
ɡè bié jiào yù
  • individual education;tutelage
  1. 浅议专业心理矫治与个别教育的结合

    On the Combination of Professional Mental Cure and Individual Education

  2. 构建劳教人员个别教育全面质量管理体系之探讨

    Exploration of Constructing the Overall Quality Control System for the Individual Education to Persons undergoing Reform-through-labour

  3. 开展个别教育的探讨谈分户采暖按热量收费计算方法的实施

    Discussion on implement the calculation means of individual heating charge on heat

  4. 我孩子的个别教育计划多长时间会回顾一次?

    How Often Will My Child 's IEP be Reviewed ?

  5. 如果我觉得我的孩子可以获得个别教育计划的援助,但学校不同意怎么办?

    What if I Feel My Child Qualifies for an IEP but the School Disagrees ?

  6. 开展个别教育的探讨基于自适应模糊控制的共轨逐缸平衡算法研究液压缸的技术发展

    Equilibrium Algorithm Research for Each Individual Cylinders of Common Rail Based on Self-Adaptive Fuzzy Control

  7. 设计个别教育计划;

    Designing a plan of specific education ;

  8. 学习滑雪的人数众多,因此也不便于个别教育。

    For the large number of ski learners , it is not easy to carry out individual education .

  9. 知道你的孩子是否需要个别教育计划是需要花些时间的。

    How Do I Know if My Child Qualifies for an IEP ? Knowing if your child needs an Individual Learning Plan takes time .

  10. 个别教育工作必须要有创新和发展,并且要建设完善的个别教育保障制度。

    Individual educational methods should have innovation and get developed , and in addition , the concerned security system should be set up and perfected .

  11. 最希望选择的受教育途径以医务人员讲座(49.9%)、个别教育(31.5%)占主导;

    The most popular health education method was medical workers ' lecture ( 49.9 % ) . The second one was individual education ( 31.5 % ) .

  12. 席卷世界教育的改革浪潮中,英才教育、个别教育或超常教育愈来愈受到世界各国的普遍重视。

    In the educational reformation of the world , " Talent Education ", " Individual Education " or " Gifted education " is more and more thought of as widespread in the international community .

  13. 个别教育工作近年来在监狱教育改造工作有逐步弱化的倾向,传统个别教育的方法不能够得到正确的运用,一些新的个别教育方法更是难以得到推广。

    Individual education in prison education and transformation work is in a gradual weakening trend in recent years , traditional individual educational can not get the correct use and some new individual educational methods is difficult to promote .

  14. 借鉴和引入心理矫治理论和技术,丰富和改进个别教育工作,并与监狱专业心理矫治有机结合,是监狱开展罪犯心理矫治的必由之路。

    Referring and inducting the theory and technology of mental cure could enrich and improve individual education . The combination of that and professional mental cure of prison is the only way to develop the mental cure of prisoners .

  15. 利用该量表不仅可以对学习障碍的程度进行评估,而且可以为个别教育计划的制订提供全面而较直接的信息,克服了当前大多数学习障碍评估工具只评估不教育的缺点。

    With the present scale we may assess the extent of LD , and provide full and immediate information about learning , which overcame defects of current LD assessment systems & " assessment for assessment , not for education " .

  16. 本文以四性说为理论根据,阐述了未成年人暴力的内在成因,并提出加强一般教育与个别教育相结合、调整未成年人心理结构的治理路径。

    This article explicates inner factors of under age people in violence , based on on four natures , and put forward the administrable methods of reinforcing the unity between ordinary education and individual education , adjust their psychal structure .

  17. 大学生思想品德非连续性教育的主要方法是:个别教育法、沟通疏导法、冲突缓解法等。主要形式和途径是:危机、遭遇、挫折和激励。

    The main approaches of this education are individual education , communication and conflict mitigation The main forms are crisis , encounter , frustration and encouragement , It is suggested in this paper that when facing contingence , college students ought to have a positive attitude .

  18. 如果你孩子有特殊需要,影响他在学校的学习能力,他可能有资格获得个别化教育计划(IEP)的援助。

    If your child has special needs that impair his ability to learn at school , he may qualify for an Individual Education Plan ( IEP ) .

  19. 本文介绍了个别化教育计划的简单历史,论述了IEP和个别化教学之间的关系,分析了IEP在制定和实施过程中存在的问题和解决办法。

    This article gave a brief introduction to the development of IEP , discussed relationship between IEP and individualized instruction , and analyzed problems and steps to take during establishing and carrying out IEP .

  20. 个别化教育计划是特殊教育的基石。

    Individualized educational program is a footstone of special education .

  21. 中重度智障儿童个别化教育计划实践研究

    A Practical Research on Individualized Education Program of Moderate and Severe Retarded Children

  22. 最后得出具有较强实践性的个别化教育辅助技术装置适配体系。

    Finally , construct a individualized EAT equipment adapter system which is more practical .

  23. 学习障碍儿童个别化教育指导及其效果初探

    Individualized Education for Children with Learning Disability

  24. 对学生进行个别化教育计划的制定。

    Make individualized education programs for students .

  25. 关于个别化教育计划几个问题的思考

    Some Ideas About Individualized Educational Program

  26. 对概念个别化教育计划、辅助技术、教育辅助技术、适配等重要概念进行了界定。

    Defined the concept of individualized educational program , AT and educational assistive technology , and adapter .

  27. 从中美特殊教育的比较看个别化教育计划在中国的实施

    According to the Comparison between China and USA , Discuss the Implementation of Individualized Education Program in China

  28. 个别心理教育活动则包括个别咨询活动、自我教育活动、网络教育活动。

    Individual mental educational activity includes individual counsel seeking activity , self - education activity , net-work education activity .

  29. 结果:教育指导组学习障碍儿经个别化教育指导,其心理和行为等障碍改善情况均好于对照组。

    RESULTS : Cases of education group had better psychological and behavior improvements than that of control group after individual educative instruction .

  30. 结论:对学习障碍儿进行分类个别化教育指导,是开发学习障碍儿潜能的有效途径。

    CONCLUSION : Individual educative instruction for children with learning disorder is an effective approach for the development of their learning potentials .