
  • 网络Three words;Three Little Words
  1. 多亏了这三个字,从那一刻起,我的一生都发生了变化。

    Thanks to those three words , my whole life changed from that moment .

  2. 当看到别的新婚的朋友当众表露爱情时,D不知道为什么沉默寡言的R就说不出那三个字。

    When newlywed friends make a public display of their affection , Debra wonders why reticent Raymond has trouble saying those three little words .

  3. 格林太太,我的老师,用一个三个字的短语改变了这一切。

    Mrs. Green , my teacher , changed all of that with a single three-word phrase .

  4. 对此就该用我们在Facebook或者互联网上常说的三个字:WTF。

    As we would say at Facebook , three letters : WTF .

  5. 这样简单的三个字能让一整天都晴朗起来,告诉对方你到底有多爱TA吧。

    Three little words that can light up both your days and remind them of how much they are loved .

  6. bing在汉语拼音里的发音与“病”、“冰”和“饼”这三个字接近,具体发什么音取决于你读它的声调。

    The word'bing'means sick , cold , or pancake in Chinese , depending on the tone with which the word is pronounced .

  7. 对于总部设于纽约的能源交易公司ParamountOption的领导人RayCarbone而言,该问题简而言之就是三个字“供与需”。

    For Ray Carbone , who heads the New York-based energy trading firm Paramount Options , the issue boils down to three words : supply and demand .

  8. 该品牌也许能吸引其他地方的顾客,大概因为它的名字中有罗伯逊三个字吧,就好像罗迪欧大道(RodeoDrive)总是被人们与高档购物联系起来。

    The brand may have appeal beyond L.A. , says Mr. Ross , because its name includes ' Robertson , ' which like Rodeo Drive is a destination associated with glamorous shopping .

  9. HP能够帮助我渡过这道难关,就等于我站在巨人的肩膀上,能看到人造土壤产业的光明前程,我早已把“土业成”三个字当成我的口头禅了。

    If HP can help me go through the difficulty , I would imagine the bright future of the AST standing on the shoulder of a giant . " Tuyecheng " has already become the pet phrase of mine .

  10. 随着时间的推移,这些记号愈发变得密密麻麻。在东京的十几餐,多姿多彩的美食、流畅变幻的质感与风味,无不体现着岛国料理之精髓,那简单的三个字:isonoaji——“浪之味”。

    The dozen or so meals I 'd had in Tokyo had been a marvel of consistent variation , ringing fluid changes of texture and flavor on those three little words that define the cuisine of this island nation at its heart : iso no aji , or " tastes like ocean spray . "

  11. 说出“对不起”三个字比他想象的要困难的多。“对不起,”Mary-Lou帮他喊出口,“先生,对不起。”她又添上一句,她注意到自己要更礼貌些。

    It was more difficult than he expected ," sorry ," almost shouted Mary-Lou , helping him out : " Sir ," she added , remembering her manners .

  12. 我爱你,三个字,多么美丽的谎言。

    I love you , three characters , how beautiful rumor .

  13. 这三个字使他心花怒放。

    Those three words threw him into a tumult of joy .

  14. 我大概每三个字查一次字典。

    I look up approximately every third word in my dictionary .

  15. 她说了那三个字:记得吗?

    And she said the three words : Do you remember ?

  16. 跟另外一个人说那三个字的,不是吗?

    Waiting to say those three words to someone , right ?

  17. 你知道蝙蝠侠这三个字意味着什么吗

    Do you know what the BAT in Batman stands for ?

  18. 但我就喜欢说“黄檀木”这三个字

    But I just like saying the word " Cocobolo . "

  19. 为了三个字,我等候了一生一世。

    In order words , I am waiting for life .

  20. 这一切的一切都是因为三个字:我爱你。

    This all are because of three words , I love you .

  21. 说那三个字,我就是你的了。

    Chuck : Say those three words , and I 'm yours .

  22. 传来的纸条上只有三个字:我爱你。

    There were only three words & I love you .

  23. 我爱你三个字不如有我在。

    I love you three words as I 'm there .

  24. 那是我对菲尔说过的最糟糕的三个字。

    Those are the worst three words I could say to Phil .

  25. 我怎么也张不开嘴去说那三个字。

    My mouth refused to open and send forth those three words .

  26. 这诗篇的头三个字是甚么?

    What are the first three words of the psalm ?

  27. 爱情本来并不复杂,来来去去不过三个字。

    Love was not complex , come and go but three words .

  28. 或许我应该在图上加上“洗衣机三个字”

    Maybe I should have included the " washer " in the picture .

  29. 我会对那巧克力说三个字:我要吃。

    I will said three words to that chocolate : I must eat !

  30. 这个德国人憋了好大劲儿,才迸出三个字来。

    The German said three words with great effort .