
shì jiè yí chǎn
  • World Heritage;World Heritage Site;UNESCO
  1. 联合国教科文组织将整个威尼斯城列为世界遗产地,这是一项极大的荣誉,意味着在文化层面,威尼斯属于世界上所有的人。

    UNESCO considers the entire city a World Heritage Site , a great honor that means Venice , at the cultural level , belongs to all of the world 's people .

  2. 联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心负责监管遗产地,其前任负责人是威尼斯人弗朗西斯科·班德林,他现在担仼联合国教科文组织文化助理总干事。

    The former head of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre , which oversees heritage sites , is Francesco Bandarin , a Venetian who now serves as UNESCO 's assistant director-general for culture .

  3. 它于1987年成为世界遗产。

    It became a World Heritage Site in 1987 .

  4. 这样的博物馆应该展现我国饮食文化的历史,包含56个民族的特色,没准能让火锅成为世界遗产。

    It should demonstrate the history of our food culture and include the elements of all 56 ethnic1 groups . It might also help hot pot to be recognized as a world heritage item .

  5. 在世界遗产委员会的要求之下,一家名为顺化古迹保护中心(HueMonumentsConservationCenter)的政府机构正在起草一项计划,旨在更好地保护古迹。

    At the request of the World Heritage Committee , the Hue Monuments Conservation Center , a government organization , is drafting a plan to improve conservation of the sites .

  6. 在申报材料中,官员指出,尽管桂林和漓江去年被联合国列入了《世界遗产名录》(WorldHeritageSite),但阳朔县也被《中国国家地理》杂志列为最美的喀斯特峰林。

    In it , officials note that while Guilin and the Li River were designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations last year , Yangshuo County was named as having the single best karst landscape by Chinese National Geographic magazine .

  7. 我们就坐于少林寺餐馆内,少林寺是联合国教科文组织(Unesco)名下的世界遗产,坐落于中国中部河南省嵩山(MountSong)郁郁葱葱的山谷中。

    We 're sitting in the restaurant of the Shaolin Temple , a Unesco world heritage site nestled in a wooded valley in the shadow of Mount Song in China 's central Henan province .

  8. 度假村之外的蓬塔卡纳也能找到很多活动,比如高空滑索、骑马以及殖民区(ColonialZone)一日游。该殖民区是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产地之一。

    Outside the grounds , in Punta Cana , one can also find activities such as zip lines , horseback riding and day trips to see the Zona Colonial ( Colonial Zone ), a Unesco World Heritage site .

  9. 丽江世界遗产公园距丽江市约2公里,按国家AAAA级景区标准建设。

    The park is2 kilometers away from Lijiang old town , it was built according to the AAAA state-level .

  10. 世界遗产地和生物圈保护区的概念都是在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)主持下制定的,主要目的都在于保护世界的物种多样性和生态系统;

    The two concepts of world heritages and Biosphere reserves come under the aegis of UNESCO . Their objectives are mainly to conserve species diversity and ecosystems of the world .

  11. 洪水涌入岘港和顺化,该地区约有17万人被疏散。顺化是越南古都,也是联合国教科文组织(Unesco)确定的一处世界遗产。

    Around 170000 people were evacuated from the area as floodwaters began to flow into Danang and Hue city , the country 's old precolonial capital and a Unesco World Heritage Site .

  12. 按照一定的原则构建了一套评价世界遗产地旅游整体发展水平的指标体系,并运用层次分析法(AHP)对一个具体的世界遗产案例&湖南省武陵源进行分析和评价。

    According to certain principle , the author sets up an index system of appraising the development ability of the heritage site tourism , using Application level analysis ( AHP ) to a specific case & the World Heritage Site Wulingyuan , Hunan Province included analysis and evaluation .

  13. 该市失业率高,但其市长,HaraldLastovka,将其转变为一个旅游胜地,并且赢得了联合国教科文组织授予的世界遗产头衔。

    Unemployment is high , but the mayor , Harald Lastovka , has turned the place into a tourist attraction and UNESCO world heritage site .

  14. 景观生态学在世界遗产保护研究中的应用

    Application of Landscape Ecology in Protection Research of the World Heritage

  15. 威尼斯城及其泻湖1987年被列入世界遗产名录。

    Venice and its lagoon joined the World Heritage List in1987 .

  16. 世界遗产旅游教育功能的认知与实现

    The Cognition and Realizing of Tourism Educational Function of World Heritage

  17. 世界遗产地西递、宏村经营管理体制探索(下)

    Exploring Operation and Management of World Heritage Xidi and Hongcun (ⅱ);

  18. 世界遗产&巨人之路的傍晚。

    Evening at the World Heritage Site of The Giants Causeway .

  19. 中国于1986年开始向联合国教科文组织申报世界遗产项目。

    China began to apply for items of world heritage in1986 .

  20. 世界遗产旅游基本问题研究

    A research on the fundamental issues of world heritage tourism

  21. 世界遗产门票涨价问题之管见

    Opinions on Up-pricing Problem of World Heritage Admission in China

  22. 试论文化视野中的世界遗产

    On the World Legacy in the Field of Cultural Vision

  23. 新增世界遗产

    New Sites to be Inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List

  24. “世界遗产”的想法是怎样产生的

    How the idea for a world heritage list came about

  25. 中国世界遗产地边缘特征及其思考

    Some Considerations about the Fringe Characteristics of China 's World Heritage Sites

  26. 《凯恩斯决议》对中国世界遗产申报的影响

    The Influence of Keynes Resolution on Chinese Application of World Cultural Heritage

  27. 世界遗产中古城研究方法与内容初探

    Methodologies on the study of ancient cities in world heritage

  28. 21世纪世界遗产保护面临的挑战

    On the Challenges of World Heritage Protection in 21st Century

  29. 我国世界遗产申报次序性问题探讨

    The Debate on " ordering " Problem of Chinese World Heritage Application

  30. 世界遗产分类体系背景下的中国风景名胜区

    Chinese Famous Scenic Sites under the Background of World Heritage Classification System