
ɡè rén xìn tuō
  • personal trust;individual trust
  1. 第五部分探索相关制度建设下居民个人信托发展的具体路径。

    In part 5 , we try to find specific ways to develop residents ' personal trust under the improved institutional circumstance .

  2. 第四部分对居民个人信托发展的具体效应&居民金融储蓄变动趋势和金融市场效率的变化进行分析。

    In part 4 , we analyze the specific effect of residents ' personal trust : the trend of residents ' assets change and the variation of allocation efficiency of market .

  3. 第二部分利用现有各种储蓄模型对居民金融储蓄行为进行严格的定量分析,建立适合我国居民金融储蓄行为模式的模型,分析居民个人信托发展的动因。

    In part 2 , we make strictly quantitative analysis on residents ' financial savings with existed models , and then establish a residents ' financial savings model suitable to our country .

  4. 本文的主要内容如下:第一部分简单地概述国内经济学家对居民储蓄行为模式的主要研究进展,同时也简单介绍国内外居民个人信托的发展和经济学家对居民个人信托所进行的研究。

    In part 1 , we make a brief introduction of domestic and foreign research on residents ' savings models and personal trust , and we also introduce personal trust development at home and abroad .

  5. 本文对信托优化中国居民金融储蓄的动因进行分析,检验居民金融储蓄行为模型,并在此基础上对信托优化居民金融储蓄的优势和相关效应做出分析,探索出居民个人信托发展的具体路径。

    Based on these , this paper makes analysis with characteristics and effects of the course that we introduce trust into residents ' financial savings , and then find out specific way of residents ' personal trust development .

  6. 居民个人信托在我国发展历史很短,但从各个方面加以考察,居民个人信托在我国有巨大的发展空间,并对我国居民金融储蓄行为和市场资源配置途径有多种连动效应。

    Although residents ' personal trust has very short history in our country , it seems that there 's huge development space for personal trust , and residents ' personal trust has many effects to residents ' financial assets choice and resource allocation .

  7. 第一个漏洞允许人们通过一种名叫合格个人住宅信托(qualifiedpersonalresidencetrust,简称QPRT)的临时性基金把房产转让给继承人。

    The first allows someone to transfer a home to an heir through a temporary trust known as a qualified personal residence trust , or QPRT ( pronounced cue-pert ) .

  8. 另一种选择是办理合格个人住宅信托(qualified-personal-residencetrust),它允许父母以信托的方式将住房过户给子女&这能大幅降低地遗产税和赠予税成本通过。

    Another option , a qualified-personal-residence trust , allows parents to transfer their residence to their children through the trust at a substantially reduced estate and gift-tax cost .

  9. 另一种选择是办理合格个人住宅信托(qualified-personal-residencetrust),它允许父母以信托的方式将住房过户给子女——这能大幅降低地遗产税和赠予税成本通过。

    Another option , a qualified-personal-residence trust , allows parents to transfer their residence to their children -- through the trust -- at a substantially reduced estate and gift-tax cost .

  10. 调动发展中国家个人储蓄信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries

  11. 20年前,对冲基金直接从个人和家族信托获得多数资金。

    Two decades ago , hedge funds obtained most of their funds directly from individuals and family trusts .

  12. 实行现收现付的统筹基金在信托运营时,应严格控制投资范围;实行积累制的个人账户在信托运营时可以采取多元化的投资方式。

    The scope of investment should be strictly controlled when the pay-as-you-go policy implement in trust management ; multiple investment approaches shall be adopted when individual accounts of accumulation system are used in the trust operation .