
lín chuánɡ yī xué
  • clinical medicine
  1. 不过,中国在临床医学以及天文学与天体物理学方面与其他科技强国差距明显,分别排名第12名和第8名。

    However , China is notably behind other scientific powerhouses in clinical medicine and astronomy and astrophysics , ranking at 12th and 8th , respectively .

  2. CT技术在临床医学上的应用是20世纪医疗技术进步的重要标志。

    CT technology applied in clinical medicine is an important symbol of medical technology progress in 20th century .

  3. RNA干扰及其技术在临床医学中的应用前景

    Prospect of application of RNA interference and its technique in clinical medicine

  4. VS治疗癫痫的临床医学工程

    Clinical Medical Engineering on Epilepsy Treatment with Vagal Stimulation

  5. 分析和讨论了PET、PET/CT在临床医学中的应用价值。

    The application value of PET and PET / CT in clinical practice were briefly discussed and evaluated .

  6. 电阻抗成像技术(electricalimpedancetomography,EIT)是一种特点鲜明的成像技术,主要应用于临床医学诊断。

    Electrical impedance tomography ( EIT ) is a kind of new imaging technology which is mainly used in clinical diagnose .

  7. 磁共振功能成像在临床医学中的应用&脑血栓形成的fMRI研究

    Application of Functional MRI in Clinical Medicine & A fMRI Study of Cerebral Thrombosis

  8. SPR生物传感器在临床医学检验中的应用

    Application of SPR biosensor to clinical examination

  9. 开发DNA和蛋白质的高灵敏检测技术一直是生命分析化学领域的一个热门研究课题,它在生物工程、临床医学、环境检测、食品和农业分析等方面具有重要意义。

    The highly sensitive detection of nucleic acids and proteins has attracted considerable interest in a wide range of areas including bioengineering , clinical medicine , environmental monitoring , food and agricultural field .

  10. 结果表明,ICA在生物医学工程,尤其是临床医学工程中具有潜在的重要应用价值。

    ICA shows a promising prospect and important application value in the Biomedical Engineering , especially in the Clinic Medicine Engineering .

  11. 该方法用于临床医学检测中,可用V_(op)~t图谱快速判断抗体或抗原是否存在。

    The method may be used in detecting the existence of antigen or antibody in the detection of clinical medicine .

  12. 在临床医学诊断学方面,超声成像技术与X射线、CT、磁共振成像并称为四大医学影像技术,是现在医学分析确诊的重要手段之一。

    In clinical diagnostics , Ultrasound , X ray , Computerized Tomography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance have been called the four medical imageology technologies , which are very important for doctors to diagnose .

  13. 流式细胞仪(FCM)是综合了多项现代技术的科学仪器,在生物学、基础医学和临床医学获得了广泛应用。

    Flow cytometry ( FCM ) which colligated a few of modern techniques is widely used in biology , basic medicine and clinical medicine .

  14. X射线成像方法学在近年来取得了长足的发展,在临床医学、生命科学、材料科学、信息科学以及诸多工业应用领域中获得了极其广泛的应用。

    X-ray imaging methodology has been made great progress in recent years , especially for the applications of clinical medicine , life science , material science , information science , and a variety of industrial fields .

  15. 诱发电位(EP)信号的检测与分析技术是临床医学诊断神经系统损伤及病变的一种重要手段。

    The detection and analysis of evoked potentials ( EPs ) is an important means in clinical diagnosis for the injury and disease of central nervous system .

  16. 循证医学(evidence-basedMedicine,EBM)是21世纪临床医学教育发展的必然趋势,其核心思想是在医疗决策中将临床证据、个人经验与患者的实际情况和意愿三者相结合。

    Evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) is an inevitable development tendency of clinical medicine education in 21 century . Its core thinking is to combine evidence , personal experiences and patients'actual situation .

  17. 来源:StewartWeiss,医学博士,纽约大学医学院临床医学副教授;

    SOURCES : Stewart Weiss , M.D. , assistant clinical professor of medicine , New York University School of Medicine , New York City ;

  18. 论文研究结果可望进一步推广到PACS、HIS、RIS等临床医学图像管理系统中。

    The related results in this thesis can be widely applied to clinical images management systems , such as PACS , HIS , RIS and so on .

