
zhuān yè zhī shi
  • expertise;professional knowledge;specialized knowledge
  1. 他将和大家分享他在护发方面的专业知识。

    He will share his professional knowledge of haircare .

  2. 这项任务需要专业知识。

    The task demands professional knowledge .

  3. 我们需要利用我们现有人员的专业知识。

    We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have .

  4. 他没有经营农场的专业知识。

    He hasn 't got the know-how to run a farm .

  5. 和她在许多其他方面的专业知识相比,这些相对来说都不算什么。

    These are relatively small points when set against her expertise on so many other issues

  6. 查特里斯的专业知识和他对作品浅显易懂的阐释立即给黑格留下了深刻印象。

    Haig was immediately impressed by Charteris 's expertise and by his lucid explanation of the work .

  7. 课上讨论才是我的专业知识最能带给学生益处的地方。

    The discussions are the things where my expertise can benefit the students most .

  8. 这些人靠他们的专业知识和技能谋生。

    These people earn a living wage for their professional knowledge and skills .

  9. 一个拥有性事方面专业知识的人;

    A person who professes1 a knowledge of sexual matters ;

  10. 除去专业知识之外,他们知道的很多。

    They know lots of things other than what they 're specialized in .

  11. 这种工作室为人们提供工具、材料、专业知识,供人们自己动手施展创意。

    The workshop offers tools , materials , and expertise for people to work on do-it-yourself projects .

  12. 作为汽车生产者,企业掌握相关数据,应当利用专业知识严格自查,技术优势不应成为解决问题的阻碍。

    Automakers should make use of professional knowledge to strictly conduct self-inspection since they have relevant data , and technical advantages should not become obstacles to solve problems .

  13. 从Windows领域转换到Linux可能导致系统管理员的专业知识不足。

    Leaving the Windows realm for Linux may create shortfalls in expert knowledge among the systems administrators .

  14. 专家是指在某一领域具有专业知识或技能的人员。专家搜索是帮助用户在企业网内部和Web环境下寻找专家的检索方法。

    Expert search aims to help a user to access those experts on some specific topic with specific knowledge and techniques in intranet and Web .

  15. 大三的时候,在我的《x》课程中又一次的证明了我的判断,积极主动的学习,更加完备的专业知识及敏锐独到的分析,让我很欣慰。

    My lecture of X proved my judgment again in junior year , and her proactive learning , more complete knowledge and acute and insightful analysis made me much gratified .

  16. 要协作、讨论和分享您的zsh专业知识,请访问zshwiki。

    Zsh wiki : Collaborate , discuss , and share your zsh expertise .

  17. 基于GIS的观点出发,结合环境保护的专业知识,对环保地理信息系统的体系结构、数据组织、功能实现以及系统的关键技术进行了探讨。

    In this paper , based on the GIS , combining with environmental protection knowledge , the authors study the system structure , data organization , function realization and the key technology of the environmental protection information system .

  18. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的心理学教授特里·威尔逊(TerryWilson)指出,此外,认知行为疗法等循证治疗还需要从业者拥有专业知识、临床判断和技能。

    Besides , evidence-based treatments like C.B.T. still require expertise , clinical judgment and skill from practitioners , noted Terry Wilson , a professor of psychology at Rutgers University .

  19. 辛格曾在泰姬酒店集团(TajHotelgroup)担任过四年营销总监。IHP可以完美结合他的专业知识和企业家的直觉。

    For Singh , who worked as a marketing executive for the Taj Hotel group for four years , IHP is the perfect vehicle for combining his expertise and his entrepreneurial instincts .

  20. 然而,这并不意味着诚信和职业道德就是构成卓越CFO及财务团队素质的充分条件。专业知识和能力就是卓越CFO及财务团队的另外两个必要的基本素质。

    However , integrity is not the sufficient condition ; other two quality professional knowledge and capability are requisite for an excellent CFO and financial team .

  21. 对数学教师而言,数学学科教学知识(MathematicsPedagogicalContentKnowledge,简称为MPCK)作为其独有的专业知识,在数学教学过程中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Especially , as for the mathematics subject , Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge ( referred to as MPCK ), as a mathematics teacher unique professional knowledge , plays an important role in the process of teaching .

  22. 企业生产技术人员应当具有相关的专业知识。

    The enterprise 's production technicians shall have relevant professional knowledge .

  23. 您将需要硬件、软件和网络专业知识。

    You will need hardware , software , and network expertise .

  24. 我们需要的商业化专业知识来帮助我们反馈机制。

    We need commercialization expertise to help us with the feedback mechanism .

  25. 它们并非简单地基于规则,而是需要专业知识和判断力。

    They 're not simply rule-based ; they require expertise and judgment .

  26. 工程训练中的专业知识性与实践性

    Exploring of Specialty Knowledge and Practice about Basic Skill Training of Engineering

  27. 加强警员信息专业知识的培训工作。

    Enhancing the training work on professional knowledge of information for the policemen .

  28. 编辑职业道德规范刍议编辑的专业知识水平和业务能力;

    Professional Moral Standards in Editing professional knowledge and proficiency in editing work ;

  29. 基层医务人员STD/AIDS专业知识现况调查

    An investigation of STD / AIDS professional knowledge in primary health care providers

  30. 熟悉飞机系统和维修计划等专业知识;

    Be familiar with aircraft system and maintenance planning ;