
  • 网络Linfen Basin
  1. GMS在临汾盆地地下水数值模拟中的应用

    The application of GMS in numerical simulation of ground water in Linfen basin

  2. 临汾盆地ML≥4.0地震与临汾台短水准的变化

    The earthquakes M_L ≥ 4.0 in Linfen basin and short range leveling change of Linfen Station

  3. 指出沿临汾盆地汾河河谷有深大断裂存在,地壳深部莫霍间断面为&上隆的条状地带与地面的NNE向断陷盆地相对应。

    Suggested that there is a deep fracture along the valley of Fen river in Linfen basin , the Moho discontinuity is a uplift banded zone corresponding the NNE rift basin .

  4. 本研究选择的三个全新世黄土剖面位于临汾盆地中部陶寺地区,其中DPG剖面位于塔儿山古洪积扇前沿,TSC剖面和LGK剖面位于与古洪积扇相连的汾河4级阶地。

    DPG profile lies in the front of the palaeo-alluvial-pluvial fans of Ta'ershan hill , and TSC and LGK profiles on the4th terrace of Fenhe River .

  5. 气候异常对临汾盆地地下水系统的影响

    Influences of Climatic Anomaly on the Groundwater System in Linfen Basin

  6. 临汾盆地的现今地壳形变场及时空演化特征

    Recent Crustal Deformation Field and Time-space Evolution Character in Linfen Basin

  7. 临汾盆地中更新世中晚期以来的演化历史及成因分析

    The Evolution and its Contributing Factors of Linfen Basin Since Middle Quaternary

  8. 临汾盆地第四纪断层活动的几种表现

    Some Exhibitions of the Quaternary Faulting in Linfen Basin

  9. 山西临汾盆地晚新生代环境演变研究

    The Study on the Late Cenozoic Environment Change of Linfen Basin , Shanxi Province

  10. 山西临汾盆地末次间冰期以来古气候变化研究

    The Research on Paleoclimate Changes Since Last Interglacial Stage in Linfen Basin , Shanxi

  11. 山西临汾盆地黄土及其形成古环境

    The Loess and the paleo-environment for its formation in the Linfen basin of Shanxi Province

  12. 临汾盆地的现代构造活动

    Recent structural activity in Linfen Basin

  13. 临汾盆地的近代地壳运动

    Recent Crustal Movement of Linfen Basin

  14. 临汾盆地的横向断裂

    Lateral Fractures in Linfen Basin

  15. 山西临汾盆地中强地震与月球运动关系的探讨

    Discussion on the Relation between Medium-strong Earthquakes in Linfen Basin , Shanxi , and Movement of the Moon

  16. 第四纪中晚期以来临汾盆地中发育了五级冲湖积台地或阶地。

    Five steps of alluvial and lacustrine platforms or terraces have been developed in Linfen Basin since Middele Quaternary .

  17. 该低速层在临汾盆地下方及其西侧被&非常弱的速度逆转层所取代;

    The low velovity layer was replaced by a very weak low velocity layer beneath Linfen basin and its west side ;

  18. 临汾盆地位于鄂尔多斯台地的南部和东部边缘,该区域是我国新构造运动非常强烈的地区之一。

    Linfen Basin is located in the southern and eastern edge of Ordos Massif ; this region is one of the areas where neotectonic movement of our country is very strong .

  19. 横向对比分析垣曲盆地与临汾盆地相关遗址陶片的化学成分,显示出在庙底沟二期文化时期两盆地间的陶土成分明显不同。

    In addition , through the horizontal comparison about the chemical composition of pottery between relative sites in Yuanqu basin and Linfen basin , it demonstrates that there is obvious difference in Miaodigou ⅱ culture period .

  20. 山西临汾太原大同盆地小地震活动A(b)-N法时序特征对比研究

    Comparison of Characteristics of Time Sequence of Small Earthquakes in Linfen Basin , Taiyuan Basin and Datong Basin , Shanxi , by Using the A ( b ) - N Method

  21. 在水文地质、NOAA卫星及地面气象数据的基础上,对大同、忻州和临汾3个盆地的区域蒸散进行了估算,评价了区域蒸散的分布规律,并对其影响因素进行了分析。

    On the basis of hydro-geological data , NOAA satellite data and the meteorological data , SEBS was used in this paper for the estimation of actual evaportranspiration of three basins . The distribution of regional evaportranspiration was evaluated and the influence factors were also analyzed in this paper .

  22. 霍州市位于位于山西中南部,与临汾、晋中盆地交界,扼山西南北;

    Shanxi is located in south-central Huozhou , and Linfen , Jinzhong basin at the junction of north and south of Shanxi briefly ;

  23. 本文首先运用卫星影像,对临汾&运城盆地中主要活动断层的平面展布状况进行了解译。

    In this paper , at first , the plane distribution of main active faults in the Basin of Linfen-Yuncheng are interpreted by satellite imagery .

  24. 最近作者在野外调查中发现:在流域中的太原、临汾等几个构造盆地的周边地带,普遍发育了三级冲湖积台地。

    This paper reveals that there exist three alluvial or lake terraces in the edges of Fen River drainage basins since the middle-late Pleistocene .