
  • 网络clinical analysis
  1. 新生儿窒息后脑损伤的CT及临床分析

    Clinical Analysis for the CT of Cerebral Injury after Neonatal Asphyxia

  2. 儿童化脓性脑膜炎的CT与临床分析

    CT Findings and Clinical Analysis of Purulent Meningitis in Children

  3. 非淋菌性宫颈炎与阴道pH值改变的临床分析

    The Clinical Analysis Between Non-gonococcal Cervicitis and pH Change of Vagina

  4. C臂血管减影机(DSA)引导经皮肾造瘘治疗癌性肾积水的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of DSA-guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy for Treating Hydronephrosis

  5. 经纤维支气管镜肺活检失败后超声、CT引导下经皮穿刺肺活检的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of percutaneous lung biopsy guided by ultrasound or CT after the failure of transbronchial lung biopsy

  6. 微创手术治疗小儿晚发性维生素K缺乏所致颅内出血临床分析

    Clinical Analysis the Effect of minimal Invasive Operation for the Intracranial Hemorrhage Caused by Delayed Vitamin K Defi - ciency

  7. 高龄急性ST段抬高性心肌梗塞急诊介入治疗的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Emergency Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Elderly Patients with Acute ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction

  8. Nd∶YAG激光治疗喉气管狭窄的临床分析

    Analysis of Nd ∶ YAG Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Laryngeal and Upper Tracheal Stenosis

  9. 方法本文通过对55例骨折患者的临床分析并术前均做颌骨螺旋CT扫描和曲面断层片等X线平片,进行比较分析。

    Method Preoperative spiral CT and pantomogram and other x-rays has been applied in 55 cases of patient suffering fracture of jaws for compare and analysis .

  10. 流感甲型H1N1;蚌埠地区;临床分析。

    Influenza A H1N1 ; Bengbu District ; Clinical analysis .

  11. 高频电刀宫颈环状切除术治疗149例CINⅠ~Ⅱ临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 149 CIN ⅰ - ⅱ cases treatment by loop electrosurgical excision procedure

  12. 单项抗HBc阳性的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Patients of Single Positive Anti-HBc

  13. 方法根据全国小儿急诊医学组拟定的MOF诊断标准进行临床分析。

    Methods According to the diagnostic standard of multiple organ failure ( MOF ) formulated by national pediatric emergency group were used in clinical study .

  14. 方法对35例中心静脉置管后导管败血症(CRS)的患者进行临床分析,包括导管细菌培养、药敏试验、防治措施等。

    METHODS Clinical analyses included catheter bacteria culture , antibiotics sensitivity test and their prevention and treatment methods were preformed in 35 patients with intravenous CRS .

  15. TD-200G气囊助产仪助产300例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 300 deliveries assisted by TD-200G obstetrical airbag apparatus

  16. 燃煤污染引起慢性砷中毒临床分析及组织病理观察

    Clinical and Histopathological Observation on Arsenism Caused by Coal Burning Pollution

  17. 小儿烧伤后早期误吸13例临床分析

    Cases and Control Measures of Early Aspiration in Pediatric Burn Victims

  18. 胰腺损伤手术后并发症11例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of postoperative complications of 11 patients with pancreatic injury

  19. 地震受伤患者病原菌感染临床分析及对策

    Resistant Bacteria Infection in Earthquake Casualty : Clinical Analysis and Countermeasure

  20. 新生儿新法复苏效果临床分析

    Clinical analysis of the effect of new resuscitation measures for newborn

  21. 围麻醉期心肺复苏成败影响因素的临床分析

    The clinical analyse of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation influence factors in Peri-anesthesia

  22. 持续性枕横位、枕后位192例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 192 Cases with Persistent Occipital-Transverse and Occipital-Posterior Position

  23. 小肠良性肿瘤31例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 31 cases of benign neoplasm in small intestine

  24. 手术治疗外阴恶性肿瘤54例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 54 cases of vulval malignancies treated by operation

  25. 新生儿不明原因高间接胆红素血症临床分析

    Clinical analysis of full-term neonates with unknown cause of indirect hyperbilirubinemia

  26. 窒息新生儿早期喂养与胃肠功能紊乱临床分析

    Analysis of early feeding and gastrointestinal dysfunction in neonates with asphyxia

  27. 特发性乙状结肠穿孔24例老年患者临床分析

    Clinical characteristics of spontaneity perforation of sigmoid colon in elderly patients

  28. 磺(酰)脲类药物致严重低血糖20例临床分析

    Clinic Analysis of 20 Cases with Severe Hypoglycemia Caused by Sulfonylureas

  29. 21例极低出生体重儿临床分析

    Clinical study on 21 children of very low birth weight infants

  30. 重度子痫前期合并胎儿生长受限的临床分析

    A clinical analysis of severe preeclampsia complicated with fetal growth restriction