
  1. 据新华社报道,国家广播电影电视总局周二发布电视上星频道娱乐节目限制令。

    China 's television watchdog has capped the amount of entertainment programs that satellite channels can broadcast , Xinhua reported .

  2. 作为省级电视台地面频道,不仅面临着上星频道、市级频道的双重夹击,还面临着新媒体的冲击。

    As the TV at the provincial level , is not only facing with the satellite channel , the municipal channel , but also facing the impact of new media .

  3. 各电视上星综合频道要开办一个弘扬中华民族传统美德和社会主义核心价值体系的栏目。

    Every channel has also been ordered to create a program that promotes traditional virtues and socialist core values .

  4. 每个电视上星综合频道每天19时30分至22时播出的娱乐类节目时长不超过90分钟。

    A channel can broadcast a maximum of90 minutes of content defined as entertainment every day during the prime time hours of7:30 pm to10 pm .

  5. 根据规定,上星综合频道每年在19:30-22:30的黄金时段播出的引进真人秀或引进境外版权模式真人秀不得超过两档。

    Under the regulation , a satellite channel can air no more than two imported or foreign-adapted TV reality series during prime time between 7:30 pm and 10:30 pm annually .

  6. 这些问题使我国已经上星的电视频道面临尴尬的境地。

    Those problems make our national satellite channels face an awkward dilemma .