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  • 网络Famous mountain in China
  1. 中国名山风景区的政治理念

    The Political Perspective Implied in Famous Mountain Scenic Spots in China

  2. 中国名山旅游气候资源及气象景观评价

    Evaluation of travel climate resources about famous mountain and weather landscape in China

  3. 中国名山的建筑遗产与其所在环境关系解析

    The Analysis of the Relationship between the Architectural Heritage of Chinese Sacred Mountains and the Surrounding Environments

  4. 庐山坐落于江西省九江市南面,它是中国名山之一。

    The Lushan Mountain , located south of Jiujiang City , Jiangxi Province , is one of the most famous mountains in China .

  5. 崂山是我国著名的道教名山,也是沿海第一高山,享有海上名山第一的美誉,其独特的地理环境和璀璨的道教文化使其在中国名山中独树一帜。

    As one of famous Taoist mountains in China , Mt. Lao Shan is also the highest coastal mountain in China . Mt. Lao Shan enjoys the reputation of The Most Famous Sea Mountain , which made itself unique for the special geographical environment and brilliant culture of Taoism .

  6. 南京牛首山是中国佛教名山之一。

    Niushou Mountain in Nanjing is a sacred mountain in China 's Buddhism .

  7. 在中国的名山--泰山上,他遇到了前所未有的挑战。

    His biggest challenges came at Taishan , one of China 's holy mountains .

  8. 峨眉山是中国佛教名山,在四川省峨眉县城西南。

    Emei Mountain , a famous mountain worshipped by Buddhists , is situated southwest of Emei County in Sichuan Province .

  9. 引导学生说出中国的五岳名山。

    The Huangshan Mountain is very famous in China .

  10. 泰山不愧为“天下第一名山”、中国历史文化名山,“泰山魂”是中华民族之魂。

    It is known as the first of the Five Sacred Mountains and Chinese famous historic and cultural mountain , the spirit of Taishan Mountain is Chinese national spirit .

  11. 峨眉山是中国四大佛教名山之一。

    Emei Shan is one of china 's four great Buddhist mountains .

  12. 并称为中国四大佛教名山。

    Are known as china 's four famous Buddhist mountains .

  13. 九华山与五台山、峨眉山、普陀山并称中国佛教四大名山。

    Mt. Jiuhua , Mt. Wutai , Mt. Emei and Mt. Putuo are called " Four Great Buddhist Mountains " in China .

  14. 中国四大佛教名山上周成为社交媒体热议的话题,不过这一次和宗教无关。

    China 's four sacred Buddhist mountains have become hot topics in social media this week , but not because of religion .

  15. 位于四川省峨眉县西南,中国佛教四大名山之一。

    Emei Mountain Located in the southwest of Emei County , Sichuan Province , the Emei Mountain is one of the four Buddhist Shrines .

  16. 九华山位于安徽省青阳县南,中国四大佛教名山之一。

    Mt Jiuhua located in the south of Qingyang county , Anhui province , the Jiuhua moutain is one of china 's four Buddhist shrines .

  17. 中国佛教四大名山,有这样的称谓:金五台、银峨嵋、铜普陀、铁九华。

    In four famous Buddhist Mountains of China , there are such appellations : golden Mountain Wutai , argent Mountain Emei , patina Mountain Putuo , ferric Mountain Jiuhua .

  18. 恒山位于大同市浑源县境内,不仅是中国著名的五岳名山之一,还是著名的道教圣地。

    Mount Hengshan ( Heng Shan ), in Hunyuan County , is one of the " Five Great Peaks " of China , and is also a major Taoist site .

  19. 五台山位于山西省五台县,是中国四大佛教名山之一,且是惟一见述于佛经的中国名山。

    Mt Wutai Located in Wutai County , Shanxi Province , the Wutai Moutain is one of the country 's four well-known Buddhist shrines and the only Chinese mountain mentioned in Buddhist scriptures .

  20. 九华山在皖南青阳县南,原名九子山,是中国四大佛教名山之一。

    Jiu'hua'shan or nine flowers mountain , originally known as jiu'zi'shan or nine offspring mountain , is situated south of Qingyang County and is considered one of the four sacred seats of Buddhism in china .

  21. 五台山位居中国四大佛教名山之首,在旅游业蓬勃发展的时代背景下,五台山的佛教文化旅游蕴藏着巨大的潜力,显示着特殊的魅力。

    Mountains Wu Tai is the first in the four Buddhism famous mountains . In the background of flourishing travel development , Mountains Wu Tai Buddhism culture and travel are rich in great potentialities and show special charm .

  22. 普陀山距大陆海岸线约有20英里(约合32公里),有时也被称作“海天佛国”,是中国四大佛教名山之一。佛教名山可谓是佛教净土。

    Mount Putuo , which is about 20 miles from the coastline and is sometimes called " Buddhist heaven above sea , " is considered one of China 's four Buddhist mountains - the jingtu , or " pure lands , " for Buddhists .