
  1. 他在电影中扮演将军的角色。

    The man played the role of general in the movie .

  2. 将军戈壁中的将军为谁小辨

    Who Is the General in General Gobi

  3. 就像一战中的将军们那样,联合政府正坚守着一种无法奏效的正统战略。

    Like first world war generals , it is sticking with an orthodoxy that is not working .

  4. 在辞职信中,将军承认他已经成为总统的绊脚石。

    In his letter of resignation , the general admitted that he has become a liability to the president .

  5. 在调查表中,将军队医院危机分为医疗危机、突发公共卫生事件、行政危机和经济危机四类,并列出每个类别所包含的具体因素;

    We divide the military crisis into medical treatment crisis , common health incident , administration crisis and economy crisis in this questionnaire , also it lists the specific factors of each aspect .

  6. 在《团队的团队》一书中,斯坦利·麦克里斯托尔将军描述了军队的等级制度是如何在伊拉克战争早期阻碍军事行动的。

    In his book , " Team of Teams ' General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army 's hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war . "

  7. 在早期的战争中,这位将军曾当过士兵。

    The general had served as a soldier in the earlier war .

  8. 在此次战役中,巴顿将军曾发生一件不幸的掌掴事件。

    It was during this campaign that the unfortunate " slapping incident " involving General Patton took place .

  9. 在二战中,这位将军不无骄傲地强调说他亲自挖散兵坑。

    In World War II the general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole .

  10. 在随后的一场战役中,杰克逊将军希望能有一个人引领士兵们去攻击印第安人。

    Later in the fighting , General Jackson asked for someone to lead an attack against the Indians .

  11. 在本故事中,扎洛夫将军是一个表面上温文尔雅的人,但其实是一个自负的人。

    In this story , General Zaroff is gentle on the surface , but rather conceited in his mind .

  12. 在令人感动的告别讲话中,迈尔斯将军谈到美国军队的几百万军人。

    In an emotional farewell speech , General Myers spoke of the millions of troops in the U.S. military .

  13. 如果发生了奇迹你们能从车祸中脱身,将军也会知道是你们劫了他。

    And if by some miracle you walked away from the crash , the General 's gonna know that you ripped him off .

  14. 在西西里战役中,巴顿将军走访了一个受到弹震症的士兵,他却扇了他两耳光。

    During the Campaign in Sicily , Patton visited a soldier suffering from shell shock , and his response was to slap him twice .

  15. 盖茨说,他预计在参议院批准这一提名的过程中,彼得雷乌斯将军将在伊拉克再呆几个月。

    The secretary said he expects General Petraeus to stay in Iraq for several more months while the process of Senate approval of his nomination proceeds .

  16. 斐迪南福煦,法国军队中一位将军,他被人们赞誉具有最原始的和微妙的思想之一,他说:飞机是个好玩的玩具,但是毫无军用价值。

    Ferdinand Foch , a French army general credited with having one of the most original and subtle minds in the French army , said , Airplanes are interesting toys , but of no military value .

  17. 拿破仑在二十四岁时就成了法国军队中的一名将军。

    Napoloen became a general in the French army at the young age of twenty-four .

  18. 他在一部题为《我的父亲》的回忆录中发表了对将军的回忆。

    He has published his remembrances of the general in a memoir entitled'my father ' .

  19. 在那次伟大的防御战役中,几位将军亲临前线了。

    In that great war of defence , several generals went to the front in body .

  20. 我坚信,在坠入无底深渊的过程中,政治家和将军们的感觉是极为关键的。

    It is my conviction that during the descent into the abyss , the perceptions of statesmen and11 generals were absolutely crucial .

  21. 他在人群中迂回穿行。将军成功地迂回到敌后进行攻击,打跨了敌军。

    He weaved his way through the crowd . The general successfully turned the flank of the enemy troops and routed them .

  22. 在第一次世界大战中,以约翰·欣将军为总司令的美国远征军的第一分遣队在法国登陆。

    The first contingent of the American Expeditionary Force landed in France in World War I , with General John Pershing commander-in-chief .

  23. 姆拉迪奇是90年代的巴尔干战争中的波斯尼亚塞族将军,也是仍然在逃的南斯拉夫战争罪行的最高嫌疑人。

    Mladic was a Bosnian Serb general during the Balkan wars of the1990s , and the highest-ranking Yugoslav war crimes suspect still at large .

  24. 更加鲜明的个性&这一直是玩家们对游戏中的家族、将军和操控对象们的热切期盼。

    Adding an even bigger dose of personality to the game is all the attention being given to your in-game family , generals and agents .

  25. 但在发表武断言论或做出鲁莽行为之前,请你三思!在下文中,一位将军和一名足球运动员的遭遇将提醒你,不要忘了适时保持沉默。

    But think twice before you say or do anything rash – in the following , incidents of a general and a soccer player may remind you just when to shut your mouth .