
lín chuánɡ shì yàn
  • clinical tests;clinical trial
  1. 临床试验表明,慢性小脑刺激能改善EEG,减少体感诱发电位和H-反射,从而减少发作次数。

    The clinical tests have shown that the chronic cerebellar stimulation can get improvement of EEG , reduce the somatosensory inductive potentials and H-reflexes , and reduced seizures in numbers .

  2. 四项基本临床试验在非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病优降糖继发失效时的应用

    Application of four clinical tests in secondary sulfonylurea failure in NIDDM

  3. 跟我说说你的临床试验。进展如何?

    Tell me about your clinical trials . How did they go ?

  4. 他们已在临床试验中接受过这种药物的治疗。

    They have been treated with this drug in clinical trials

  5. 两个相互竞争的激光手术系统正在美国进行临床试验。

    Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the US .

  6. 从那以后,威康公司一直在增加产量,为临床试验作准备。

    Since then , Wellcome has been scaling up production to prepare for clinical trials .

  7. 临床试验的结果无疑是令人振奋的——10%的皱纹完全消失了。

    Clinical test results are certainly encouraging — 10 per cent of wrinkles disappear altogether .

  8. 那些就是我们的希望;我们正在开展这些临床试验以调查那些希望是否可以实现。

    Those are our hopes ; we are starting this clinical trial to investigate whether those hopes will be realised .

  9. 参与临床试验的人平均每周吃3。3份意大利面,不吃其他碳水化合物,其中一份意大利面相当于大约半杯碳水化合物的热量。

    Those involved in the clinical trials on average ate 3.3 servings of pasta a week instead of other carbohydrates , one serving equaling around half a cup .

  10. 这项研究包含了参与“快速跟踪项目”的386名幼儿园里的小孩,而该项目是美国一项多地点临床试验,于1991年开始跟踪儿童一生的发展情况。

    The study included 386 kindergarteners from schools in the Fast Track Project , a multi-site clinical trial in the U.S. that in 1991 began tracking how children developed across their lives .

  11. 世界卫生组织官员估计暂停会持续一至两周,因为试验数据安全监测委员会要参考从SOLIDARITY临床试验和其他进行中的研究中所收集的信息,从而确定继续使用羟氯喹是否安全。

    WHO officials estimated the pause would last a week or two as the trial 's data safety monitoring board considers information already collected from the Solidarity trial and other ongoing studies to determine whether it 's safe to continue with hydroxychloroquine .

  12. 他们正在做一种新药物的临床试验。

    They are doing clinical trials on a new drug .

  13. Ⅰ/Ⅱ期临床试验初步结果显示,疫苗能够触发3到17岁接种者体内的免疫反应,多数不良反应轻微。

    Preliminary results from Phase I and II clinical trials showed the vaccine reactions were mild .

  14. 前列腺素E1治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛临床试验研究

    Study of efficacy of Lipo PGE_1 in treatment of postherpetic neuralgia in patients with herpes zoster

  15. 依立替康治疗未曾接受治疗的晚期食管和胃腺癌患者的II期临床试验

    A phase II trial of irinotecan in patients with previously untreated advanced esophageal and gastric adenocarcinoma

  16. 但目前多数处于临床试验阶段的DNA疫苗尚存在诸多缺陷,最主要的问题是免疫原性较差。

    However , most present DNA vaccines in clinical trial are deficient mainly because of their relativity low level of immunogenicity .

  17. 美国儿科HIV感染的抗逆转录病毒治疗:从临床试验到临床实践

    Antiretroviral treatment in pediatric HIV infection in the United States : From clinical trials to clinical practice

  18. 目前国外开发重组人IL-6已进入Ⅱ期临床试验。

    Now recombinant human IL-6 has been on phase II trial in abroad .

  19. 在临床试验阶段对2007年8月至2008年2月间收治的3例累及股骨骨样骨瘤患者采用CT引导下骨样骨瘤经皮穿刺微波热毁损术。

    From July 2007 to February 2008 , 3 patients with the osteoid osteomas of the femur were treated with CT-guided percutaneous microwave ablation in clinical applications .

  20. GCP指引在中医临床试验中的应用

    Applying GCP guideline on clinical trials of traditional Chinese medicine

  21. 新药临床试验中GCP实施的问题与对策

    Problems and countermeasures of GCP practice in the new drug clinical trials

  22. 随机对照临床试验报告格式CONSORT介绍

    Introduction to CONSORT Statement of Reporting Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials

  23. 目的利用Meta分析方法对葛根素注射液治疗突发性耳聋的临床试验进行分析,评价其治疗效果。

    OBJECTIVE : To conduct a meta-analysis on the clinical trails of kakkonein injection for sudden hearing loss and to evaluate its outcome .

  24. 临床试验表明,TPT与顺铂和紫杉醇无交叉耐药性。

    Clinical non cross resistance had been demonstrated between TPT and cisplatin or paclitaxel .

  25. 术前吸气肌强化训练预防高危患者CABG术后肺部并发症的随机临床试验

    Preoperative intensive inspiratory muscle training to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications in high-risk patients undergoing CABG surgery : A randomized clinical trial

  26. 因此,IL-4在抗肿瘤免疫治疗方面具有很大潜力,它作为肿瘤免疫调节剂已进入Ⅱ期临床试验。

    So IL-4 has a great potency in antitumor immunotherapy , as a tumor immuno-regulator , IL-4 has been applied into the second clinical trial .

  27. 为确定便携式OA护膝的疗效和肌电信号的能量作为特征值评判膝OA疗效的可行性进行临床试验。

    Done clinic experiments to validate the curative effect of OA-kneepad and the feasibility for energy of EMG as the eigenvalue , to evaluate the curative effect of KOA .

  28. 采用随机、对照临床试验方法观察硫普罗宁片剂对108例慢性病毒性肝炎患者的疗效。治疗组应用硫普罗宁片剂,po,100mg/次,tid。

    The efficacy of tiopronin tablets in treatment of chronic viral hepatitis were conducted in 108 patients in a dose of 100 mg tid for 12 weeks .

  29. 结论:BCG仍是目前唯一可应用的抗结核疫苗,但是许多新疫苗己在动物模型中显示出潜力并开始进入临床试验。

    Conclusion : BCG is still the only currently available vaccine , but many new vaccines for TB have shown promise in animal models and are just beginning to enter clinical trials .

  30. AD治疗包括胆碱酯酶抑制剂、精神药物及延缓疾病进程药物,诸如降低胆固醇的药物、雌激素替代疗法、维生素E及某些中医药等。药物治疗或预防AD的临床试验在策划或进行中。

    Treatments for AD include cholinesterase inhibitors , psychotropic agents and slowing of disease progression with cholesterol-lowering drugs , Anti-inflammatory , estrogen replacement therapy , vitamin E and some Chinese medicine , Drugs for AD in the treatment or preventive clinical trials are planned or under way .