
  • 网络real estate prices
  1. 日本的财富大幅缩水,经通胀调整后的不动产价格较峰值水平下降了50%左右。

    Wealth was badly hit , with inflation-adjusted residential real estate prices falling by about 50 per cent since their peak .

  2. 华盛顿美国大学的GhiyathNakshbendi指出,这些问题与世界范围内不动产价格的崩溃有关。

    Ghiyath Nakshbendi of American University in Washington notes that the problems are linked to a worldwide collapse in real estate prices .

  3. 房地产经济公司KnightFrank的调查表明,按季度环比计算,在全球45个国家中23国的住宅不动产价格持续下降。

    On a quarter-on-quarter basis , residential-property prices are dropping in23 of the45 countries surveyed by Knight Frank , an estate agent .

  4. 如果到时候经济处于极糟糕的状态,那么股价和不动产价格也会跳水,而且届时这些资产将无法保证退休金的发放。

    If the economy were then in a dire state , equity and property prices would have plunged and the assets would not cover the liability .

  5. 方面,地下型式的车站对不动产价格的正面影响高于高架型式,高架型式又高于地面型式。

    It is shown from the regression analysis that the change of housing price in station areas of underground station are higer than that of surface and overhead stations .

  6. (东京)随着日本的不动产价格连续19年下跌,长期以来,一直是西方机构统治这个市场,但现在一股新的投资者开始占据一定的位置。

    TOKYO & As property prices in Japan head down for the19th consecutive year , a new breed of investor has taken up some space long dominated by Western institutions .

  7. 在影响因素中,利差、不动产价格、人民币汇率变动率、负债率和证券市场收益率等因素都是影响我国国际短期资本流动的主要因素。

    Interest spreads , the price of real estate , rates of change in exchange rate , yield on security market and debt rate have played in the main elements which influence short-term capital inflow .

  8. 不动产的价格突然暴涨。

    There was a sudden jump in property prices .

  9. 不动产的价格多重性及估价策略

    Price Multiplicity and Appraisal Strategy of Real Estate

  10. 按纳税人最近时期提供的同类应税劳务或者销售的同类不动产的平均价格核定。

    Determined according to the average prices of similar services provided or similar immovable properties sold by the taxpayers in the most recent period .

  11. 至于不动产善意取得人有偿取得不动产的价格是否合理的判断应采客观标准。

    As to whether the reasonable judgment of the real property acquired in good faith paid the price of acquiring real estate should adopt objective criteria .

  12. 不动产还原利率作为不动产估价中不可或缺的重要参数,对不动产的价格有着显著的影响作用。

    As the indispensable important parameter in appraising of real estate , capitalization rate has significant influence on the price of real estate .

  13. 近几年,随着金融市场的繁荣和不动产交易量的增加,不动产评估业得到突飞猛进的发展。如何准确的计算不动产价格成为国内外专家和学者研究的对象。

    In recent years , with the prosperity of financial market and increasing the volume of realestate transactions , real estate industry makes a spurt of progress .