
  • 网络floating system
  1. 烟草漂浮育苗新技术

    The New Technology of Floating System in Tobacco

  2. 连州烟区不同烤烟育苗方式比较试验PGPR菌肥在烤烟漂浮育苗中的应用

    Application of PGPR fertilizer in flue-cured tobacco seedling production using floating system

  3. 对烤烟漂浮育苗过程中TMV传播途径进行了研究。

    The spreading approaches of TMV in flue-cured tobacco floating seedbed system were studied .

  4. 烤烟漂浮育苗中TMV的发生及预防研究

    Study on the Incidence & Epidemic Pattern and Control Technique for TMV in Floating-seedling System

  5. 烟草漂浮育苗旧苗盘残留物TMV带毒检测

    Detection of TMV in Residue of Tobacco Roots on Tray Using in Float Seedling System

  6. 研究表明,在烤烟漂浮育苗苗床期内,叶内叶绿素含量、NR酶活性、SOD酶活性、根系活力均呈递增趋势;

    The studies also showed , the chrolophyll content and SOD and NR activity of tobacco seedlings leaves and root vitality all presented a gradually increasing trend in whole growth stages ;

  7. 试验以K326为材料对烤烟空气整根育苗技术进行探讨,并与漂浮育苗技术相比较。

    The technology of the air - pruning seedling production was discussed in this paper .

  8. 通过控制基质含盐量,使其饱和浸出液的电导率EC(25℃)≤1160μs/cm,能有效降低基质盐渍化对漂浮育苗的影响。

    The effects of the salinization of medium could be effectively decreased by reducing the content of salts in medium and keeping the EC ( 25 ℃) of its saturation extract ≤ 1160 μ s / cm .

  9. 结果表明:各种剪叶方式均能传播TMV,而且传播效率极高,剪叶是漂浮育苗中TMV引起的烟草普通花叶病在苗期传播的最主要、最有效的途径。

    The results showed that TMV spread mainly by clipping with very high efficiency , and clipping was the most important and effective approach of tobacco mosaic spreading in floating seedbed system .

  10. 采用堆沤65%腐熟甘蔗渣+25%膨化珍珠岩+10%煤渣(磨成粉过3mm孔径筛)配制烤烟漂浮育苗基质,能使烤烟较好地出苗、生长和成苗,大田生长发育也优于其他方式育出的烟苗。

    It was desirable for tobacco seedlings to grow in the matrix of 65 % decomposed bagasse + 25 % expanded perlite + 10 % coal silt .

  11. 甘蔗渣在烤烟漂浮育苗中的应用研究

    Application Study on The Bagasse Floats to Seeding in The Flue-cured Tobacco

  12. 关于雷米普利治疗脑卒中的读者来信总结烤烟漂浮育苗剪叶中的超越补偿效应研究

    Summary of responses Study of Overcompensation Responses on Float-seeding of Flue-cured Tobacco

  13. 棉花水体苗床漂浮育苗技术的研究

    Studies on the Technology of Raising Cotton Seedlings on Floating System Seedbed

  14. 该文主要综述了烟草漂浮育苗关键技术的研究。

    Key technology of tobacco floating system was reviewed in this article .

  15. 提高烤烟漂浮育苗成苗素质的技术研究

    Studies of Technique of Improving Tobacco Seedlings Quality in the Floating System

  16. 秸秆气化残余物在烟草漂浮育苗系统中的应用研究

    Application of straw gasification residues in tobacco seedling floating system

  17. 多节点漂浮育苗信息传输系统的研究

    Study of Floating Seedling Information Transmission System Based on Multi-node

  18. 降低烤烟漂浮育苗成本的技术试验

    Raising Tobacco Seedlings by the Floating Method with Lower Cost

  19. 花生糠和河砂在烟草漂浮育苗基质中的应用

    Application of Peanut Bran and Sand Medium to Tobacco Float Seedling Production

  20. 烟草漂浮育苗系统中培养基质对烟苗生长发育影响的研究

    Effects of medium on tobacco transplant growth and development in floating system

  21. 烟草漂浮育苗剪叶传播烟草花叶病毒的特点

    Spread Characteristics of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Through Clipping in Tobacco Floating-seedling System

  22. 漂浮育苗生产效益明显增加。

    3 , float seedling production benefit increases apparently .

  23. 烤烟漂浮育苗中普通花叶病的主要传播途径

    Major Spreading Approaches of Tobacco Mosaic Virus in Flue-cured Tobacco Floating Seedbed System

  24. 秸秆生物反应技术在烤烟漂浮育苗上的应用效果

    Application of Straw Biological Reaction Technique in Floating Culture of Flue-cured Tobacco Seedlings

  25. 烤烟漂浮育苗剪叶中的超越补偿效应研究

    Study of Overcompensation Responses on Float-seeding of Flue-cured Tobacco

  26. 替代烤烟漂浮育苗基质中草炭的试验研究Ⅱ基质中有机物料混配比例对烤烟漂浮育苗的影响

    The Influence of Organic Material Mixed Proportion in Substrate to Tobacco Floating System

  27. 不同漂浮育苗基质对烤烟育苗的影响

    Effect of Different Floating System Substrates on Tobacco Seedling

  28. 有氧发酵酿热漂浮育苗试验初报

    Raising Seedlings with Floating Trays Heated by Aerobic Fermentation

  29. 烤烟漂浮育苗草炭替代基质研究

    The Primary Report of New Type peat Substituted Medium in Floating System of Tobacco

  30. 烤烟漂浮育苗是一项采用无土设施栽培原理的烤烟育苗新技术。

    The floating system for tobacco seeding is an new technique of culture seedling .