
zhōng lì guó
  • neutral;neutral state;neutral state in war;a state in neutrality forever
中立国 [zhōng lì guó]
  • (1) [neutral state in war]∶指在国际战争中奉行中立政策的国家,它对交战国任何一方不采取敌对行为

  • (2) [a state in neutrality forever]∶由国际条约保证,永远不跟其他国家作战,也不承担任何可以间接把它拖入战争的国际义务的国家

中立国[zhōng lì guó]
  1. 该地区的中立国为结束战争作出了努力。

    Neutral state in the area has tried to bring an end to the war .

  2. 其次,在一些公认开始为中立齿轮,例如方式关闭路,而且保证开始之前的中立国。

    Second , before the start of some recognition for the neutral gear , such as the way to turn off the road , but also to ensure that the neutral state to start .

  3. 一个中立国被请去帮助处理这个争端。

    A neutral country was asked to help settle the dispute .

  4. 这些士兵被拘留在一个中立国,直到战争结束

    These soldiers were interned in a neutral country until the war was over .

  5. 18世纪,英裔美国革命家托马斯•潘恩(ThomasPaine)主张采用彩虹旗作为海上识别中立国船只的通用符号。

    In the 18th Century , the English-American revolutionary and author of the influential political tract Rights of Man , Thomas Paine , advocated for the adoption of the rainbow flag as a universal symbol for identifying neutral ships at sea .

  6. 对英国而言,瑞士是个有益且友好的中立国。

    For britain , Switzerland was a useful and friendly neutral .

  7. 析二战欧洲中立国之中立

    An Analysis on European Neutral Countries During the Second World War

  8. 以色列是从被压迫中立国的。

    Israel was created to be a land free from oppression .

  9. 关于中立国在海战中的权利和义务公约

    Convention Concerning the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers in Maritime War

  10. 海军被指控袭击中立国的船泊。

    The navy is accused of having attacked neutral shipping .

  11. 瑞典和瑞士在战争时期是中立国。

    Sweden and Switzerland were neutrals during the war .

  12. 国际社会之所以忽视中立国海上贸易权利问题是由多方面原因造成的。

    Because of many causes the international society overlooked the wartime neutral rights .

  13. 有一些人在中立国瑞士避难,特别是聚集在苏黎世。

    Some took refuge in neutral Switzerland , grouping at Zurich in particular .

  14. 对战时中立国海上贸易权利问题的思考

    On the Wartime Neutral Rights about Maritime Trade

  15. 一个处于战争中的国家有视察中立国船只之权。

    A nation at war has the right of visitation of the neutral ships .

  16. 外交官选了个中立国以便他们能条件均等地会晤。

    The diplomats chose a neutral country so that they could meet on equal terms .

  17. 但戈培尔不知道,还有一盒母带已经被送到了中立国瑞士。

    But unknown to Goebbels , a second master had been sent to neutral Switzerland .

  18. 美国独立战争期间欧洲中立国的海上贸易权利之争

    Controversies on neutral countries ′ marine trading rights among European powers during American Independence War

  19. 和中立国进行合谈对话。

    To hold talks in neutral territory .

  20. 中立国、公正的法官、公正的评价

    A neutral country , judge , assessment

  21. 美国独立战争期间,在与美国进行海上贸易的权利方面,欧洲中立国与英国之间不可避免产生了中立权利的纠纷。

    During the American Independence War , the dispute arose between the European neutrals and Britain .

  22. 最终,油漆匠、乐队指挥和英国飞行员们一起飞向了中立国瑞士。

    Finally , the painter , conductor and a British pilots fly to a neutral Switzerland .

  23. 瑞士虽然(作为中立国)避开了大部分战争,却避不开这场货币战争。

    The Swiss , who avoid most wars , are in the thick of this one .

  24. 中立国海上贸易权利规则须作变更以适应目前的国际现实。

    And to suit the present reality , the neutral rights of maritime trade should be revised .

  25. 德国的船只大部分躲避在中立国的港口内,或者在中途被阻截时,自行凿沉。

    The German ships mostly took refuge in neutral ports or , when intercepted , scuttled themselves .

  26. 瑞士以作为一个不属于任何军事联盟的中立国而自豪。

    Switzerland prides itself on being a neutral country which does not belong to any military alliance .

  27. 为了赢得战争,我们不得不冒触怒中立国的危险。

    In order to win the war we had to take the risk of offending neutral nations .

  28. 欧洲中立国的海上贸易政策既有相同点,也有不同之处。

    There were many common points and different points in the maritime trade policy of the European neutrals .

  29. 赵:瑞士一直是中立国,但于2002年9月通过全民公决加入了联合国。

    Zhao : Switzerland was a neutral nation until September 2002 when a referendum decided to join UN .

  30. 他提出了谈判必须在中立国举行的先决条件。

    He made it a precondition of the talks that they should be held in a neutral country .