
  1. 我边往山下跑边喊:“迈克尔,迈克尔,嘿,等等我。”

    I was running down the hill shouting , ' Michael , Michael , man , wait up ' .

  2. 怀着无以言表的恐惧,我确信这一定是浴室里的那个邪恶的东西在作祟,我拔腿向斜坡下跑去,却被什么东西狠狠得撞了一下。

    Filled with inexplicable18 horror and certainty that this was the same ominous19 thing in the bathroom , I turned on my heels and started down the ramp only to be shoved , hard , by something .

  3. 安全线在左侧的边上由上到下跑。

    Security thread runs top-to-bottom on the left-hand side .

  4. 哦,他朝村外的山脚下跑去了。

    ' Oh , he ran away down the hill outside the village . '

  5. “往坡下跑啊!”母牛们建议。

    " Run downhill !" suggested the cows .

  6. 那兴奋的牛群吧哒吧哒地往山下跑。

    The excited cattle pounded down the hill .

  7. 狗跳跃着朝山下跑去。

    The dog bounded down the hill .

  8. 他们从小山顶上跑下来。他连忙转身往山下跑,两条腿拼命地跑得飞快。

    He sprang away and sped down the hill as fast as his legs could carry him .

  9. 艾丽森向山下跑去,她的狗紧跟着她。我看着村民们。

    Alizon began to run away down the hill and her dog followed . I watched the villagers .

  10. 他拼命往山下跑,骷髅在后面紧追不舍。

    He ran down the hill as fast as he could go , the skeleton in hot pursuit .

  11. 然后他又跑到跷跷板,当他在跷跷板下跑时差点被砸到。

    Then he went over to the see-saw and almost got smashed when he tried to run under it !

  12. 我刚才为他忙这忙那的,却并没有听到他一声谢;我也就不愿再在他的命令下跑来跑去,我回答说

    I had received no thanks for my other service ; and being unwilling to run out to and fro at his behest , I replied

  13. 在漫长的冬夜,他带领狼群在月光下跑过,同他们一起在夜晚呼喊着,在一个更有生气的世界里唱着歌。

    In the long winter nights , he runs at the head of the wolf pack through the moonlight , calling into the night with them , singing a song from a younger world .

  14. 他上气不接下气跑上楼来了。

    When he saw the1ion , he held his breath .

  15. 她撇下我们跑了,她什么

    She took off on us . She what ?

  16. 这种时候扔下女儿跑出去?

    Leaving your daughter out at this hour ?

  17. 这下你跑不掉了。

    There 's nowhere left to run .

  18. 准备好尝试下四肢跑吗?

    Ready to give crunning try ?

  19. 国王派了一队使者去通报村民们必须拆除障碍。在听到国王打算这么做时,村民们也想出了自己的办法。当使者到达时,他们看到这儿的人像一群疯子似的,样子怪诞,乱扔东西,四下疯跑。

    they built a fence that prevented the king from walking through their countryside.The king sent a group of messengers4 ) to inform the villagers that they must remove the barrier.Upon hearing that the king was planning to do this , however , the villagers developed a plan of their own.When the messengers arrived ,

  20. 在一阵莫名的惊慌中,我扔下包就跑了。

    In a blind panic , I dropped the bag and ran .

  21. 她扔下电话,跑出去求救

    She drops the phone and runs to get help .

  22. 我冲向门厅,从挂衣架上拽下外衣,跑出门去。

    I hurried to the hall , pulled my coat from the peg and ran outside .

  23. 汤森断下传球后跑过半个球场射门得分。

    Town sent intercepted a pass and ran half the length of the pitch to score .

  24. 如果我在那个区域,我扔下东西就跑过去,他告诉巴克罗夫特。

    If I am in the area , then I just drop everything and run , he told Barcroft .

  25. 她上气不接下气地跑过来,一边拍着翅膀,一头撞上了他们三个。

    " Pok , pok , pok , pok , pok !" He came running , panting , flapping his wings and bumping into the three .

  26. 为了不让红鹤再逃跑,爱丽丝把它夹在胳膊下,又跑回去想同她的朋友多谈一会儿。

    So she tucked it away under her arm , that it might not escape again , and went back for a little more conversation with her friend .

  27. 他避掉了灰熊的第一轮攻击,跳到一棵树后,与灰熊拉开几步的距离,然后拔腿朝山坡下的父亲跑去。

    He dodged the first charge , jumping behind a tree and gaining a few steps on the bear , then took off running downhill toward his father .

  28. 如果你对跑步这一老式的健身方法感到厌烦,或者你觉得这不是一个全面的健身方式,你可能会想尝试下“酷跑”(crunning)这个新花样,“酷跑”掀起了澳大利亚新的健身热潮。

    If you 're bored with old-fashioned running , or if you feel that it 's not a complete workout , you might want to try crunning , a new fitness craze that 's taking Australia by storm .

  29. 他在三分线外的命中率可能只有11.8%,但是这位两次全明星,以97次扣篮和65%的篮下命中率领跑全联盟(整体命中率57.7%)

    He might be shooting only 11.8 percent from 3-point range , but the two-time All-Star selection leads the NBA with 97 dunks and is shooting 65 percent inside the arc ( 57.7 percent from the field overall ) .

  30. 艾米莉亚一口气喝下咖啡便匆匆跑了出去。

    Amelia gulped down her coffee and rushed out .