
  • 网络neutral gas
  1. HL-2A装置偏滤器室中性气体压强的初步研究

    Preliminary study of neutral gas pressure in the divertor chamber of the HL-2A tokamak

  2. 中性气体释放人工产生气辉

    Artificially Created Airglow by Neutral Gas Release

  3. 并首次测量了Sc3+离子与中性气体分子H2和N2的电荷转移速率系数。

    Moreover the charge transfer rate coefficient of Sc3 + with neutral molecules H2 and N2 is measured .

  4. 本文给出了强流相对论性电子束(IREB)在低压中性气体中传输特性的理论和实验研究结果。

    Experimental and theoretical results of Intense Relativistic Electron Beam ( IREB ) propagation in low pressure neutral gases are presented .

  5. 因此,在原子团簇的选择存储基础上,并进一步开展了原子团簇离子同中性气体(O2、N2等)的化学反应和碰撞反应实验,取得了丰富的结果。

    Therefore , based on the selective storage of cluster ions , we have further carried out experiments on chemical reactions of cluster ions with O 2 , N 2 and on collision reactions between cluster ions , and attained rich results .

  6. 中性气体瓶爆破片自爆原因分析

    Self-Burst Causes Analysis for Detonation Slice of Mid Character Gas Bottle

  7. 强流相对论性电子束在低压中性气体中传输的研究

    Investigation of IREB propagation in low pressure neutral gases

  8. 模拟结果发现,气体流速和压力均与中性气体密度分布成正比。

    The simulation results showed that the gas flow rate and pressure are proportional to the neutral gas density distribution .

  9. 文献[1]是给定放电中间参数后,假定中性气体运动,研究放电现象。

    [ 1 ] , the discharge phenomena are investigated under the assumption that the neutral gas is in motion ' with a set of given intermediary parameters .

  10. 地球天气的介质,是大气层底层里的高密度电中性气体,其行为主要遵循流体力学及热力学定律。

    The medium for terrestrial weather is the dense , electrically neutral gas in the earth 's lower atmosphere , whose behavior is governed by the laws of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics .

  11. 初步研究了偏滤器位形和孔栏位形放电期间偏滤器室中性气体压强的特性。

    The divertor configuration parameters have been given , and initial study of the neutral gas pressure in the divertor chamber with and without the divertor configuration in the HL-2A tokamak has been made .

  12. 薄膜的均匀性主要受到等离子密度分布的影响,而其又与如放电功率、频率、气压,中性气体流速、反应器结构及尺寸等诸多因素直接相关。

    And it influenced by the plasma density distribution is directly related to many factors such as discharge power , frequency , pressure , and neutral gas flow rate , reactor structure and size , etc. .

  13. 本文仍假定中性气体运动,但给出初始放电参数,补充两个积分关系,建立了初始放电参数与中间参数的关系。

    It is still assumed hear that the neutral gas is in motion , however initial parameters are given , two integral equalities are derived , and relations between initial parameters and the intermediary ones are established .

  14. 对于大小相同的尘埃,不论其初始位置、初始速度如何,最终会在静电力、重力、中性气体碰撞力、离子拖拽力和洛仑兹力的共同作用下平衡于相同的位置。

    The same size dust particles , whatever original velocity and position they have , finally will rest at the same position under the net actions of electrostatic , gravitational , neutral collisional , ion drag and Lorentz forces .

  15. 用电离理论和核物理学中讨论电子束通过介质后的能量损耗的方法,分别估算了强流电子束电离中性气体产生的等离子体的密度。

    We estimated the plasma density produced by relativistic electron beam ( REB ) ionizing neutral gas , using both ionization theory and another method employed often to study energy losses of electron beam transporting through matter in nuclear physics .

  16. 数值结果表明:发射电子的初始束流密度及中性气体密度是描述鞘层空间演化的两个最关键的物理量,特别是发射电子的存在使得鞘层厚度变薄。

    Numerical results show that the initial emitted electron bean-current density and the neutral gas density are two important physics quantities affecting the sheath parameters , such as the ion density , ion current density , and the sheath electric field .

  17. 采用中性气体流动欧拉方程的近似因子分解法,耦合等离子体的热平衡模型方程,对用微波产生的等离子体在喷管内二线轴对称复合流动进行了数值计算。

    With the approximate-factorization algorithm of Eular equation describing the neutron gas flow fields , coupling with the thermal equilibrium model equation of plasma , the composite fluid fields of plasma , flowing in two dimensional axial asymmetry nozzle after generated by microwave , were numerically calculated .

  18. 1924年爱因斯坦预言了当温度低于临界温度时服从玻色统计的理想中性原子气体的凝聚现象。

    In 1924 , Einstein predicted the phenomenon of condensation for an ideal gas of neutral atoms obeyed Bose-statistics under the temperature below critical value .

  19. 通过系统内中性剩余气体流动过程的分析,得到了质子积聚率的基本方程和质子密度作指数增长的条件。

    From an analysis of the flow of the neutral residual gas in the system the general equation for the rate of accumulation of fast protons is obtained .

  20. HT-7中性束注入器气体靶厚度优化分析与设计

    The Optimization Analysis and Design of Gas Target Thickness of HT-7 Neutral Beam Injection System

  21. 一次放电中产生的一种电中性离子化的气体,明显不同于固体、液体和正常气体。

    An electrically neutral ionized gas in an electric discharge ; distinctly different from solids and liquids and normal gases .

  22. 文章导出一种由两个中性的惰性气体原子之间的碰撞引起的电四极辐射几率。

    We educe a probability of the electric quadrupole emission of a photon induced by collision between two neutral atoms of inert gases .

  23. 等离子体是带电粒子和中性粒子组成的表现出集体行为的一种准中性气体。

    A plasma is a quasineutral gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective behavior .