
  • 网络General competitive strategy;generic strategy
  1. 在此基础上,运用SWOT分析和一般竞争战略模型,通过对平安人寿济南公司可采取的竞争战略进行了比较分析,指出差异化战略是其必然选择。

    On the basis , using SWOT theory and general competitive strategy theory , the differentiation competitive strategy is pointed out after comparison and analysis of three competitive strategies .

  2. 企业的一般竞争战略有三种,即成本领先战略、产品差异战略及集聚战略。

    The general competitive strategy of enterprise has 3 kinds : the strategy of cost lead , the strategy of product difference , gather strategy .

  3. 接着介绍了企业竞争战略理论,包括企业战略的定义,特点,企业竞争战略的决定因素,一般竞争战略的具体内容。

    And then introduced the theory of competitive strategy , including the definition of corporate strategy , characteristics , determinants of competitive strategy , the content of the general competitive strategy .

  4. 提出了可供我国电信运营企业选择的一般竞争战略、股份制改造、多元化经营战略、市场营销战略、企业创新战略、跨国经营战略;

    Puts forward generic competitive strategy , stock system reform , multiple operation strategy , marketing strategy , enterprise innovation strategy and multinational operation strategy for choice by Chinese telecommunication operating enterprises ;

  5. 本文通过对网络游戏的网络经济的本质&信息规则的考察,结合迈克尔·波特的竞争战略理论,探讨了在网络经济时代互联网企业的一般竞争战略。

    This paper reviews the nature of the network economy , i.e. information rules , and explores the general competitive strategy of internet enterprises in network economy times , integrated with the competitive strategy theory of Michael . E.

  6. 同时公司还运用波特的一般竞争战略理论,确定了冷鲜肉利用品牌、服务走专一化发展道路,熟食品利用产品的丰富创新能力走差异化战略路线的竞争策略。

    Simultaneously the company also utilizes the baud the general competition strategy strategy theory , had determined the cold fresh meat using the brand , the service walks the single-minded development path , the prepared food walks the difference strategy route competition strategy using the product rich innovation ability .

  7. 接着运用竞争战略四维表,确定汽车业务的一般性竞争战略。

    The use of four-dimensional form of competitive strategy that determines the business competitive strategy within the product competition .

  8. 竞争战略包括一般性的竞争战略和支持其的战略对策。

    The competition strategy includes the general competition strategy and countermeasures supporting the strategy .

  9. 一般来说,竞争战略管理要重点解决两个问题:一是如何确定企业的目标市场;

    Generally speaking , the strategic management of competition should solve two problems especially : First , how to define the objective market for an enterprise ;

  10. 本文整体上分五个部分,第一部分概述了一般企业制定竞争战略的理论模式、我国出版集团的发展情况,提出开展竞争战略研究的必要性和主要研究框架。

    This dissertation includes five parts on the whole . First part , after summing up theory mode of the general enterprise 's competitive strategy , the development course of the groups , to put forward the necessity of launching the competition strategic research and main research frame .

  11. 这种改革的方向是在十五届四中全会做出关于对国有经济进行战略性重组以实现国有资本从一般性竞争部门向战略部门集中的背景下定位的。

    This reform was made in the background of the decision of " conducting strategical reorganization of the state-owned economy to realize the congregation of state-owned capital from normal competitive sectors to strategical sectors ", which was made in " the fourth plenary session of the 15th central committee " .