
  • 网络uncertainty decision;uncertain decision;Uncertainty Decision Making;decision making under uncertainty;decision under uncertainty
  1. 不确定型决策的层次乐观系数法

    The Hierarchical Optimism Index Method for Decision under Uncertainty

  2. 基于粗糙集理论的不确定型决策系统研究

    Research on the Uncertain Decision System Based on Rough Set

  3. 基于此,本文继续沿用矩阵对策的解答思路,提出Wald-G法作为不确定型决策问题的一般化方法。

    Based on this , the paper continues to adopt the way of matrix game thinking , regards Wald-G method as a general method to uncertainty decision-making .

  4. 基于客观组合权重的不确定型决策分析方法

    Uncertain decision-making analysis method based on impersonal combined weight

  5. 不确定型决策是决策理论中的一大类重要研究领域。

    Uncertain decision-making is one of important research areas in the decision-making theory .

  6. 解不确定型决策问题的投影寻踪方法

    Projection Pursuit Method for Uncertain Decision-Making Problem

  7. 基于模糊证据的不确定型决策

    Indefinite Decision Making Based on Fuzzy Evidence

  8. 区间概率信息条件下的决策问题是介于不确定型决策与风险型决策之间的一类特殊的决策问题。

    The decision-making problem under interval probability is a special one between uncertain decision-makings and risky decision makings .

  9. 简要介绍了决策论中不确定型决策的基本概念和5种不确定型决策准则。

    In this paper , the basic concepts of uncertain decision in decision theory and the five uncertain decision principles are presented .

  10. 决策分析的基本方法包括确定型决策分析方法、不确定型决策分析方法和风险型决策分析方法。

    The basic methods of decision analysis include assured decision analysis method , unsure decision analysis method and risk decision analysis method .

  11. 阐述了解不确定型决策分析问题的实质就是将益损值矩阵经变换向量转换为一维压向量。

    The essential for resolving uncertain decision-making problem is how to transform the benefit and loss matrix to the compressed real vector with one dimension .

  12. 不确定型群决策专家权重确定方法

    A Weight Determining Method of Expert In uncertain Group Decision Making

  13. 而提出不确定型经营决策方法,来解决风险型决策方法的不足。

    And put forward the uncertain type method of business decision , solve the deficiency of the method of risk type decision .

  14. 基于均衡接近度的不确定型的统计决策方法及其应用

    Decision Method Based on Balanced Adjacent Degree for Uncertainty and Application

  15. 不确定型多属性决策的权系数确定及其应用

    Determine the Weights of Uncertain Multi - Attribute Decision making and Its Application

  16. 这一方法提供了确定型、风险型和不确定型三类决策的一个统一框架。

    This approach provides a general framework for three types of decision problems , that is , deterministic , risky and uncertain problems .

  17. 构建不确定语言型多属性决策的投影模型

    A Projection Model Based on Linguistic Term Indices in Uncertain Linguistic Multi-attribute Decision Making

  18. 两类新的不定型基于模糊证据的不确定型决策

    TWO NEW KINDS OF INDEFINITE FORM Indefinite Decision Making Based on Fuzzy Evidence

  19. 研究了一类不完全信息随机不确定型多属性决策问题,建立了能综合反映主观评判与客观信息的集成优化模型,给出了具体的决策方法和过程。

    This paper investigates a type of stochastic multiattribute decision making problems , and establishes an integrated model of reflecting both subjective judgment and objective information and gives a process of real decision making . An real example demonstrates feasibility and effectiveness of the theoretical model and method .

  20. 然后提出了基于有限状态空间不精确概率分布的风险型决策方法,指出了经典的效用函数决策方法及完全不确定型决策方法是该方法的两个特殊情形;

    A method of risk based decision making with imprecise probability destribution in the finite state space is proposed .