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lín cháo
  • sit on the throne and govern the nation;govern ;hold a court audience
  • hold court audience
临朝 [lín cháo]
  • [hold court audience] 指帝王亲临朝廷处理政事

  1. 太后临朝或太后干政的母后政治,是中国古代政治生活的一大特色。

    The imperial government by empresses was a notable characteristic in the political life of ancient China .

  2. 我国古代女主临朝的特征及原因探析

    The Analysis of the Characteristics and Reasons of the Queen in Charge of Affairs State in Chinese Ancient

  3. 公元189年,灵帝驾崩,何太后临朝,立灵帝13岁的儿子刘辩为帝。

    When Emperor Ling died in 189 , Empress Dowager He took over regency , in-stalling Lingdi 's young son 13-year-old Liu Bian as emperor .

  4. 公元88年,仅10岁的和帝继位,窦太后临朝。

    The Eastern Han Dynasty entered its middle period when the 10-year-old Emperor . He came to the throne in 88 AD , his mother , Empress Dowager Dou led the court audiences .

  5. 三国的故事,滔滔江水,一言以蔽之,就是伪父临朝,易子而食。从家庭,到朝廷;从私家,到国家;

    The story of Three Kingdom is long and complex , but we can well summarize it with this : Fake father presiding the court and people exchange their sons to cook as food .

  6. 太后临朝听政,实是依靠娘家的父兄掌权,因此往往是大权旁落,外戚势力集团左右朝政。

    Therefore , reigns of government had to be held by empress regents , in fact who usually relied on their clansmen . Naturally , the power were lost , and the consort clans manipulated the imperial court .