
yě xǔ
  • maybe;perhaps;probably;like as not;perchance
也许 [yě xǔ]
  • (1) [perhaps;maybe]∶可能但不肯定地

  • 他也许就要来了

  • (2) [probably]∶很可能;有极大可能性

  • 也许马上就可以到这里

也许[yě xǔ]
  1. 也许我误导了你,但那绝不是有意的。

    Perhaps I misled you , but it was quite unintentional .

  2. 如果你明天回来,也许更好。

    Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow .

  3. 她的死因也许将永远无人知晓。

    How she met her death will probably never be known .

  4. 要是走运的话,我也许能勉强及格。

    I might scrape through the exam if I 'm lucky .

  5. 这笔钱用于较紧迫的事情也许会好些。

    The money could be better spent on more urgent cases .

  6. 等你说完,也许我可以说点什么。

    When you 're done , perhaps I can say something .

  7. 试试他家的号码——他也许在那儿。

    Try his home number ─ he might just be there .

  8. 也许有人会发现,那是绝对不行的。

    Someone might find out , and that would never do .

  9. 我知道这事听起来很蠢,然而也许就会奏效。

    I know it sounds crazy but it just might work .

  10. 我拒绝他的提议也许过于草率了。

    Perhaps I was too hasty in rejecting his offer .

  11. 时间安排也许会有些小小的变动。

    There may be some minor changes to the schedule .

  12. 我也许无意中做了什么得罪她的事。

    Perhaps , unconsciously , I 've done something to offend her .

  13. 医生也许会允许她下周回去上班。

    The doctor may allow her to return to work next week .

  14. 我就待在这儿,也许你用得着我。

    I 'll stay around in case you need me .

  15. 我也许给他们指错了方向。

    It 's just possible that I gave them the wrong directions .

  16. 在疯狂和创造力之间也许有着某种联系。

    There may be a link between madness and creativity .

  17. 我记下了这家酒店的名字,以后也许用得着。

    I wrote down the name of the hotel for future reference .

  18. 这项裁决也许能为引渡程序铺平道路。

    The ruling could clear the way for extradition proceedings .

  19. 这一决定也许会有让他后悔的一日。

    The decision could be one he lives to regret .

  20. 他也许能给你开一些咳嗽药。

    He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough .

  21. 他母亲不会在那里,但他父亲也许会去。

    His mother won 't be there , but his father might .

  22. 像这样的机会一生也许只会遇到一次。

    An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime .

  23. 她也许需要你帮助处理一些业务方面的事情。

    She may need your help with some business matters .

  24. 这些症状也许是由病毒感染引起的,而与寄生虫无关。

    These symptoms may be referable to virus infection rather than parasites .

  25. 有传言说选举也许不得不延期。

    There are rumblings that the election may have to be postponed .

  26. 这个故事也许显得离奇,但我却觉得很真实。

    It may seem a strange story but it rings true to me .

  27. 高明的律师也许能找到绕过那个条款的办法。

    A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause .

  28. 我们也许要将这个数字往上调一调。

    We may have to revise this figure upwards .

  29. 我现在不能见你——也许别的时候吧。

    I can 't see you now ─ some other time , maybe .

  30. 也许这次骑马的无聊活动比她所想象的要好玩一些。

    Perhaps this riding lark would be more fun than she 'd thought .