
  • 网络east siberian sea;East Siberia Sea
  1. 根据最近的探险队介绍,东西伯利亚海正在从海底释放出甲烷这种超级温室气体。

    The East Siberian Sea is bubbling with methane , a powerful greenhouse gas , being released from underwater reserves , according to a recent expedition .

  2. 欧洲研究人员的研究重点在于,日益变暖的北极海水,正如何加快俄罗斯北方东西伯利亚海下面的永久冻土融化&那里据信蕴藏着大量甲烷。

    The European researchers have focused on the way warming Arctic waters are expected to hasten thawing of permafrost beneath the East Siberian Sea off northern Russia , believed to contain vast deposits of methane .

  3. 1997&2005年北极东西伯利亚海海冰变化特征研究

    Variations of Sea Ice Cover in East Siberian Sea of Arctic Ocean in 1997-2005