
  • 网络square brackets;Attribute;bracket
  1. 谈归结推理中括号的使用与改进

    Discussion of the brackets using and improving in artificial intelligence

  2. 中括号内的表达式看起来很熟悉。

    The expression in the square brackets looks familiar .

  3. 如果使用Jacl,语法类似于上述的Jython命令,主要区别是Jacl使用大括号代替了中括号

    If using Jacl , the syntax is similar to the Jython commands above , the main difference being the replacement of brackets with braces

  4. 中括号中的文字表示参数名称。

    Parenthetical text indicates the parameter name .

  5. 中括号从查询生成器的左侧空白处被移除,子句被取消分组。

    The bracket is removed from the left margin of the query builder and the clauses are ungrouped .

  6. 步骤的所有参数值按照顺序指定,并且在内层中括号内使用空格分开。

    All the parameter values of the step are specified in the proper sequence and separated with a space within the inner brackets .

  7. 括号:一对用来包括文字、数字等的符号。括号有小括号、中括号、角括号和大括号。

    Brackets : Pairs of marks used for enclosing words , figures , etc. These are Parentheses , Square brackets , Angle brackets and Brace .

  8. 表的格式为两层中括号。外层的中括号包含了步骤的整个表,内层的中括号是表中的一行。

    The table is formatted with two layers of brackets ; the outer brackets encloses the entire table for the step ; the inner brackets designate a row in the table .

  9. 结果表明,多数被试可以通过样例学会小括号和中括号四则混合运算规则,但多数被试难以学会无括号四则混合运算规则;

    As a result , most of pupils could learn the rules of the four fundamental admixture operations of arithmetic with brackets by worked examples , but the number of pupils could learn the rules of the four fundamental admixture operations of arithmetic without brackets wasn 't significant ;

  10. 这条正则式允许相同的字符集出现在URL中的括号内,组成0个或多个字符的序列。

    This regex allows the same set of characters in the middle of the URL , mixed with zero or more sequences of those characters between parentheses .

  11. 注意特别钳汤姆举行了加工过程中的括号内。

    Note the special clamp Tom made to hold the brackets during machining .

  12. 键标记中大括号不匹配。

    Mismatched braces in key label .

  13. 参考文献:引用文献在文章中以括号内的数字,并在论文最后列出。

    References : Cite references in text using number in () and list in back of paper .

  14. 求值过程类似于手工计算:如果表达式中包含括号,先求嵌套最深的括号对中的子表达式的值。

    The process of evaluation is similar to calculating by hand : while the expression contains parentheses , the subexpression inside the deepest nested pair of parentheses is evaluated .

  15. select属性中使用的括号(())对于正确的行为很重要。

    The parentheses (()) used in the select attribute are essential to correct behavior .

  16. 其他编程语言使用特殊的字符来区分代码块,比如基于C的语言中的花括号({和})。

    Other programming languages use special characters to distinguish blocks of code , like the curly brace characters ( { and } ) in C-based languages .

  17. 清单12还说明了DB2中(方括号)和Oracle中(括号)中子索引的不同语法。

    Listing 12 also illustrates the different syntax for sub-indexing in DB2 ( square brackets ) and in Oracle ( parentheses ) .

  18. Inbox按钮仍然提供了未读计数(在桌面显示中被放入括号中)。

    The Inbox button still features an unread count ( in parenthesis for the desktop display ) .

  19. 在样式表中,花括号填充多个href属性。

    In the stylesheet , curly brackets populate several href attributes .

  20. 命令中带圆括号的部分称为subshell。

    The parenthesized series of commands is called a subshell .

  21. Dirac把量子力学的对易关系类比于经典力学中的泊松括号,建立起非相对论量子力学中的普遍变换理论.但是该理论本身能否再发展呢?

    Dirac connected the quantum mechanical commutators with the classical Poisson brackets , and established the transformation theory for non-relativistic quantum mechanics .

  22. 属性中的花括号(只用在属性中)从RSS或Atom提要中提取信息,就像xsl:value-of从普通文本中提取信息一样。

    The curly brackets in attributes ( and only in attributes ) extract information from the RSS or Atom feed , like xsl : value-of does for regular text .

  23. 就像我上次说的,你也可以不用参数,在JavaScript和PHP中只用圆括号,这实际上是一个规范。

    You can also get away , as I said last time , with just putting parentheses in JavaScript and PHP , this is , in fact , the norm .

  24. 例如“(spamANDeggs)OR(hamANDcheese)”中,任何括号中的组合都将符合条件,而不必包括另一头分离的词汇。

    For example "( spam AND eggs ) OR ( ham AND cheese )" might match either parenthesized conjunction without including words from the other side of the disjunction .

  25. 在Scala中,方括号表示参数化的类;在这里,参数是ID的类型和实际模型类的类型。

    The square brackets denote a parameterized class in Scala , and in this case , it takes the type of the ID and the type of the actual model class .

  26. 请注意integerLiteral规则中用花括号包括的System.out.println()语句。

    Note the braces enclosing the System . out . println () statement in the integerLiteral rule .

  27. 在语法中,方括号中的项是可选项。

    In syntax , items inside square brackets are optional .

  28. 在本例中,大括号表示值列表。

    In this case , curly brackets indicate a list of values .

  29. 在语法中,中括号中的项目是可选项。

    In syntax , items inside brackets are optional .

  30. 在这两个查询中,方括号中表示了连接谓词。

    In both queries , the join predicate is expressed within the square brackets .