  19. 前言:目的:为了开发西洋参在临床医学方面的应用,提高CPHD病人的各项免疫指标。

    Objective : To explore the application of PQS in clinics and improve immunological responses of CPHD patients .

  20. 方法使用临床医学生学习生活状况调查表和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对570名临床医学生进行测试。

    Methods Five hundred and seventy medical students were surveyed by using the questionnaire for the conditions of study and daily life of clinical students and Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  21. 事件相关电位(Event-RelatedPotential,ERP)反映了认知过程中大脑的神经电活动,是研究人类高级认知功能的一个有力工具,在临床医学及认知科学中获得了广泛的应用。

    Event-Related Potential ( ERP ) reflects neural activity of the brain of cognitive process , and is a useful tool of studying human advanced cognitive function , so it has a widely application in clinical medicine and cognitive science .

  22. 在实验前、后监测心前区血流中的Doppler气泡音、脑电图、心电图、动态心电图、肺功能、尿液神经肽含量、临床医学观察和心理学测定。

    Precordial Doppler bubble detection , EEG , ECG , Holter ECG , pulmonary function , neuropeptide content in urine , were measured or tested before and after the experiment . And clinical observation and psychological assessment were also made in the process .

  23. 在医学领域,系统化临床医学术语集(SNOMEDCT)是成功利用知识本体研究成果的范例。

    SNOMED CT ( Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine , Clinical Terms ) produced by the College of American Pathologists is a successful example of Domain Ontology in the medical field .

  24. 采用临床医学ICG数据对算法进行了检测,结果表明,对C波的漏检率与采用传统的相干平均法相比明显降低,因此,小波变换是心阻抗微分信号分析与处理的可行且有效的方法。

    The algorithm is tested using clinical ICG data and proved to have satisfactory results compared to coherent average method which shows that the WT is an effective technology for analyzing and processing of impedance differential signals .

  25. 方法:实验于2003-01/2004-06在广州市临床医学研究中心完成。10只SD大鼠接受右坐骨神经结扎手术,模拟慢性神经痛模型。

    METHODS : The experiment was completed in Guangzhou Research Center for Clinical Medical Sciences from January 2003 to June 2004.Ligation was performed in right sciatic nerves of 10 SD rats to replicate a model of chronic neuropathic pain .

  26. 眼底相机(FundusCamera)具有结构简单、图像直观性强和可靠性高等特点,成为目前临床医学对患者眼底检测的主要仪器之一。

    Fundus camera has the characteristics of simple structure , visual images taken with a strong objectivity and a high reliability , so it has become one of the main instruments for the clinical testing on the fundus of eyes now .

  27. 作者依据临床医学研究的对象是单个的病人,结合当前临床医学发展的现状,提出了较为具体可行的生物心理临床医学模式(CMM)的概念。

    In view of individual patients as the subject of studies on clinical medicine and the present situation of clinical medicine development , the authors put forward a concrete and feasible conception of bio-psycho clinical medicine model ( CMM ) .

  28. 传统的临床医学教育观念已不适应EBM时代的要求,以问题为基础的循证医学的临床教育观念和教学模式,是当今临床医学发展的必然趋势。

    Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends of the times of EBM . Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends towards problem based EBM with the development of clinical medicine .

  29. 通过对约五千例妇女乳腺病筛选的结果,表明了生理影像信息处理及ITE技术在临床医学上的应用价值。

    The results from approximately 5000 women breast disease screening , we think that the application of ITE and physiology image processing technology in clinical medicine engineering have an important practical value .

  30. 材料:实验于2000-04/2002-01在哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院神经内科动物实验室完成,动物为雄性Wistar大鼠50只,体质量(250±25)g,清洁级。

    MATERIALS : The study was conducted in the Animal Laboratory of Neurology , the First College for Clinical Medicine , Harbin Medical University between April 2000 and January 2002.Fifty male Wistar rats ( cleanness grade ) with a bodyweight of ( 250 ± 25 ) g were selected .