
  • 网络clinical research evidence
  1. 塞来昔布改善动脉内皮功能的基础与临床研究证据

    Basic and Clinical Research Evidence of Celecoxib Improving Arterial Endothelial Function

  2. 目的对格列喹酮治疗糖尿病的相关临床研究证据进行综述。

    Objective To summarize the available clinical research evidence on gliquidone for treating diabetes mellitus .

  3. 本文结合最新的临床研究证据阐明气道管理与VAP防治的策略。

    This issue is focused on the strategies of airway management related to the prevention of VAP according to the latest clinical evidence .

  4. 目的对原因不明性不孕治疗的相关临床研究证据进行评价。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical evidence of treatment for unexplained infertility .

  5. 方法运用循证医学的基本原理和方法,系统检索格列喹酮治疗糖尿病的相关临床研究证据,并对证据质量进行评价。

    Methods The clinical research on gliquidone for diabetes mellitus was systematically searched and appraised .

  6. 雷米普利临床研究证据的综合评价&循证评药实用方法初步探索

    Comprehensive assessment of clinical evidence of ramipril & an exploration of evidence based drug assessment

  7. 锥颅穿刺血肿抽吸术治疗脑出血临床研究证据的系统评价

    Systematic Review of Clinical Evidence : the Efficacy of Stereotactic Aspiration in the Treatment of Cerebral Hemorrhage

  8. 这些非传统益智中药在抗痴呆方面有较好的实验或临床研究证据。

    The experimental and clinical researches indicated that Chinese drugs such as Radix ginseng , Radix codonopsis , Radix astragali , Radix polygoni multiflori , etc.

  9. 结果共抽取440例应用醒脑静的神经科患者。在适应证方面,22.0%不符合说明书,14.7%缺乏临床研究证据的支持。

    Results 440 cases were sampled , among which 22.0 % indications were inconsistent with Xing Nao Jing instuction , and 14.7 % were lack of evidence support .

  10. 循证医学强调最佳临床研究证据、医生专业技能和病人价值、愿望的完美结合。

    It is important in Evidence-Based Medicine ( EBM ) that the combination of the best clinical research evidence , the doctor ′ s specialized skill and the patient ′ s desire .

  11. 循证医学是最好的临床研究证据与临床实践(临床经验、临床决策)以及患者价值观(关注,期望,需求)的结合。

    Follows the card medicine is the best combination of clinical researchs , the clinical practice ( clinical experience , clinical decision-making ) and the values of patients ( attention , expectation , demand ) .

  12. [结论]国内现有的临床研究证据显示尼莫地平联合脑脊液置换治疗自发性蛛网膜下腔出血安全有效。

    Begg and Egger assay had prompted the study there was no obvious bias . Conclusion : The domestic clinical research evidence shows that Nimodipine combined with cerebrospinal fluid displacement is a safe and effective treatment of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage .

  13. 结果:共调查病例676例,应用醒脑静的前10种适应证中18.0%与药品说明书不符,17.5%缺乏临床研究证据支持;

    RESULTS : A total of 676 cases were sampled with more than 25 kinds of indications , and among the top 10 indications , 18.0 % were inconsistent with the instruction , and 17.5 % were in lack of evidence support such as randomized controlled trials .

  14. 进行中西药物治疗癌痛文献的质量分析:大部分临床研究文献证据等级不高,存在研究方法运用不恰当或文献报告内容不充分的问题。

    Western medical treatment for the quality of cancer pain literature : most of the clinical literature evidence level is not good , there is the use of inappropriate research methods or the content of the literature does not adequately question . 3 .

  15. 临床和动物实验研究证据均表明LFS灶点或灶点外相关脑结构能抑制癫痫的发作。

    Evidences from clinical and animal studies show that LFS at epileptic foci or related structures outside foci can inhibit seizures .

  16. 说明中医药治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌有一定优势,这为临床提供了进一步研究证据和治疗思路。

    All these results provide us some certain clinical research evidences and treatment thoughts for advantages of TCM therapy on NSCLC patients .

  17. 循证医学强调在临床实践中遵循临床研究证据,结合医生临床经验和患者需求科学决策与实践。

    Evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) emphasizes that the clinical practice should be based on the combination of the best available clinical evidence , medical experiences and patient desire to cope with the demand of medical decision-making .