
  1. GIS中圆曲线的不确定性模型

    Uncertainty Model of Circular Curve Features in GIS

  2. 赤潮研究中圆海链藻实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立

    Development of a real-time PCR method for rapid detection of Thalassiosira rotula

  3. 激光CCD二维自准直仪中圆目标中心精确定位算法

    Precise center location algorithm for circle target in CCD laser dual axis autocollimator

  4. 磁光光纤Bragg光栅中圆偏振光的非线性传输特性

    Nonlinear propagation of circularly polarized light in magneto-optic fiber Bragg gratings

  5. 环形Josephson结中圆对称孤子解的微扰分析

    Ring shaped oscillator Chinese knot circularly symmetric soliton solution in an annular Josephson junction

  6. 给出C波段双圆极化低噪声接收机中圆极化输出的实现方案,研究了利用90°电桥进行线-圆极化转换时两个线极化通道增益及相位的平衡度对圆极化隔离的影响。

    A Solution to realize linear-circular polarization conversion for a C band dual-circular polarized low noise receiver is presented in this paper , and the relationship between the transmission balance of the linear channels and the polarization conversion is studied .

  7. 本文用微扰理论下环形Josephson结中圆对称孤子点粒子模型所得的结果,首先分析了环形结中各种耗散情形下的孤子回波效应,部分结果与数值模拟计算结果进行了比较;

    The returning effect of soliton in an annular Josephson junction is analysed in detail theoretically . Some results are compared with directly numerical simulation ones .

  8. 对海洋平台中圆管节点的疲劳寿命估算,通常采用的是基于热点应力幅基础上的S-N曲线法。

    S-N curves based on the hot spot stress range are generally used to predict the fatigue life of tubular joints in offshore platformeering .

  9. 利用超声多普勒流速仪(ADV)对反向流动中圆射流流动特性进行了试验。

    The flowing characteristics of a round turbulent jet in counter flowing ambientce are studied by using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter ( ADV ) measurement techniques .

  10. Minkowski平面几何的性质决定了几何图形中圆的性质,范数又决定了单位圆的形状。

    A geometric property of the respective Minkowski plane is the circle since , by definition , the shape of the unit circle of a Minkowski plane determines the norm .

  11. ICO全球通信系统是著名的全球个人移动通信系统(GMPCS)之一,它由空间段和地面段两部分组成;空间段由运行在中圆轨道上的12颗卫星组成;

    ICO Global Communications System is one of the Global Mobile Personal Communications Systems , which consists of two parts : the space segment consists of 12 satellites operating on the intermediate circular orbits ;

  12. 薄壁类零件加工中圆度超差问题的探讨

    Discuss on the Problems of Roundness Deviation in Thin-walled Part Processing

  13. 试探月经周期中圆运动生物钟规律

    On Universal Law of Circular Motion Biological Clock in Menstrual Cycle

  14. 恒定导向力环件轧制中圆度误差变化规律的研究

    Research on Roundness Tolerance in Ring Rolling with Constant Guiding Force

  15. 喷射成形过程中圆锭坯外形生长的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Round Billet Profile Growth in Spray Forming Process

  16. 非结构化网格中圆管流动的传热计算

    The Calculation of Heat Transfer in Duct Flow by Unstructured Grids

  17. 冷辗环件数值模拟中圆度的计算方法

    A Numerical Simulation Method for Calculating the Roundness of Cold Rolling Ring

  18. 工程中圆度的多次定位测量及其数据处理

    Multiple Bearing of Roundness and Its Data Processing in Engineering

  19. 视觉检测中圆中心成像畸变误差模型研究

    Distortion error model of circle center in 3D visual inspection

  20. 车体结构中圆管撞击吸能特性的有限元研究

    Finite Element Study on The Impact Absorption Behavior of Tubes in Car

  21. 引起岸边起重机结构中圆截面杆涡激振动的风速

    Wind speed causing vortex-induced vibration of round cross-section rods in quayside crane structure

  22. 单层网壳结构中圆钢管的滞回性能研究

    Research on Hysteretic Behavior of Circle Tubular Steel Members in Single-layer Latticed Shell

  23. 金属环件冷辗扩数值模拟中圆度辊定位的研究

    Research of Positioning Circular Roller in Digital Simulation of Mental Ring Cold Rolling

  24. 反向流动中圆射流流动特性试验

    Experiment of velocity field of a round jet in counter - flowing ambience

  25. 正等轴测图中圆投影为椭圆的长短轴确定

    Determination of the major and minor axis of the ellipse in normal projection

  26. 管道中圆化突体绕流边界拟合坐标数值解法

    Numerical Solution for Flows around Surface Irregularities With Rounded Corners in a Pressure Conduit

  27. 中国式跤术中圆轮现象的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of the Chinese Style Tumble Technique in " round wheel " Phenomenon

  28. 在实木家具结构中圆棒榫的强度分析

    Strength Analysis of Dowels in Solid Wood Furniture

  29. 超精车削中圆度误差的随机补偿

    Stochastic compensation for roundness in ultra precision turning

  30. 火灾中圆钢管混凝土温度场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the temperature field of concrete filled steel tubes under high temperature