
  • 网络silk pajamas
  1. 这套丝绸睡衣你能打折吗?

    Can you give me some discount on this set of silk pajamas ?

  2. 他说:“很好,很好!只是你忘了装我那套蓝色的丝绸睡衣。”

    He said , " Oh yes , great ! But you forgot to pack my blue silk pajamas . "

  3. 她穿着丝绸睡衣站在他身边,异样地看着他,以至于他被一种恐怖,一种惊惧攫住了。

    She stood beside him in her silk dress , looking at him strangely , so that a certain terror , horror took possession of him .

  4. 已经太迟了,我真后悔没带那套“维多利亚的秘密”牌丝绸睡衣,那是上上次生日时我母亲送给我的礼物,它们依然连标签都没拆,放在我家那边的衣橱的某个角落里。

    Too late to regret not packing the Victoria 's Secret silk pajamas my mother got me two birthdays ago , which still had the tags on them in a drawer somewhere back home .

  5. 一家日本在线零售店正将产品发展到文胸、内裤、甚至丝绸睡衣,尽管看起来像是你常在女性内衣抽屉里找到的东西,它们实际上是为男性设计的。

    A Japanese online retailer is branching out into bras , knickers and even silky nighties that , despite looking exactly like something you 'd usually find in a woman 's lingerie drawer , are actually intended for men .