
  1. 如果微软不能推出奇招,或者用户对新界面并不满意,这款操作系统的销售业绩可能会令人失望。

    Sales could disappoint if Microsoft fails to work out any potential kinks or if users are uncomfortable with the new interface .

  2. 而使用的混沌方程使从已知的任何数量的密码都不能推出下一个密码,大大提高了系统的可靠性。

    Using chaos equation to produce passwords makes it more impossible to deduce the next password from a sequence of known passwords . So using this method will largely improve the security of systems .

  3. 而作为演绎推理的二难推理的大前提如在总体上是选言判断,不管是简单的构成式和破斥式,还是复杂的构成式和破斥式,都不能推出必然的结论。

    However , it can 't deduce a necessary conclusion if the major premise of deductive dilemma is generally disjunctive judgement , whether it is the simple formation and refutation or the complicated one .

  4. 野村证券(nomura)分析师郑明宗(aaronjeng)表示,即便谷歌额外照顾摩托罗拉,也不能保证其推出成功的产品。

    Aaron Jeng , analyst at Nomura , said that even if Google were to favour Motorola , that would not guarantee a successful product .

  5. 就是,你不能把它推出极限。

    It 's just , you cannot push it beyond the limit .

  6. 本文对IEEE802.15.3a信道模型进行了研究,但是该信道只适用于蒙特卡洛仿真,不能用该信道推出非协作和协作IR-UWB系统误比特率的理论闭合解。

    This paper makes a deep research in IEEE 802.15.3a channel model , but this channel model is only applicable to Monte Carlo simulation , and we cannot derive the closed form solutions of the non-cooperative and cooperative IR-UWB systems .

  7. 不幸的是,这也意味着车主均需以前的步骤要等到他们不能看见泡沫即将推出散热器冷却剂。

    Unfortunately , this also means that the car owners will have to perform the previous steps again until they cannot see bubbles coming out with the radiator coolant .

  8. 不能从字面意义推出真正意义的表达语。有的可能兼有字面意义和形象意义,但没有隐含意义。

    An expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up . Have of may and there are typeface meaning and image meaning , but have no implicit meaning .

  9. 因此,政府不能不明就里地推出可能会加重失衡的房地产政策,也不能寻求头痛医头、脚痛医脚的短期解决办法。

    Therefore , the government cannot be uninformed to launch real estate policies which may aggravate the imbalance and also cannot seek the short-term policies of " Head hurt , treat head , feet hurt , treat feet " .