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  1. 所以,两汉经学对我国法文化影响深远。

    Thus the hermeneutics of Han Dynasties had profound effect on Chinese culture of law .

  2. 第二,两汉经学时代的政治思想及魏晋隋唐的宗教思想,为晚明以降的劝善运动提供了丰富的思想资源;

    Second , the political thoughts in the Han Dynasty and the religious thoughts in the Wei , Jin , Sui and Tang dynasties had provided resources for the virtuous persuasion .

  3. 荆州学派在中国学术发展史上有着重要的历史地位,是两汉经学向魏晋玄学过渡的重要学术环节。

    Jingzhou school plays an important historical position in the history of Chinese ideas . It is an important academic link from the study of Confucian Classics in Han Dynasty to the Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties .