
  • 网络Middle School Teacher;Secondary school teacher;Secondary Teacher
  1. 毕业之后,他在一个偏远小镇当起了中学老师。

    After graduation , he became a high school teacher in a remote town .

  2. 每次回到故里,我都去拜访我的中学老师。

    Every time I went back to my hometown I would pay my respects to the middle school teachers .

  3. 我是一名中学老师。我教中文。

    I am a middle school teacher . I teach Chinese .

  4. 与他们很少见到的中学老师联结起来,

    with something they 've seldom seen : a secondary school teacher .

  5. 我想成为中学老师。

    I want to be a middle school teacher .

  6. 他的长女是一位中学老师。

    His eldest daughter is a middle school teacher .

  7. 对中学老师的需求在接下来十年也是保持稳定的。

    The demand for secondary teachers is expected to remain steady for the next decade .

  8. 在他的学生被绑架之后,一位中学老师的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    An unpopular high school teacher turns his life around after a student is kidnapped .

  9. 你还做过什么,还是就一直做中学老师?

    What else have you been , or have you always been a high school teacher ?

  10. “哈哈哈,沃兹先生,你可真会开玩笑。”谁会相信一个中学老师会设计核弹头?

    Who would believe that a High school teacher knew how to build a nuclear bomb ?

  11. 在此,我向你们的家长和中学老师表示深深的敬意和感谢。

    I would also extend my thanks to your parents and teachers in the high school .

  12. 我想在很大程度上,我正是那位中学老师未经签名的手稿。

    I suppose that to a large extent I am the unsigned manuscript of the high school teacher .

  13. 林的中学老师,姓蔡,说林是一个学业优秀的害羞学生。

    Lin 's middle school teacher , surnamed Cai , said Lin was a shy student who excelled academically .

  14. 中学老师:我收到信函载有帐号,但不能成功登入该网站。

    Q.Secondary Teacher : I received a letter with the passwords , but cannot log into the companion website .

  15. 比如,当面对三个同样叫做刘芳的学生时,一位中学老师可以分别把她们称为大刘芳、中刘芳和小刘芳。

    Confronting three students named Liu Fang , for example , one middle-school teacher nicknamed them Big , Little and Middle .

  16. 那里的中学老师会教他们数字科技,让他们接受良好的中学教育,

    And there is the secondary school teacher , who is teaching them about digital technology and a good secondary school education ,

  17. 但是你们也担心,如果作为一个艺术家或是一个演员,一个人民公仆或是一个中学老师,该如何才能生存下去?

    But you wonder how you would ever survive as an artist or an actor or a public servant or a high school teacher ?

  18. 一位纽约的中学老师决定告诉她的高年级学生:他们不同程度地改变了他人的生活,从而让每个人得到赞许。

    A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in high school by telling them the difference they each made .

  19. 近日美国一个中学老师以刺杀总统奥巴马为例讲解几何,这番言论一出,警察们顿时如临大敌。

    A Jefferson County teacher picked the wrong example when he used assassinating President Barack Obama as a way to teach angles to his geometry students .

  20. 蕙仪感谢两位中学老师及科大谢显堂教授的启迪,令她对生物学及环境产生兴趣。

    Wai Yee thanks two of her teachers at secondary school and Prof Dennis Hsieh at HKUST for inspiring her interest in biology and the environment .

  21. 俞的中学老师用一个小时的时间骑自行车来到俞的家里,讲述什么是作为帝王艺术的“园林”,亭台楼阁、流水和假山美景。

    Yu 's teacher cycled for an hour to explain " landscape gardening " as the art of emperors , comprising beautiful pavilions , waterfalls and rockeries .

  22. 尤其是儿童,在科学课堂上展示我的视频的中学老师的数量就是很好的证明。

    This is certainly true of kids ; the number of middle school teachers who show my videos in their science classes is a testament to that .

  23. 这之前艾律克是中学老师和摔跤教练,崭露头角成为时代、户外和攀登杂志的封面人物。

    Erik is a former middle school teacher and wrestling coach who has made his way on to the cover of Time , Outside , and Climbing magazines .

  24. 中学老师正在与教育部会晤,讨论他们希望增加工资和缩小班级规模的请求。

    High school teachers are meeting with the Ministry of Education to talk about their demands for an increase in pay and a reduction in the size of classes .

  25. 在高中各学科中,语文的地位也只是看起来的重要。在一些中学老师、家长、学生心目中,语文可以说是一门说是最重要而实际上却最不受重视的课程。

    Among the various disciplines in senior middle school , Chinese is a subject which seems important but in fact receives little attention from the teachers , parents and students .

  26. 我来自农村基层,是一名普通的中学老师,对黄冈地区的中学美术教育的基本情况有一定的了解。

    I come from the countryside basic unit , is an ordinary high school teacher of middle school , and the arts education in huanggang region of the basic condition of certain .

  27. 本月早些时候,梅泽尔收到她认识的一位中学老师发来的电子邮件:有批弱势学生,有的是无家可归的孤儿,有的是虐待行为的受害者,伟大谈话愿意为他们讲课吗?

    Earlier this month , Metzger got an email from a middle-school teacher she knows : Would Great Conversations want to teach a group of disadvantaged students - some homeless , others victims of abuse ?

  28. 荆州理工职业学院的英语专业名称为应用英语,学生毕业后大多数会从事外贸行业,也有一部分会进入教育行业成为中学老师。

    The English major in Jingzhou Vocational College of Technology ( JVCT ) is entitled Applied English . Most of the students will work in the foreign trade field while some of them will become English teachers in middle schools after graduation .

  29. 约翰·厄普代克(1932-2009)是美国当代文学大师,他出生于宾夕法尼亚州里丁镇,父亲是镇上的中学老师,母亲热爱艺术,经常进行创作。

    John Updike ( 1932-2009 ) is contemporary American literary master , he was born in Pennsylvania reading town , his father was the teacher of middle school in the town , his mother loved art , often carries on the creation .

  30. 同时,许多中学老师仍沿用着原来固有的教学方式和手段,没有创新,使得写作教学课堂缺乏生机与活力,严重影响了中学生写作水平的提高。

    At the same time , many still use the old high school teacher teaching methods and means inherent , there is no innovation , making the teaching of writing lack of vigor and vitality of the classroom , students write a serious impact on the level of increase .