
  • 网络A pack of wolves;a pack / throng of wolves
  1. 在这个洞里曾经住过一群狼。

    There once lived a pack of wolves in this cave .

  2. 然后我们被一群狼养大

    and we were raised by a pack of wolves .

  3. 他们像一群狼一样追捕。

    They hunted us down like a pack of the wolves .

  4. 一群狼把一头雄鹿赶得几乎跑不动了。

    A pack of wolves nearly tired down a buck .

  5. 他是所有一群狼崽中的幸运儿。

    He was a favorite of all the young wolf cubs of the pack .

  6. 一群狼通常两到三天内就要杀死一只麋鹿。

    A pack of wolves typically kills an elk every two to three days .

  7. 这么小小的一群狼.

    Such a small pack of wolves .

  8. 现在我被一群狼包围了!

    Now I 'm surrounded by wolves !

  9. 猎人被一群狼困住,他挥舞着一根很重的棍子向四面八方乱打。

    The hunter trapped by a pack of wolves laid about with a heavy stick .

  10. 在这远离营盘的深山,面对这么大的一群狼,他嘴里呼出的霜气都颤抖起来。

    Now he was face to face with a large pack deep in the mountains , far from camp , his misty breath quivering in the air .

  11. “乡长先生,也许耶稣正要我去当那一群狼的牧人呢,谁知道主宰的旨意?”

    " Monsieur Le maire , it may be that it is of this very flock of wolves that Jesus has constituted me the shepherd , who knows the ways of providence ?"

  12. 我们这里发现了一大群狼

    We 've got a big pack of wolves here .

  13. “主教,那是一伙土匪呀,是一群狼呀!”

    " But , monseigneur , there is a band of them , a flock of wolves !"

  14. 那印地安人将他的长矛用力掷向那只土狼。主教,那是一伙土匪呀,是一群狼呀

    The Indian hurled his spear at the coyote . " But , Monseigneur , there is a band of them , a flock of wolves !"

  15. 在一次令人眼花缭乱的大雪中,一群狼居然在离她一箭之地悄无声息地放倒了一只麋鹿。

    During a blinding snowstorm , they silently took down an elk a stone 's throw from Eisenberg .

  16. 在一个被遗弃的城堡的影子,一群狼寻求庇护。

    In the shadow of an abandoned castle , a wolf pack seeks shelter .