
  1. 解释按钮按下事件并将其映射到一个有效的资产STATUS(下一节将详细介绍)。

    Interpret the button press event and map it to a valid asset STATUS ( more on this in the next section ) .

  2. 此外,输入法服务器也可以直接捕获自己感兴趣的X事件并进行处理。

    In addition , the input method server can also capture some the X events which it is interested in and handle them .

  3. 结论软骨细胞在体外培养过程中存在凋亡,caspase-3参与了凋亡事件并发挥着重要作用。

    Conclusion caspase 3 is involved in apoptosis of chondrocytes cultured in vitro .

  4. 如何将特定于ESB的信息添加到结果事件并将结果事件从ESB流发送到BusinessEvents。

    How to add ESB-specific information to result events and how to send result events from an ESB flow into Business Events .

  5. 主循环进入无限循环,等候事件并调用回调,直到有人关闭窗口,调用gtkmainquit()为止。

    The main loop enters an indefinite loop , waiting for events and calling callbacks , until someone calls gtk_main_quit () by closing the window .

  6. 确保组件传播一个‘login’事件并验证用户名和密码域&这里是大多数测试框架无法满足的需求。

    Ensure that the component broadcasts a'login'event and verify the username and password fields-This is the point where most testing frameworks fail to meet needs .

  7. 包含策略的系统要建立策略决策点(PDP),在这些点上定义事件并做出决策。

    Policies are built into systems establishing policy decision points ( PDPs ), where events are defined and decisions made .

  8. 简言之,重要的Atmosphere概念是:代表连接的资源对象,以及负责触发资源事件并决定挂起或重新开始请求的事件的广播装置。

    To summarize , the important Atmosphere concepts are : the resource object representing the connection , and a broadcaster responsible for firing events to resources and deciding when to suspend or resume a request .

  9. 使用关联性id来标识事件并将其传递给调用应用程序将可以通过链接不同平台日志的方式大大增强出错跟踪和监测。

    Use of correlation ids to identify the events and passing the same to calling applications would greatly enhance error tracking and monitoring by way of linking logs across different platforms .

  10. 选择器(selector)与Windows消息循环类似,它从不同客户机捕获各种事件并将它们分派到相应的事件处理程序。

    A selector is analogous to a Windows message loop , in which the selector captures the various events from different clients and dispatches them to their respective event handlers .

  11. 使用Dojo,另一个避免内存泄露的方法就是断开您连接的事件并取消您订阅的主题。

    With Dojo , another good practice to avoid memory leaks is to disconnect the events you connected and unsubscribe the topics you subscribed .

  12. ECM步骤完成小部件接收这个事件并根据需要合并来自自定义步骤完成小部件和其他步骤处理器小部件的数据。

    The ECM step completion widget receives this event and merges the data from the custom step completion widget and from the other step processor widgets as needed .

  13. PDP与策略实施点(PEP)保持同步,PEP监视事件并在PDP的上下文中执行策略。

    PDP â™ s are synchronized with policy enforcement points ( PEPs ), which monitor events , and execute the policies within the context of the PDP .

  14. 提示AMI溶栓失败患者补救PTCA成功率高、并发症少,能减少住院期心脏事件并促进左心室功能改善。

    Rescue PTCA after failed thrombolysis for patients with AMI is safe and has high success rate with less acute complications . It decreases in-hospital total cardiac events and improves left ventricular function .

  15. 已有研究表明,鸡及小鼠胚胎心脏发育过程中,心外膜祖细胞经历EMT事件并能分化为血管内皮细胞,冠状动脉血管平滑肌细胞及心脏成纤维细胞。

    Previous studies in avian and mouse species have suggested that the epicardium is a source for vascular endothelial cells , coronary smooth cells and cardiac fibroblast cells .

  16. 不过很容易编写一段胶水代码,从提供的StAX接口接收事件并驱动SAXContentHandler。

    Still , it 's easy to write a piece of glue code that picks up events from the provided StAX interface and drives a SAX ContentHandler .

  17. 方法诊断冠心病患者的心电图显示J波者为J波组,共122例,无J波者为对照组,共106例,随访终点为发生心脏事件并作统计分析。

    Methods The patients with coronary heart disease were examined by ECG . 122 cases in J wave group and 106 cases in no J wave group ( control group ) were followed up at the endpoint cardiac events and counted .

  18. 我们可以把IObserver附加到鼠标事件并对这些事件异步记录到一个集合当中。

    One could attach an IObserver to mouse events and record them asynchronously into a collection .

  19. 使用标准的WS-RF特性改动事件并将其发送到配置主题。

    A standard WS-RF property changed event is used and sent to the configuration topic .

  20. 在NLL附近实弹射击与海军演习时有发生,因此朝鲜方面对于周二的事件并没有额外理由感到恐慌。

    Live-firing and naval exercises are common on the NLL , so there were no extra grounds to panic on Tuesday .

  21. 我认为这次事件并不是一次失败。

    I don 't view this event as a failure .

  22. 通过识别事件并实现快速响应来把握机会

    Seize opportunities by identifying events and implementing a rapid response

  23. 可以跟踪传真事件并发出通知。

    Fax can track and notify you of fax events .

  24. 这将重新处理这些事件并交付给事件接收者。

    These events will be re-processed and delivered to the recipient of events .

  25. 使用业务术语命名您的事件并将它们映射到业务函数。

    Name your events using business terms and map them to business functions .

  26. 这次事件并不会挫败我们的运动,相反我们将更加强大起来。

    This incident has not weakened our movement but has only made us stronger .

  27. 这种极端事件并不是令人惊骇的大自然反常的结果。

    The extreme events were not the result of an astounding freak of nature .

  28. 反应器是一个监控I/O事件并对这些事件做出响应的循环。

    A reactor is a loop that monitors and responds to I / O events .

  29. 任何应用程序都可以侦听这些事件并当接收到这些事件时执行动作。

    Any application can listen to these events and perform actions when they are received .

  30. 观察远处的事件并把信息反馈给观察者的仪器。

    Any device for observing events at a distance and transmitting the information back to the observer .