
  • 网络British;briton;the Britons
  1. 我们应该马上袭击不列颠人。

    We should , uh-we should assault the British straightaway .

  2. 富兰克林成功地劝说了他帮助新兴的美国军队抗击不列颠人,恰巧在布兰迪维因之战前普瓦斯基加入了华盛顿的陆军。

    Franklin convinced him to aid the emerging American army against the British , and Pulaski joined Washington 's army just before the battle of Brandywine .

  3. 尽管如此,不列颠人的厨艺依然是出了名的差。

    Yet Britain still has a bad reputation for cooking .

  4. 罗马人着手开化古代的不列颠人。

    The Romans set out to civilize the ancient britons .

  5. 其次,在四个世纪里罗马人从不和不列颠人通婚。

    Second , never during the4 centuries did the Romans and Britons intermarry .

  6. 以上三个民族便是今日所说的不列颠人。

    Together these three peoples are known as Britons .

  7. 其次,在四世纪对罗马人和不列颠人通婚。

    Second , never during the 4 centuries did the Romans and Britons intermarry .

  8. 请想想看,你们这些忠诚的不列颠人呵!

    Think of that , ye loyal Britons !

  9. 石器时代的不列颠人骁勇好斗,连年互相发动战争。

    The Britons were a fierce , Stone Age people constantly making war on each other .

  10. 首先,罗马人把不列颠人当作奴隶阶段的属民来对待。

    First , the Romans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class .

  11. 最后,罗马人也未影响普通不列颠人的语言和文化。

    Third , the Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons .

  12. 那么,谁是今天的不列颠人,他们又是什么人呢?

    Who , then , are today 's Britons and what kind of people are they ?

  13. 若有某个强国能够统合全欧资源,便能轻易粉碎不列颠人的迷梦。

    A nation that can unite the resources of Europe will surely crush the dream of Albion .

  14. 不列颠人在英格兰土地上看到敌人的营火,已经是将近一千年以前的事了。

    It was nearly a thousand years since Britain had seen the fires of a foreign camp on English soil .

  15. 或许在同一天,距离杜灵顿垣墙不到两英里的地方,古不列颠人也在庆祝生命。

    Perhaps on the same day , less than two miles away at Durrington Walls the ancient Britons celebrated life .

  16. 当人们在俄罗斯对垒格鲁吉亚的沙滩排球中寻找政治喻意时,他们意识到其实格鲁吉亚的选手是不列颠人。

    When people look to the Russia versus Georgia beach volleyball game for political metaphors , they realize the Georgian players were actually Brazilian .

  17. 他曾在五世纪末和六世纪初率领不列颠人反抗盎格鲁克逊人的入侵,取得过一些小规模的胜利,但决不可能像亚瑟王故事中所描写的那样了不起。

    The real King Arthur probably won some victories over the Anglo-Saxons , but he was not nearly as great as the King Arthur of the stories .

  18. 然而,到了公元6世纪,随着大多数不列颠人在坎特伯雷大主教的教化下改信基督教,这种异教徒对野兔的膜拜行为最终停止了。

    However , the pagan practice of worshiping the hare eventually stopped after most Britons were converted to Christianity in the6th century by the first Archbishop of Canterbury .

  19. 做此研究的目的是想通过梳理清楚罗马不列颠人的宗教信仰走向,以了解占中心地位的宗教崇拜对社会产生的影响。

    The purpose of this study is to clearly carding religious sects and trend in Roman Britain , in order to understand the central place of religious worship to social influence .

  20. 其次,重点论述事件的具体经过,主要涉及《北不列颠人》第45期事件、议会驱逐案、米德尔塞克斯选举、选举争议等。

    Secondly , it focuses on the specific courses , including the event of the " North Briton "( No.45 ), the parliament expulsion case , Middlesex elections and election disputes .

  21. 为了向在欧洲的军事开支提供资金,英格兰人在1694年发明了中央银行;为了解决拿破仑战争所需资金,不列颠人发明了当代的所得税。

    It was to finance military expeditions in Europe that the English invented central banking in 1694 ; it was to fund the Napoleonic wars that Britain invented the modern income tax .

  22. 1763年,激进派议员威尔克斯在《北不列颠人》报第45期上发表文章攻击国王及其政策,由此爆发了长达数年的威尔克斯事件。

    In 1763 , Wilkes-the radical member of parliament-published an article on " North Briton "( No.45 ) to attack the King and his policies . Thus , " Wilkes Events " broke out .

  23. 云波:她是不列颠哥伦比亚的人吗?

    Yunbo : Was she from British Columbia ?

  24. 她是不列颠哥伦比亚的人吗?

    Was she from British columbia ?

  25. 铁器时代的不列颠,凯尔特人是这个岛的主人,他们信奉以督伊德教为主的自然宗教,相信万物有灵、灵魂不灭。

    In the Iron-Age of Britain , the Celts are the owner of the British Isles . They believe in ' Natural Religion ', based on Druidism believe in animism and immortality .

  26. 中世纪时期,不列颠群岛的凯尔特人主要居住于爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士,他们既相互联系又各自独立。

    In middle ages , the Celts of British Isles mainly inhabited in ireland , Scotland and wales , they either connected each other or being independent .

  27. 除了奇妙的化学特性,饮茶还是一种绝对可靠的社交手段。许多历史缘故足以解释为何大量茶叶登陆不列颠海岸,英国人得以享用浸泡进口干燥茶叶所得到的饮品。

    As for why the British drink an infusion of imported dried leaves at all , there are historical reasons aplenty for why tea came to wash up on Britain 's shores .