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  1. 就业增长放缓和不断上升的失业率也会波击到实际收入。

    Slower employment growth and rising unemployment will also hit real incomes .

  2. 我们所研究的基本对象既不是粒子,也不是波,而是这两种概念的特殊的统一体。

    The basic entitles of interest were not particles or waves but a peculiar synthesis of the two ideas .

  3. 电磁波与电子注的互作用不仅与电子注的特性有关,也与波场的极化、空间特性紧密相关。

    The effect of the spatial inhomogeneity of TEM mode on the electron beam-TEM wave field interaction has been discussed with the dynamic thcory .

  4. 裁员往往会破坏被裁员工的社交圈子和身份认同感,这一点同样也会波及其家庭成员。

    Layoffs often demolish an employee 's social circle and identity -- and the same is true for family members of laid off workers .

  5. 写字也起波,写完一个字再写一个字,不能一笔写几百个字。

    Handwriting too is done in waves , for people write one word after another and not several hundred words with one stroke of the pen .

  6. 恶性肝脏疾病也出现双波图像,但NR波<15%;

    The NR wave of malignant liver disease was below 15 % .

  7. B2孔海退层序中曲不连续面与贝壳堤基底侵蚀面相对应,也与振荡波的上升坡段相对应。

    The discontinuity surfaces in the regressive sequence of B_2 core correspond to the erosion surfaces of chenier bases and rising phase of each sea level oscillation wave .

  8. 一个月前,也就是这波促使政府出手拯救高盛(goldmansachs)和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)的市场动荡出现之前,一位华尔街顶级银行家准确指出了独立投行业务模式的致命弱点。

    A month ago before the market convulsions that precipitated a government intervention to save Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley a top Wall Street banker pinpointed the Achilles heel of the business model of standalone investment banks .

  9. 谷歌也有了波斯文翻译工具。

    Google also has a new Farsi translating tool .

  10. 电缆线路中的每种过电压也可以用波过程解释。

    Each of the over-voltage cable lines can also be explained with wave process .

  11. 作为比较,文中也对平面波和球面波的入射进行了分析。

    For comparison , the incidences of plane and spherical wave are also analyzed .

  12. 对于随机-均匀介质,由于上层的随机扰动使得剖面的下层也出现散射波。

    Forrandom-homogeneous medium , scattering wave appeared within the lower part of sectioncaused by random perturbations .

  13. 外加纵向有限磁场也对注波互作用效率和谐振频率有一定的影响。

    The additional axial finite magnetic field also has some influence on the beam-wave interaction efficiency and the resonance frequency .

  14. 对于横波来说,加入吸引势会增加波的稳定性,而增大尘埃间距和增加负离子含量同样也会增加波的稳定性。

    For transverse wave , the attractive potential will increase the stability . Enlarging inter-grain spaces and increasing the negative ions content will also increase the stability .

  15. 根据激波理论,爆炸产生压力脉冲并以压力波的形式传播,既有压缩波也有膨胀波。

    According to the shock theory , the ejecta produced by explosion form the pressure pulse , and it spreads in forms of either compression waves or expansion waves .

  16. 在水模实验中可以看到,气泡上浮激发的是A型波,而生产实践中一般也激发A型波。

    It was seen from a hydraulic modelling test that the wave excited by bubble buoyancy is of A type , whereas the same also took place in actual production .

  17. 在石油地震勘探中,面波一般是作为干扰波处理的,然而,瑞利面波也和折射波、反射波一样包含有地下介质的信息。

    The surface wave is treated as interference wave in oil seismic prospecting , however , the Rayleigh wave , like the refraction and reflection waves , contains the information of underground medium .

  18. 同时,也给出了波-电子相互作用引起的沉降电子能量通量随时间的变化和沉降电子的能量分布。

    This paper also gives the curves of energy flux of the electron precipitation with time at the altitude of 1000 km above the earth and the curves of energy distribution of the precipitating electrons .

  19. 当在高速公路上开车的人发现不能回忆起刚刚行驶过的5里地时,也处于θ波状态――这是由高速公路上驾车的方式导致的。

    A person who is driving on a freeway , and discovers that he ( or she ) can 't recall the last five miles , is often in a theta state induced by the process of free way diving .

  20. 心脏的心肌细胞中存在多种离子流,当心肌中存在螺旋波电信号时,心肌中的各种离子流也呈螺旋波分布,它们之间的相互作用对螺旋波动力学行为有重要影响。

    When there is the electrical signal of spiral waves in cardiac tissues , the spatial distributions of ion currents are also types of spiral wave . The interaction between ion currents plays important role in the dynamics of spiral waves .

  21. 缺乏相应的样本数据库也阻碍了P波算法的发展。

    The scare of related database also blocks P wave detection algorithms ' development .

  22. 将斜投影算子和MUSIC算法结合也能抑制杂波,实现剩余信号的超分辨。

    Combinations of the oblique projection operator and the MUSIC algorithm can achieve super-resolution with supression of the sea clutter .

  23. 基本气流在垂直方向的切变也不能导致Kel-vin波发生不稳定,只能导致Kelvin波的相速度发生Doppler频移效应。

    The vertical shear in the basic flow does not lead to the instability of Kelvin wave but to Doppler frequency shifting of its phase velocity .

  24. 腾冲火山地热区地壳具有低P波和S波速度、低电阻率、高热流值和低Q值,以及上地幔也具有低P波速度的特点。

    The crust of Tengchong volcano-geothermal area is characterized by low P-wave and S-wave velocity , low resistivity , high heat-flow value and low Q value . There is also a feature of low P-wave velocity in the upper mantle .

  25. 同时也为新型阻波元件提供了设计思路及方法。

    And it also provides an approach for design of new attenuation facilities .

  26. 其中也包含了孤波解。

    Solitary wave solution is among them .

  27. 在极限情形,也得到了孤波解和三角函数解。

    In the limit case , solitary wave solutions and trigonometric function solutions are obtained .

  28. 天边一只船也没有。克利斯波岛的高地在夜间走过不见了。

    Not a sail on the horizon.The tips of Crespo Island had disappeared during the night .

  29. 人们暂停下来反省或沉思时也常处于α波状态。

    A person who takes time out to reflect or meditate is usually in an alpha state .

  30. 这些测试仪器也可以用于测量波阵面曲度和确定发散量/敛量。

    The testers can also be used to measure wavefront curvature and quantify divergence / convergence magnitude .