
  • 网络sovereign wealth fund;swf;SWFs
  1. 另一家新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡(temasek),也是奥兰(olam)的大股东。

    Temasek , another SWF of Singapore , is also a leading shareholder in OLAM .

  2. 英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)一直在吸引主权财富基金投资于英国的基础设施,但此类基金有时会成为争议的焦点,原因是外国向本国“战略行业”大举投资可能伴随安全风险。

    George Osborne , the UK chancellor , has been courting SWF investment in UK infrastructure but the funds have sometimes been a focus of controversy because of the security risks that might come from another country pouring its funds into industries considered " strategic " .

  3. 伦敦国际金融服务公司(internationalfinancialserviceslondon)最新研究认为,主权财富基金近年来的出色增长将会继续下去。

    The stellar growth of sovereign wealth funds in recent years is set to continue , according to the latest research from a city of London thinktank .

  4. 巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)正计划与主权财富基金进行合作,收购包括矿山、油田和电厂在内的资源资产。

    Barclays Capital is planning to team up with sovereign wealth funds to buy natural resources assets including mines , oil fields and power plants .

  5. 噢,但愿有中投公司(ChinaInvestmentCorp)这样的投资银行客户。其他主权财富基金(SWF)是谈交易,中投则是做交易。

    Oh , for an investment bank client like China Investment Corp. While other sovereign wealth funds talk a good deal , CIC does them .

  6. 知情人士称,西蒙一直在与卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)等主权财富基金讨论帮助其竞购的事宜。

    Simon has been talking to SWFs such as the Qatar Investment Authority about contributing to its bid , people familiar with the matter said .

  7. 该公司ipo募股书包含了许多限制性条款,以防范可能想要获取公司控制权的主权财富基金或美国以外的战略投资者。

    Its IPO prospectus includes many deterrents to sovereign wealth funds or strategic non-US investors that might want to assume control .

  8. 国际货币基金组织(imf)因此为主权财富基金制定了“最佳做法”,以改善它们的透明度与治理。

    This led the International Monetary Fund to develop " best practices " for SWFs to improve their transparency and governance .

  9. 中东主权财富基金卡塔尔投资局(qatarinvestmentauthority)和两大家族可能向保时捷注入现金和资产,以增强该公司的资产负债表。

    The Qatar Investment Authority , a Middle East sovereign wealth fund , and the two families could inject cash and assets to strengthen the balance sheet .

  10. 国际货币基金组织(imf)已呼吁主权财富基金提高透明度,可能也会对涉及国有企业的外国直接投资做出同样要求。

    The International Monetary Fund has called for greater transparency from sovereign wealth funds and could do the same for FDI involving state-owned enterprises .

  11. 为先发制人地克服这种反对,去年一些主权财富基金达成了《圣地亚哥原则》(santiagoprinciples),这是一套行为准则,承诺进行透明和非政治性的投资。

    To pre-empt such opposition , SWFs last year agreed on the " Santiago Principles " , a code of conduct promising transparent and non-political investments .

  12. 据对形势比较了解的人透露,GM的IPO分配除了上汽之外,还包括3到4家主权财富基金。

    GM 's IPO allocations likely will include three or four sovereign wealth funds , in addition to SAIC , according to a person familiar with the situation .

  13. 即便是与高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)这样的幸存者相比,野村既没有接受纳税人资金,也没有接受来自主权财富基金代价高昂的投资。

    Even compared with survivors such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley , it has not taken taxpayers ' money or expensive investments from sovereign wealth funds .

  14. 中投由此将加入新加坡主权财富基金gic和澳大利亚主权财富基金未来基金(futurefund)的行列,后两者在今年收购了apax7.7%的股份。

    It would join GIC and future fund , the Singapore and Australian sovereign wealth funds , which bought 7.7 per cent of Apax this year .

  15. 与花旗(Citigroup)和瑞银(UBS)最近与主权财富基金达成的类似交易一样,在摩根士丹利蒙受惨重的次贷损失后,中投公司的注资将为其资产负债表提供支撑。

    Like similar sovereign wealth fund deals agreed recently by Citigroup and UBS , the capital injection bolsters Morgan Stanley 's balance sheet following big subprime losses .

  16. 西方基金经理正将饥渴的目光投向所谓的“主权财富基金”(swf)这是一个庞大且不断增长的资金池。

    Western fund managers are casting hungry glances toward the large and growing pools of capital known as sovereign wealth funds .

  17. 包括科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)和卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)在内的主权财富基金可能将提供总计30亿美元的资金,但任何一家基金的持股比例都不超过4.9%。

    Sovereign wealth funds , including the Kuwait Investment Authority and the Qatar Investment Authority , would likely contribute close to $ 3bn in aggregate , with no one fund taking a stake larger than 4.9 per cent .

