
  • 网络When crossing;intercept time
  1. MACD线告诉你交叉时进场,但是你如何出场呢?

    MACD lines tell you to enter at the crossover , but how will you decide when to exit ?

  2. 当初始水平集曲线远离目标边界或者与目标边界发生交叉时,LBF模型往往不能正确的把非均匀目标分割到活动轮廓曲线一侧。

    LBF models often fail to correct the non-uniform object segmentation to the side of the contour curve , when the initial level set curve is away from the object or cross the border .

  3. 在DEACS算法中,每个个体变异、交叉时的控制参数都是由上一次迭代的寻优性能决定。

    When mutation and crossover , these control parameters for each individual are determined according to the optimization performance at the last iteration .

  4. 当CGRr与CGRt的曲线交叉时,可作为营养生长向生殖生长转变的依据。

    When CGRt is equal to CGRr , the crossing of CGRt and CGRr curves may be regarded as the evidence of the transfer from vegetation growth to reproduction growth .

  5. 吸气与身体呈交叉时,腿下放时呼气。

    Inhale while crossing body and exhale when moving leg downward .

  6. 交叉时采用双点交叉;

    Crossover Operator is Two - point Crossover .

  7. 交换:同源染色单体之间形成交叉时遗传物质的交换现象。

    Crossing over The exchange of material between homologous chromatids by the formation of chiasmata .

  8. 封闭区域只在如果想象的线与边界线的奇数数量交叉时才被填充。

    The enclosed area is filled only if that imaginary line crosses an odd number of boundary lines .

  9. 在飞行计划冲突探测中,最困难的是航迹交叉时横向间隔的冲突探测。

    In the probe , it is the most difficult to probe the conflict of space of landscape orientation .

  10. 危险犯作为一个较为抽象的问题,与其它刑法问题相交叉时就会显得相对较为复杂。

    As a comparatively abstract problem , perilous crimes will seem comparatively complicated while crossing into the other criminal law questions .

  11. 波导存在交叉时,传输效率也比较高,在80%左右,而其串扰很低,最高为1.1%。

    The transformation efficiency of cross waveguide is about 80 % . While the crosstalk is very low , up to 1.1 % . 5 .

  12. 每条缝中都有波形穿过,当它们发生交叉时,就像池水涟漪那样相互干扰。

    You have got waves going out of each of these slits and where they meet they interfere with each other just like ripple on a pond .

  13. 刑法中有关身份的问题极为复杂,尤其是当它与犯罪构成、共犯问题出现交叉时更为棘手。

    The problem of status in criminal is very complex to solve , especially when the question across with the theory of criminal constitutes and conjunct crime .

  14. 主动式运动传感器可以在下面情况下使用:一束光从发射机注入到接收机,光束交叉时检测到不同。

    Active motion sensors are available where a beam of light is injected from a transmitter to a receiver and differences are detected when the beam is crossed .

  15. 对一个量测对应多个目标的情景,考虑了目标密集编队和交叉时,传感器由于分辨能力造成的不完全量测的情况。

    For a measurement to multiple targets , we consider the case of imperfect measurement because of sensors ' resolution in the environment of dense target formation and target across .

  16. 框架梁交叉时应以一向为主,并在保护层厚度偏大的另一向梁端加铺一层钢丝网;

    For the underpitch frame beams , one direction should be set as the principal while in another direction , steel mesh should be placed at the end where protection layer is thicker .

  17. 线路和建筑及设施连接时,公路和铁路及其它线路交叉时,允许指定其他尺寸的间隔支架。

    It is permissible to specify the spacing supports of other dimensions where the line connects to the buildings and facilities , as well as where motor and rail roads and other lines are crossed .

  18. 分析出入段线与正线的接轨位置及接轨型式以及出入段线与正线平面交叉时对线路通过能力的影响。

    And it analyzes the effects of the position and type of the joint between entrance / exist tracks and the main line , and that of level crossing at which the main line intersects the tracks on the line passing capacity .

  19. 股改后,大股东利益输送行为降低,公司绩效提高,当股权分置改革变量与大股东变量进行交叉时,对于相同的大股东变量,股改后公司业绩更好。

    After the share reform , large shareholders reduce the transmission behavior , corporate performance increases , while the share reform variable and the variable cross-largest shareholder , the shareholder for the same variables , better company performance after the share reform .

  20. 结合成都铁路枢纽北环线框架桥涵顶进施工的实例,简述了框架桥涵顶进施工法在公路下穿铁路线路交叉时的应用及施工技术。

    Combining the practical example of jacking construction of frame bridge culverts of the north ring line of Chengdu Railway Pivot , authors introduce application and construction techniques of the frame bridge culvert jacking construction method in construction of roads under-cross of railway lines .

  21. 汽车在驶近交叉路口时放慢了速度。

    The car slowed down as it approached the junction .

  22. 大部分时候,这些检查并不会实际做什么事情,实际上,有时它们只是为现有bug创造一些令人兴奋的新机会,举例来说,在交叉编译时就需要如此。

    Most of the time , these checks really don 't do anything , and indeed , sometimes they just create exciting new opportunities for bugs , for instance when cross-compiling .

  23. 提出雄性不交换条件下F2群体区间标记定位QTL的相关方法.研究高密度分子标记存在强烈交叉干涉时,QTL的精确定位方法。

    This paper presents a correlation method for mapping quantitative trait loci using flanking markers in F2 population with male uncross-over , and studies the precision method of maping quantitative trait loci in the condition of high density molecular markers with strong chiasma interference .

  24. 去年12月巴西矿业集团淡水河谷(vale)在这座中国城市交叉上市时,该公司称这是一座里程碑,“对流动性、股东基础和股票价格形成都有积极作用”。

    When the Brazilian mining group vale cross-listed its shares in the Chinese city in December , it claimed that it was a milestone that would have " positive effects on liquidity , shareholder base and pricing of our shares " .

  25. 理论分析和仿真表明,基于多模型的C-IMM扩展地图调整方差法对于目标在道路交叉点时,或者目标在道路上匀速运动时,跟踪性能有所改进。

    Simulations show that : the performance of target tracking is improved by using C-IMM extend map-tuned variance method when target is on road or junction .

  26. 【当你接近交叉路口时,你应该放慢你的速度。】

    You should lower your speed when you approach a junction .

  27. 强电线交叉跨越时对通信线的磁耦合

    Magnetic Coupling of a Communication Line with a Crossing Power Line

  28. 她走到交叉路口时,一辆福特牌轿车停了下来。

    As she reached a road intersection , a Ford sedan stopped .

  29. 交叉操作时加入父染色体中边的信息;

    Crossover operation adds the edge information of parents chromosomes .

  30. 高层建筑多专业交叉施工时监理工作初探

    A preliminary study on the supervision of specialty-intersecting construction of multi-storey building