
  • 网络CCNP;SWAPPING;Switching;EXCHANGE;Switch
  1. 现在,标准交换技术被使用于很少的系统。

    Currently , standard swapping is used in few systems .

  2. 另一个是利用纠缠交换技术实现的多方量子秘密共享协议。

    The other is the multiparty quantum secret sharing protocol using the technique of entanglement swapping .

  3. 缓解电动车司机里程焦虑的主要措施包括:大范围安装充电设施;开发低成本高容量的电池、电池交换技术;在长途旅行中使用里程扩展器、准确导航和里程预测等。

    The main strategies to alleviate5 range anxiety among electric car drivers are the deployment6 of extensive charging infrastructure7 , the development of higher battery capacity at a cost-effective price , battery swapping8 technology , use of range extenders , accurate navigation and range prediction for long trips .

  4. 航空产品中一种基于Web的XML数据交换技术

    A Web-Based XML Data Interchange Technology for Aviation Product

  5. 基于XML的高速公路路面管理系统数据交换技术研究

    Research on Data Exchange Technology of Expressway PMS Based on XML

  6. Internet安全协议中的密钥交换技术研究

    Key Exchange Technology in Internet Security Protocols

  7. 基于Web服务、XML的跨网络异构数据交换技术研究

    Web Services & XML-Based Data Exchange Model

  8. STEP数据交换技术及其在建筑CAD中的应用

    STEP technology and its application in building CAD

  9. 基于XML的工艺信息建模与交换技术

    XML-based Process Planning Information Modeling and Exchange

  10. 本文以政府部门电子政务应用项目为背景,研究了基于XML的数据交换技术。

    With the background of e-Government development , this paper discusses the data exchange based upon XML .

  11. 剖析CAD系统中数据交换技术

    Analysing data exchange between CAD systems

  12. 基于XML的JSP电子商务信息交换技术

    Information Exchange Technology for JSP E-business Based on XML

  13. 基于空分的点对多点ATM交换技术

    The Multicast ATM Switch Tech - niques Based On Space Division

  14. 基于AutoCAD的光栅图像与矢量图像交换技术探讨

    The Methods about Conversion of Raster & Vector Images of AutoCAD

  15. 快速IP交换技术

    Fast IP Switching Technology

  16. 数据窗口与Excel的数据交换技术在医保报表统计程序中的应用

    Application of datawindow communication with Excel in medicare report forms statistic program

  17. 快速包交换技术在CDMA基站中的应用

    The Fast Packet Switching Technology Used in CDMA Base Station

  18. AutoCAD数据交换技术&数据文件方式

    AutoCAD Data Exchange Technique & Way of Data File

  19. 基于DTD的XML与数据库信息交换技术

    DTD & based exchanging information from XML to database

  20. 分组交换技术的发展对互联网的兴起和互联网协议(IP)很重要。

    The packet switched technology has grown in importance with the rise of the Internet and Internet protocol ( IP ) .

  21. 基于共享内存的数据交换技术及其在ATE测控程序开发中的应用

    DDE technology based on shared memory and its application in development of ATE test program

  22. AutoCAD与数据库间数据交换技术的研究

    AutoCAD and database data exchange technology research

  23. 介绍了ATM交换技术在雷达组网通信中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of ATM switching technique in the communication of a netted-radar system .

  24. 文章介绍了NGN的三大核心技术,即软交换技术、智能光网络、IPv6协议。

    Three important technologies of NGN are soft-switch , intelligence optical network , IPv6 protocol .

  25. 基于OPC的动态数据交换技术在工控系统集成中的应用研究

    The Application of OPC-based Dynamic Data Exchange Technology in the Integration of Industrial Control System

  26. 交通信息采集系统中基于分组交换技术的GPRS应用与系统设计

    The system design and application of GPRS based on the packet switching in the traffic information center system

  27. 下一代网络(NGN)中的软交换技术研究

    Research of Soft-Switch Technology in Next Generation Network

  28. WebServices作为新一代的基于web的网络信息交换技术的逐步应用,为异构测试系统数据交换提供了新的途径。

    Web services have emerged as the next generation of Web-based technology for exchanging information between applications across the Internet and provided a new method for exchanging data between difference structure systems .

  29. 在CAD/CAM系统中实现信息集成的关键技术是产品的特征建模技术和信息交换技术。

    In the CAD / CAM subsystem , the feature-based modal building technology and the information exchange technology is the key of the product information integration .

  30. 接着对UML模型的信息交换技术进行了研究,着重阐述UML元模型的相关理论和XMI元数据交换规范并分析了两者的对应关系;

    Secondly , the dissertation investigates information interchange on UML models , depicts UML meta-model theory and XMI .