
xiānɡ cūn shè qū
  • village community
  1. 在新兴经济体中,乡村社区绕开了传输电力的电线和木头电线杆。

    In emerging economies , rural communities are bypassing the wires and wooden poles that spread power .

  2. 取而代之的是,一些非洲和亚洲的乡村社区见证了他们的第一批电灯由储存在电池里的太阳能点亮。

    Instead , some in Africa and Asia are seeing their first lightbulbs illuminated by the power of sunlight stored in batteries .

  3. Geoghegan说,这种和牛之间密切的文化和实际联系,让乡村社区面临感染的风险。

    It is this close cultural and physical link with cattle , says Geoghegan , that puts rural communities at risk of infection .

  4. 乡村社区总体营造发展模式之探讨

    Discussions on Development Models for Community Infrastructure Establishment of Rural Communities

  5. 乡村社区管理与农村稳定

    The Management of Rural Community and the Stability in Rural Area

  6. 欧盟十国乡村社区建设见闻录

    Walk into the Rural Communities of the Ten Countries in EU

  7. 农村发展包括乡村社区发展和农户发展两个方面,二者不能偏废。

    Rural development consists of community development and household development .

  8. 消费文化对乡村社区有影响,但并不显著。

    Consumerism culture has influences on Chinese villages , but not apparently .

  9. 乡村社区权力结构与乡村发展

    The Power Structure of the Rural Community and Rural Development

  10. 中国乡村社区成员的社会排斥问题研究

    Study on the Social Exclusion of Rural Community in China

  11. 乡村社区是乡村地理学研究的重要内容。

    Rural community is an important part in geography study .

  12. 他们居住的地方是一个小乡村社区。

    The place which they lived in was a small rural community .

  13. 在人性化的主客交往下,背包旅游者首先扶持了乡村社区精英。

    With personal host-guest interaction , backpacker tourists cultivate the rural community elites .

  14. 美国乡村社区学院数量占美国社区学院一半以上。

    More than half of the American community colleges are in rural areas .

  15. 社会资本对乡村社区治理有诸多层面的影响。

    Social capital affects the governance of rural communities .

  16. 中国乡村社区参与旅游开发研究

    Study on Community Participation in Country Tourism in China

  17. 中国乡村社区地理学研究概述

    Review of Geography of the Rural Community in China

  18. 他们住在一个小的乡村社区。

    They lived in a small rural community .

  19. 第五章为土地置换的效应:乡村社区重构。

    Chapter Five is Effects of Land Replacement : the Reconstruction of Rural Communities .

  20. 乡村社区图书馆对灰色文献的收集开发与利用

    The Rural Collection of Gray Documents of Community 's Library is Developed and Utilized

  21. 实行乡村社区卫生服务机构的一体化管理是最为有效的管理途径。

    The rural-community health service institution integration is the most effective ways of management .

  22. 美国乡村社区学院的发展战略

    Development strategies of American Rural Community Colleges

  23. 乡村社区的国家在场&以一个西北村庄为例

    Presence of the State in Rural Community : Taking a Northwest Village for an Example

  24. 乡村社区人际信任研究

    Study on the Rural Community Interpersonal Trust

  25. 我国乡村社区成员所面临的社会排斥的最大特征是制度性特征,在对社会排斥研究的基础上提出了一些建设性的建议和解决措施。

    The major feature of social exclusion faced in rural community is mainly due to system .

  26. 论乡村社区公共性的培育

    Restructuring the Publicness of Rural Community

  27. 百年明花研究的回顾与评论&一个裕固族乡村社区的学术史

    Review on One-Hundred-Year Research of Minghua : An Academic History about Rural Community of Ethnic Yugur

  28. 这场的漫长持久的干旱已成为许多乡村社区和地区社区日常生活的一部分。

    The protracted drought has become part of everyday life for many rural and regional communities .

  29. 乡村社区组织重组研究

    Research for Rebuilding Rural Organization

  30. 很多城市中心和乡村社区的家庭都被抛在了后面。

    too many families , in inner cities and in rural counties , have been left behind ,