
  • 网络Ulcus cruris;ulcers;leg ulcers
  1. 结果55条下肢溃疡在10~49d内愈合,1条90d未愈,行小隐静脉高位结扎术后溃疡愈合。

    Results Fifty-five limb ulcers healed in 10 ~ 49 days , one limb ulcer was not healed after 90 days , but healed after ligation of lesser saphenous vein .

  2. 麻风患者下肢溃疡的流行情况及其损伤因素分析

    Prevalence and inducement of ulcers in the lower limbs among leprosy patients

  3. ICAM-1、TG在大鼠糖尿病性下肢溃疡中的意义

    The Role of ICAM-1 and TG in the Rat Model with Diabetic Ulcer

  4. 鳞状细胞癌和麻风慢性下肢溃疡

    Squamous cell carcinoma and chronic lower leg ulcer in leprosy

  5. 老年人下肢溃疡的临床治疗研究

    Study on treatment of pelvic limb ulcer in the elderly

  6. 北美地区下肢溃疡患者的接触性过敏研究

    Contact sensitivity in patients with leg ulcerations : A North American study

  7. 导致静脉性下肢溃疡的真皮水肿机制

    The mechanism on leg venous ulcer induced by intradermal edema

  8. 山莨菪碱治疗糖尿病性下肢溃疡

    Anisodamine to Treat Patients With Diabetic Ulcer of Lower Extremity

  9. 糖尿病下肢溃疡54例临床治疗分析

    An analysis of 54 cases of diabetic lower limb ulcer

  10. 茄病镰刀菌引起下肢溃疡1例研究

    A Case of Ulcers Caused by F.solani

  11. 应用来氟米特成功治疗1例类风湿性关节炎患者的下肢溃疡

    Successful treatment of a leg ulcer occurring in a rheumatoid arthritis patient under leflunomide therapy

  12. 下肢溃疡策略的实施

    Implementation of a leg ulcer strategy

  13. 交腿皮瓣修复下肢溃疡病人的护理

    Nursing Care About Using Cross - crural Skin Flap to Reconstruct the Ulcer on the Leg

  14. 目的:观察静脉性下肢溃疡局部真皮组织内水肿的分布,探讨皮肤破溃的形成机制。

    Objective : To investigate the mechanism of cutaneous ulcer through the observation on edema distribution in dermis of legs with venous ulcers .

  15. 目的:进一步了解麻风下肢溃疡癌变的流行病学情况、临床特征及其治疗预后,为溃疡恶变的预防、早期发现和合理治疗提供参考。

    Objective : To determine the epidemiological status , clinical features and prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma arising from chronic lower leg ulcers in leprosy .

  16. 何恩良教授认为,慢性下肢溃疡以脾虚为本,热邪与湿邪兼加为标,本虚标实所致。

    Professor He enliang believes that , chronic legs ulcer take spleen weakness as original cause and hot and damp evil is the superficial cause .

  17. 对于Ⅲ-Ⅳ期慢性下肢溃疡临床多运用生肌玉红膏为代表的药物外用,使得疮面肉芽新鲜,疮面减小。

    Shengji Yuhong Ointment is a representative drug for chronic lower extremity ulcers in III-IV period , to make the wound granulation fresh and the size decreased .

  18. 何教授数十年来专研体表皮肤溃疡的愈合,对慢性下肢溃疡的愈合规律及辨证治疗有独到见解。

    Professor He studies the healing of body surface skin ulce for dozens of years who has special opinions on the rule of healing chronic legs ulcer and dialectical treatment of it .

  19. 自制中药洗剂加特定电磁波(TDP)治疗老年下肢慢性溃疡的疗效观察

    Observation the effect of combination traditional Chinese herbs lotion with electromagnetic wave irradiation on geriatric patients with chronic lower limber ulcer

  20. 分段调节加压绷扎治疗下肢静脉溃疡

    Segmental pressure regulated bandage in the treatment of leg venous ulcers

  21. 3例下肢皮肤溃疡者术后86天内痊愈。

    Patients with lower limb skin ulcer were cured within 86 days .

  22. 舒洛地希治疗下肢静脉溃疡的疗效和安全性

    Efficacy and safety of sulodexide in the treatment of venous ulcers of leg

  23. 赵氏引血疗法治疗下肢慢性溃疡74例

    Report on Treating Chronic Leg Ulcer with Bleeding Therapy

  24. 难治性下肢皮肤溃疡20例原因分析及护理对策

    Causes analysis and countermeasure of nursing for refractory dermal ulcer of lower extremity

  25. 老年人下肢慢性溃疡的综合疗法

    The comprehensive treatment of chronic ulcer in the lower leg of the aged

  26. 以整体理念治疗下肢慢性溃疡

    Treatment of Leg Chronic Ulcer Through Holistic Concept

  27. 内镜下交通支结扎术治疗复发性下肢静脉溃疡体会

    Experience in treatment of relapsing varicose ulcer on lower extremities by ligation of communication branch under endoscope

  28. 激光治疗下肢皮肤溃疡的三种方式

    Three laser applications for ulcers

  29. 目的:测算分段调节加压绷扎治疗下肢静脉溃疡的外加压力的数据。

    To determine the optimal pressures of segmental pressure regulated bandage in the treatment of chronic venous ulcers .

  30. 结论:分段加压四层绷扎是非手术治疗下肢静脉溃疡的最佳选择。

    Conclusion : Segmental four layer bandage is the optimal non-surgical alternative in the healing of venous ulcers .