
  • 网络trading fee;transaction fee
  1. 提成可能通过广告或交易手续费的形式,也可能综合两种方式。

    That take might come through advertising or through transaction fees , or a mixture of both .

  2. 本文没有考虑实际套期保值过程的交易手续费问题,在时变的套期保值过程中,频繁的操作会产生一大部分的手续费用。

    This paper does not consider the actual process of hedging transaction fees issue , the time-varying hedging process , the operation will frequently produce a large part of the transaction costs .

  3. 欧盟已就跨境交易手续费立例。

    The European Union already regulates such fees on cross-border transactions .

  4. 对于依赖交易手续费的收单机构来说,这意味着整个业务面都会受到影响。

    This shift in consumer behavior could have significant implications on acquirers who rely on transaction-based fee revenues .

  5. 所有费用(除交易手续费外)均需预先缴付,并将不获退还。

    All fees ( accept transaction commission ) are to be paid in advance and are not refundable .

  6. 除了国家规定的交易手续费之外,是否还有其他费用,比如,委托费,撤单费,通讯费,查讯费,场地费,开户费,销户费等等?

    Trade besides what the country sets besides poundage , whether to still have other charge , for instance , entrust cost , remove only cost , communication cost , examine dispatch cost , field is expended , open an account cost , sell a cost to wait a moment ?

  7. 银行职员:每次交易收取两元手续费。

    Bank clerk : two yuan each time .

  8. 这440亿美元中,有一部分来自为客户执行交易收取的手续费。

    That number includes some of the fees the firms get from executing clients ' transactions .

  9. 亚太数据涵盖除日本以外的亚太地区,包含并购、股权和债务资本市场以及贷款等业务的手续费,衍生产品和交易业务的手续费不计算在内。

    The data include fees earned from M & A , equity and debt capital markets and loans in Asia - Pacific excluding Japan . Fees earned from derivatives and trading are not included .

  10. 除权是什么意思?权证交易收不收手续费?

    What meaning is eliminating advantageous position ? Does authority card trade close not to receive poundage ?

  11. 腾讯在其年报中披露,仅在今年1月,该公司就在微信支付交易的相关银行手续费上支出3亿元人民币(合4600万美元)。

    In January alone , Tencent spent Rmb300m ( $ 46m ) on bank transaction fees , the company revealed in its annual report .

  12. 据与该基金打过交道的高管估计,在本世纪景气年份,该基金支付的金额(包括咨询费、交易佣金、借款手续费等)有所提升。

    During the boom years of this decade , its payments which included fees , trading commissions and borrowing charges were higher , according to estimates made by executives who dealt with the fund .

  13. 所谓期货经纪机构,在我国主要是指期货经纪公司,是依法设立,接受客户委托、按照客户指令、以自己的名义为客户进行期货交易并收取期货交易手续费的中介组织。

    What is called the futures broking agents , mainly refer to the futures broking companies , which are built legally and are entrusted by the clients conducting futures transactions for the customers in accordance to the order from the clients and charge .

  14. 面对这一局面,交易所纷纷提高交易保证金,或是取消单边交易手续费的优惠来防止投机。

    Under this situation , the exchange markets all increase the margin deposits or cancel the discounts for unilateral transaction fees to prevent speculations .

  15. 另外一个则是公司的提成,即公司通过在它网站上完成的每笔交易中抽取的百分比。提成可能通过广告或交易手续费的形式,也可能综合两种方式。

    The other is its take , or what percentage it gets from each transaction on its sites . That take might come through advertising or through transaction fees , or a mixture of both .