
shì jiā
  • aristocratic family;old and well-known family;a family holding high official positions for generations;biography of the dukes or princes under emperor
世家 [shì jiā]
  • (1) [aristocratic family]∶旧指门第高贵、世代为官的人家

  • 仲子,齐之世家也。--《孟子.滕文公》

  • 出身世家

  • (2) [biography of the dukes or princes under emperor]∶《史记》中诸侯的传记。如:《晋世家》《陈涉世家》《留侯世家》

世家[shì jiā]
  1. 她嫁给了一个出自贵族世家的男人。

    She married a man from an aristocratic family .

  2. 岭南中西医汇通世家&陈氏三代

    The Aristocratic Family of the Confluence of Chinese and Western Medicine in Lingnan : the Chen Family

  3. 他是一个著名演艺世家的先辈。

    He was the progenitor of a family of distinguished actors .

  4. 我出身于音乐世家。

    I came from a musical family .

  5. 他出身于音乐世家。

    He came of a musical family .

  6. 在事业发展的同时,他还和出身政治世家的玛利亚谢里弗结了婚,并在2003年成为加州州长。玛利亚谢里弗是美国前总统约翰F肯尼迪的外甥女。

    Along the way he also married into a political dynasty , wedding Maria Shriver , a niece of former president John F. Kennedy , before becoming California governor in 2003 , a post he relinquished in January .

  7. 在咖世家咖啡店里,一个最大杯冰咖啡(massimocoffeefrescato)含有332卡路里热量,而最大杯全脂牛奶冰摩卡(massimoicedmocha)则含有361卡路里热量。

    At Costa Coffee , a massimo coffee frescato contains 332 calories , and a massimo iced mocha with full fat milk has 361 .

  8. 据了解,咖世家有限公司和赛菲洛公司的相关品牌“COSTA”和“SAFILO”在华享有较高知名度。

    The brand COSTA and SAFILO of Costa Company and SAFILO Company enjoy high reputation in China .

  9. 她的父亲约翰•V•布维尔三世是投资银行世家的后代,她的妈妈简妮特•李是一位建筑大亨的女儿。纽约派克大街上大多数独特的公寓建筑都是出自这位建筑大亨之手。

    Her father , John V. Bouvier III , was an investment banking scion , and her mother , Janet Lee , was the daughter of a construction tycoon who built some of the most distinguished apartment houses on Park Avenue in New York .

  10. 葡萄酒不是出自名门世家的才是最好的,我们为的是寻找一些积极向上、充满激情的法国AOC葡萄酒而来。

    Not all the best wines are produced by the gentlefolk , and what we are search for is the France AOC wine which is full of vigorousness and passion .

  11. 去年,他与印度商界世家撒帕尔家族的阿耶莎•撒帕尔(AyeshaThapar)结婚。

    Last year , he married Ayesha Thapar , a scion of the Thapar family , an Indian business dynasty .

  12. 啊,他是不吃古老世家那一套的。

    O no ! he can 't stomach old families ! '

  13. 他出生于音乐世家,他的名字叫林俊杰。

    He is born for music and his name is JJ Lin.

  14. 在《福斯特世家》中,高尔斯华绥创造了三十多个人物。

    In The Forsyte Saga Galsworthy created more than thirty characters .

  15. 最著名的音乐世家就是斯特劳斯家族。

    The most famous family of musicians was the Strauss family .

  16. 六朝时期,世家大族的出现是一个重要的社会现象。

    Noble is an important social phenomenon in Six Dynasties period .

  17. 我出生在农村的一个教育世家。

    I come from a family of teachers in the countryside .

  18. 郑明勋来自韩国著名的音乐世家。

    Mr. Chung comes from South Korea 's best-known musical family .

  19. 他的姓是斯特罗恩一汉密尔顿(中间是个连字符),出身南方世家。

    Strawn-Hamilton 's his name-hyphenated , you know-comes of old Southern stock .

  20. 旧社会,门阀世家经常会享受到一些特权。

    In olden times , influential families enjoyed special privileges .

  21. 照他自己的说法,这是一个世家的姓氏。

    And , as he said , it was an ancient name .

  22. 纳尔逊先生来自于一个木匠世家。

    Mr Nelson comes from a long line of carpenters .

  23. 这是个名门世家。

    This is a family that bore an ancient and honored name .

  24. 李察-本思于1943年生于伦敦的一个音乐世家。

    Born in London in1943 in a family of musicians .

  25. 铁路世家小开什么的。

    Heir to a rail road for tune , perhaps .

  26. 波弗夫人瑞吉娜来自南卡世家。

    Regina Beaufort came from an old South Carolina family .

  27. 某种特殊世家的后代.世界兽医微生物学家、免疫学家和传染病专家协

    World Association of Veterinary Microbiologists , Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases

  28. 蕃将世家:唐代浑氏家族现象研究

    The Clan of Minority General : Hun Clan Phenomenon of Tang Dynasty

  29. 她出身于一个歌剧世家。

    She comes from a long line of opera singers .

  30. 人生一世家人是唯一的依靠麦克罗夫特·福尔摩斯!

    Family is all we have in the end , Mycroft Holmes !