于计算机模拟仿真模拟研究的优点。

    Among the traffic flow models , cellular automaton model can be widely used for its convenient operation and easy to computer implementation .

  24. 目前交通流理论研究的主要对象为高速公路,与其相比,城市快速路交通流则具有明显不同的特点。

    At present , researches on traffic flow theory are mainly focus on highway traffic , which is significantly different from urban freeway .

  25. 文中给出了交通流理论中的流体动力学模拟理论的几种有代表性的数学模型,从流体动力学角度研究交通流的动力学属性。

    In this paper , several typical mathematical models of hydrodynamics simulation of traffic flow are presented by considering from the viewpoint of hydrodynamics .

  26. 车辆跟驰理论作为交通流理论的一个重要分支,半个世纪以来一直受到交通研究人员的重视并得到持续快速发展。

    The car-following theory , which is an important branch of the traffic flow theory , has received much recognition for half a century .

  27. 合理解决基本图方法和三相交通流理论的争议问题一直是交通流理论研究的热点和难点。

    The controversies between the fundamental diagram approach and the three phase traffic flow theory are one of the hotspots in the traffic flow theory .

  28. 而作为交通流理论最前沿的三相流理论,则进一步把拥挤流相划分为同步流相和宽运动堵塞相。

    And the three-phase theory , which is the most advanced traffic theory , further divided the congested flow into synchronized flow and wide moving jams .

  29. 在此基础上,指出了分维在交通流理论研究中的应用方向。

    A discussion of the results and the application prospects of fractal dimensions in the research of traffic flow theories are also included in this paper .

  30. 基于此,本文利用道路交通流理论对公交车站附近的交通系统进行建模,并对其交通交通流特性进行分析。

    In this work , traffic system around bus stop is modeled based on traffic dynamic models , and the traffic characteristics near bus stop is analyzed .