
  • 网络dkk;dkr;krone;Danish Kroner
  1. 投资银行的外汇交易部门表示,部分对冲基金正建立丹麦克朗的多头仓位,以对冲欧元崩盘的风险,这让丹麦央行的日子更不好过。

    Making life harder for the central bank , some hedge funds are taking long positions in the krone as insurance against a collapse of the single currency , according to currency trading desks at investment banks .

  2. 特选套餐售价595克朗起(按1美元兑6.40丹麦克朗计算,约合93美元)。

    Tasting menu starts at 595 kroner ( about $ 93 , at 6.40 Danish kroner to the dollar ) .

  3. 这座雕像的造价高达300百万丹麦克朗(约合318万人民币),当地政府希望它能为本市吸引来更多游客。

    At a cost of around three million Danish kroner , the city is hoping its new acquisition will attract an increasing number of tourists .

  4. 高加索冷杉以其生命力十分旺盛的银针叶而著称,是最受欢迎的圣诞树品种之一。今年高加索冷杉在哥本哈根的售价为每两米(6英尺6英寸)300丹麦克朗(56美元),比去年上涨了20%。

    The Nordmann , one of the most popular species because of the long life of its silvery needles , is selling in Copenhagen this year for 300 Danish crowns ( $ 56 ) for a two-meter ( six-foot six inches ) specimen , 20 percent more than last year .

  5. 外国乳品的最新举动来自于丹麦-瑞典合资乳品集团Arla,该公司于周五表示将通过私募股权基金厚朴,购买伊利的主要竞争对手蒙牛乳品公司6%的股份,价格为17亿丹麦克朗(2.89亿美元)。

    The latest foreign bet comes from Danish-Swedish dairy group Arla , which said on Friday it would buy what amounts to a 6 percent stake in Yili 's main competitor , China Mengniu Dairy Co , from private equity fund Hopu for 1.7 billion Danish crowns ( $ 289 million ) .