
shàng biǎo pí
  • Upper epidermis;epicuticle;epicuticula
上表皮[shàng biǎo pí]
  1. 上表皮致密,较薄,厚度均匀。

    The epicuticle i3 dense and relatively uniform in thickness .

  2. 表皮可分二层:上表皮和内表皮。

    The cuticle has two layers : epicuticle and endocuticle .

  3. 扫描电镜下可见脱细胞SIS上表皮细胞融合生长,透过细胞间隙可见其下的网状结构的脱细胞SIS。

    Observation through scanning electron microscope revealed the confluence growth of epidermal cells on the surface of acellular small intestinal submucosa and its underneath reticular structure through intercellular spaces . 3 .

  4. 结论:DWI优于常规MRI发现颅内表皮样囊肿,DWI上表皮样囊肿的高信号可能是肿瘤组织的T2余辉效应所致。

    Conclusion : DWI is superior to conventional MR imaging in finding intracranial epidermoid cysts , the hyperintense signal of epidermoid cysts on DWI is probably caused by the T2 shine-through effect in tumor tissue .

  5. 在毒腺的分泌细胞层和卵巢上表皮细胞中存在着一种球状VLP,它们内含电子致密物质,直径大约50nm;

    One kind of spherical-shaped particles occurs both in the secretory cells of the gland filaments and the ovarial epithelial cells , approximately 50 nm in diameter .

  6. Orlandotangelo,Marrsorange和StarRuby柚子叶片下表皮的侵染点比上表皮多。

    Both Amber sweet orange and Rio Red grapefruit had numerous infections on both the upper and lower epidermis . Orlando tangelo , Marrs orange , and Star Ruby grapefruit had more infection sites on the lower epidermis than on the upper epidermis .

  7. 葡萄叶片齿尖上表皮气孔形态及发育特征

    Morphology and Development of Adaxial Stomata on Tooth-tips of Grape Leaves

  8. 上表皮气孔分布密度大于下表皮。

    The density of stoma was higher in uper epidermis than in lower epidermis .

  9. 上表皮细胞均大于下表皮细胞。

    The sizes of upper epidermal cells were bigger than that of lower epidermis .

  10. 目的研究记录小鼠生精细胞上表皮钠通道电流。

    Objective To observe epithelial sodium channels ( ENaC ) currents in spermatogenic cells .

  11. 正对主脉的上表皮凹陷处均有泡状细胞。

    The bulliform cells were situated in groove of upper epidermis facing the main vein .

  12. 叶上表皮有盐腺;

    Salt glands were observed on epidermis .

  13. 喜马拉雅嵩草、矮生嵩草和高山嵩草的上表皮角质膜厚度大于下表皮角质膜,而线叶嵩草的相反。

    The thickness of the upper cuticular membrane was bigger than the lower one in K.

  14. 上表皮角质膜一般较下表皮角质膜厚1μm,下表皮上零星分布着单细胞表皮毛。

    The horny layers in upper epidermis are 1 μ m thicker than that in lower epidermis .

  15. 上表皮气孔数目和行列一般比下表皮少。

    The number and ranks of stomatas on upper epidermis were generally less than that on lower ones .

  16. 其叶片横切面由上表皮、叶肉组织、叶脉及下表皮四个部分组成。

    Leaf anatomical structure was composed of four parts : upper epidermis , mesophyll tissue , vein and lower epidermis .

  17. 四种栎属植物的气孔类型相同,且均分布于下表皮,上表皮无分布,但是气孔的大小及分布密度各不相同。

    The type and distribution of stomata are the same , but the size and the density of stomata are different .

  18. 用光学显微镜对葡萄叶片齿尖上表皮气孔的形态、发育、结构进行了观察。

    Morphology and development of adaxial stomata on tooth tips of grape leaves were observed with light microscope and scanning electron microscope .

  19. 分别对黄柏叶片上表皮和下表皮进行接种试验,发现两个接种部位都能够引起叶片发病。

    When inoculating the upper epidermis and lower epidermis of leaf surface with uredospores respectively , both of them could cause disease .

  20. 叶为异面叶,表皮毛为多细胞型,下表皮气孔密度多于上表皮,上下表皮均有角质层。

    The density of stoma in the down-epidermis was bigger than the up-epidermis , the two sides of the leaf had corneous layer .

  21. 草地和丛林中陆栖穴居并是夜间活动的蛙,头的上表皮非常硬;产于美国西南部。

    Terrestrial burrowing nocturnal frog of grassy terrain and scrub forests having very hard upper surface of head ; of the United States southwest .

  22. 同一叶片其下表皮气孔密度大于上表皮,试管苗与土培苗两者叶片下表皮气孔密度差异不显著。

    Stomata densities of same type leaf under epidermal are higher than upper epidermal , but were not significantly different between test-tube seedling and land seedling .

  23. 棉纤维最初是棉籽上表皮细胞突起延伸的管状结构,内部充满原形质。

    Tightly woven fabric with raised cords . A tubular growth which encloses the living protoplast is initially formed the epidermal cells of the cotton seeds .

  24. 与野生型水稻相比,裸粒水稻的内、外稃质薄而软,裸粒水稻上表皮细胞小,硅化程度较小,茸毛短且细。

    Compared to those in wild-type spikelet , the palea / lemma appeared thinner and displayed fewer and smaller epidermal cells and shorter trichomes with higher density in nsr .

  25. 叶上表皮细胞表面观有明显的角质层细密纹理,中央有一短小的乳头状突起。

    There were clearly close cuticle grain on the surface of the cells of upper epidermis of leaves and a short small papilla at the center of each cell .

  26. 与此同时,栅栏组织细胞和海绵组织细胞中叶绿体的含量明显减少,并且由于上表皮层细胞的延长而增大了细胞间隙。

    At the same time , content of chloroplast in palisade and spongy parenchyma decreases obviously , and their intercellular spaces are increased because of lengthen of adaxial and abaxial epidermis cell .

  27. 接种方式对诱导率影响很大,当幼子叶的上表皮与培养基接触时,不能诱导胚胎发生。

    To a great extent , the embryogenesis was affected by inoculating method , when the adaxial surface of the immature cotyledons contacted to the medium , somatic embryos could not produced .

  28. 生姜生长的光质环境显著影响了气孔形态特征,绿膜覆盖生姜叶片上表皮气孔密度、气孔宽度、气孔孔径宽度较其他处理大。

    Light quality affected the stomatic characteristics in ginger leaves . The upper cuticle stomatic density , stomatic width and stomatal aperture width under green film was the highest than those of others .

  29. 其上表皮层厚的品种,种群增长倍数高,抗性低。

    While on the varieties having thick obverse epidermis , invalid feature for the resistance to this mite , the population growth rates of mite were high and their mite resistance were low .

  30. ⑶落羽杉属树种的叶片横切面:由上表皮、上栅栏组织、海绵组织、下栅栏组织和下表皮组成。

    ⑶ Results of leaves anatomy in Taxodium species and hybrids demonstrated that leaf was composed of upper epidermis , upper palisade tissue , spongy tissue , lower palisade tissue , and lower epidermis .