
  • 网络First tier supplier;Tier One;Tier One suppliers
  1. 其中,供应物流是连接一级供应商与制造企业之间物料供应的重要活动。

    Supply logistics is the important linkage between the first-tier suppliers and manufactory , as one of the fundamental value-adding activities of manufactory .

  2. 成为中石化、中石油一级供应商网络成员单位及中国钢铁工业协会配件中心成员单位。

    We are one of the supplier member of the network units of Sinopec , CNPC and the units of China Iron and Steel Industry Association Parts Center .

  3. 中国供应商外包他们的工作给下一级供应商,依次类推,产生了一个供应链很难跟踪更别说调查了。

    Chinese suppliers regularly outsource to other suppliers , who may in turn outsource to yet another operation , creating a supply chain that is hard to follow & let alone inspect .