  18. 在主权财富基金数量相对较少时,如新加坡的淡马锡控股(TemasekHoldings)和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)等,它们给全球金融体系和市场化跨境投资带来的挑战相对较小。

    When relatively few SWFs existed , such as Singapore 's Temasek Holdings or the Kuwait Investment Authority , the challenge they posed to the global financial system and to market-based cross-border investment was small .

  19. 而在张磊的投资人看来其中包括像麻省理工(MIT)和耶鲁大学(Yale)这类名牌大学的捐赠基金,以及主权财富基金,还有富有的企业家他似乎从来不会压下糟糕的赌注。

    To his investors which include the endowments for prestigious universities like M.I.T. and Yale , sovereign wealth funds , and wealthy entrepreneurs he seems incapable of making a bad bet .

  20. 这些做法的意义在于,多数央行和一些主权财富基金不能持有评级低于AA级的证券。多数只做长线的资产管理公司也有此类规定。

    The significance of their actions lies in the fact that most central banks , and some sovereign wealth funds , cannot hold securities rated below double A. Most long-only asset managers have such restrictions too .

  21. 这一灵感既来源于他们的文化,也来源于新加坡主权财富基金、东方治理实践的楷模淡马锡(temasek)。

    The inspiration comes both from the culture and from Temasek , the sovereign wealth fund from Singapore and the gold standard of governance in the East .

  22. 争取像主权财富基金那样的投资者,效仿巴克莱(barclays)在全球金融危机早期的做法,是一个解决方案,也是英国石油能够控制的一种方案。

    Seeking an investor such as a sovereign wealth fund , along the lines of what Barclays did early in the global financial crisis , is one solution and one that BP can control .

  23. 这家总部位于纽约的投资机构,是2010年受中国主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)之托、投资15亿美元于私人股本资产的三家公司之一。

    The New York-based investor was one of three firms mandated in 2010 to pick up $ 1.5bn of private equity investments for China Investment Corp , the country 's sovereign wealth fund .

  24. 随后,包括未来基金和全球最大主权财富基金阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)在内一些机构,开始制定一套被称为《圣地亚哥原则》(SantiagoPrinciples)的行业准则,以改善透明度和基金治理。

    A number of SWFs , including the Future Fund and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , the world 's biggest , then worked on a set of industry guidelines , known as the Santiago Principles , to improve transparency and governance .

  25. 中投这家主权财富基金于去年成立,旨在提高部分外汇储备的投资回报其首先对百仕通(blackstone)和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)进行的投资似乎有违这一使命。

    The sovereign wealth fund was established last year with a brief to enhance investment returns on a slug of foreign exchange reserves a mandate it rather blew with its maiden investments in Blackstone and Morgan Stanley .

  26. 但是,新任总理纳吉布很高兴有办法能让代表这个国家的那群人获益。主权财富基金很快演变成了一家名为“一个马来西亚发展有限公司”(1MalaysiaDevelopmentBerhad,简称1MDB)的新基金。

    But the new prime minister , Mr. Najib , was happy to have a way to benefit the nation writ large , and the sovereign wealth fund soon morphed into a new one , called 1Malaysia Development Berhad .

  27. 掌管2000亿美元的主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)不断购入海外资源类公司的股权,并已购得英国酒商帝亚吉欧(Diageo)1.1%的股权。

    China Investment Corp , the $ 200bn sovereign wealth fund , has been buying stakes in overseas resources companies and has taken a 1.1 per cent stake in Diageo , the British distiller .

  28. 淡马锡(Temasek)将成立一家全资子公司,在完全成立后,预计将拥有30亿至40亿美元的可投资资金。淡马锡是新加坡两大主权财富基金之一。

    Temasek , one of Singapore 's two sovereign wealth funds , is to set up a wholly owned subsidiary with an expected $ 3bn to $ 4bn available to invest when fully-established .

  29. 私人股本公司TPG正在筹建一只规模为60亿美元的基金,用于投资陷入困境的金融机构,预计新加坡的一只主权财富基金将是该基金的牵头投资者。

    A Singapore sovereign wealth fund is expected to be the lead investor in a $ 6bn fund that TPG , the private equity firm , is raising to invest in troubled financial firms .

  30. 作为加强中俄关系的一部分,中国主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)将在未来数月内利用去年10月创建的20亿美元中俄投资基金,作出首笔投资。

    As part of the strengthening ties between the two countries , China Investment Corp , the country 's sovereign wealth fund , will make its first investment in coming months using a $ 2bn Russia-China Fund , created in October .