
jǔ zhònɡ yùn dònɡ yuán
  • weightlifter;lifter
  1. 河北优秀女子举重运动员抓举技术的生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis on the Snatch Techniques of Excellent Hebei Female Weightlifter

  2. 举重运动员需要具备哪些素质?

    What are the individual qualities that a weightlifter requires ?

  3. 请允许我就有关奥运会举重运动员的问题再补充一点。

    If I could just make another small point about the weightlifters in the Olympics

  4. 可见,在机能评定时,举重运动员IL-6对运动强度敏感,可以作为运动强度评价的一个指标,而瘦素则不然。

    In indicated that IL-6 level of lifters was sensitive to training intensity can be suggested regard as a marker .

  5. 安静状态时,举重运动员和健康人的瘦素水平存在显著差异,IL-6水平差异却不显著。

    Under the training perild , the level of leptin was significantly difference compared with the lifters and the control .

  6. 还记得《周六夜现场》(SaturdayNightLive)的一个小品吗?菲尔•哈特曼(PhilipHartmann)在《药林匹克运动会》(AllDrugOlympics)里扮演名叫谢尔盖•阿克穆多夫(SergeiAkmudov)的苏联举重运动员。

    Remember that " Saturday Night Live " sketch , with Phil Hartman playing a Soviet weight lifter named Sergei Akmudov at the All Drug Olympics ?

  7. 维生素B1、B2、C负荷试验也有不同程度改善。我们认为,平衡膳食的原则仍然是举重运动员膳食调配的指导原则。

    There were improvements in the excretion of vitamins B1 , B2 , C as shown in urinal load tests , The results suggested that the guiding principle on diets for weight-lifting athletes should still be the balance diet .

  8. 有人抱怨说很少有黑客会长成海姆斯沃斯这个样子,曼提起自己的一位顾问——斯蒂芬·瓦特(StephenWatt),他身高七英尺,是一位金发的举重运动员,后来成了网络犯罪分子。

    To the grumble that few hackers look like Mr. Hemsworth , Mr. Mann invoked another consultant , Stephen Watt , a 7-foot blond weight lifter turned cybercriminal .

  9. 不过他的Ins账号没有像其他举重运动员或健身达人那样去分享食物和锻炼。相反,被展示的是一系列他自己赤裸上身照以及日常活动的照片,令人惊讶。

    But his Instagram account doesn 't feature the type of food and workout posts mostweightlifters and workout obsessives share , instead it displays an array of gobsmackingtopless photos of himself and unpretentious pictures of him going about his day to day life .

  10. 我们怀念像瓦西里•阿列克谢耶夫(VasilyAlekseyev)那样的冠军。伟大的苏联超重量级举重运动员阿列克谢耶夫曾分别在1972年和1976年获得金牌。

    We are nostalgic for champions like Vasily Alekseyev , the great Soviet superheavyweight who won gold medals in 1972 and 1976 .

  11. 举重运动员;肌肉发达的拳击手;有力的臂膀。

    A hefty athlete ; a muscular boxer ; powerful arms .

  12. 女子举重运动员比赛期间的心电图及尿蛋白的变化

    Change in Electrocardiogram and Urinary Protein of Women Weightlifters During Competitions

  13. 对女子举重运动员抓举第一次试举失败原因的探析

    Analysis on Failure of Female Weightlifters ' First Attempt in Snatch

  14. 举重运动员赛中最佳心理状态及其心理影响因素研究

    Optimal mental state of weightlifters in competition and influencing psychological factors

  15. 举重运动员腰肌末端病的发病特点和治疗

    Clinical Characteristics and Treatment of Enthesiopathy of Lumbar Muscles of Weightlifters

  16. 水球和举重运动员集训时营养

    Nutrition of water polo players and weight & lifters during training

  17. 优秀女子举重运动员抓举与借力推的相关探讨

    Interrelated Discussion Between Snatch & Push Press Of Elite Female Weight-Lifters

  18. 举重运动员营养调查与膳食改进的研究

    A study on nutritional survey and dietary improvements of Weight-lifting Athletes

  19. 很瘦的他瘦骨嶙峋的,当不了举重运动员。

    Eg. He looks much too skinny to be a weight-lifter .

  20. 我国优秀举重运动员的形态模型

    The shape model of excellent weight lifting athletes in China

  21. 优秀举重运动员减体重战术的研究

    Research on Strategy of Excellent Lifters Reducing Bodyweight for Competition

  22. 举重运动员和健美运动员,他们的手臂似乎悬垂在空间摇晃。

    Weight-lifters and body-builders , whose arms seem to dangle in space .

  23. 举重运动员们从很小的时候开始锻炼了。

    Lifters began to practise when they were very young .

  24. 优秀举重运动员补充肌酸可有效提高运动能力

    Creatine Replenishment can Effectively Enchance Sporting A-bility of Elite Weightlifters

  25. 青少年举重运动员赛前降体重若干问题的探讨

    Problems of Teen Weight Lifters Losing Weight Before a Competition

  26. 优秀举重运动员全程性多年训练的阶段性特征

    Research on Periodical Characteristics of Continuous Professional Training among Excellent Weightlifting Athletes

  27. 举重运动员她将是第一位参加奥运会的跨性别运动员。

    weight-lifter She will be first trans athlete to compete at Olympic .

  28. 青少年举重运动员气质类型的分析与训练研究

    Analysis and Research into Young Weight Lifters ' Disposition Type

  29. 女子举重运动员抓挺举大强度训练的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis on Female Weightlifters Intensive Training of Snatch and Jerk

  30. 女子举重运动员盆腔血流图的研究

    Research on the Pelvic Blood Flow Graph of Female Weightlifters